Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Active Member
i grow my own vegetables.
some farmer growing GMO corn 5 miles away doesnt change my vegetable growing ability.
the very worst thing somebody else growing GMO corn might do to my garden is pollinate my shit with their shit.

and all that will do is make the seeds in my plants different than the cultivar i planted this year if i save seeds and plant em next year.

most home gardeners (and ALL farmers) buy their seeds from seed banks, so they know exactly what cultivar they are growing and how it will act. even dope growers poreferr seeds from seed producers, since seeds from your dope may or may not be any good. only experimentation can reveal the results of the pollination process, and it's the same with GMO's.

shit son, if a stray grain of pollen from ditchweed rides in on your trouser cuffs and gets loose in your dope patch, youll get 1 seed, and if you plant that seed, it might favour the ditch weed and be crap, or the resulting plant might favour your white widow and be awesome, or it might be an autoflowering plant with OK dope, or, who knows, maybe you will have accidentally created the highly potent SUPER WEED the government has been claiming we got since the 1970's. thats the randomness of sexcual reproduction, but either way it doesnt change the characteristics of the parents at all. just the offspring hidden in a seed.

a granny smith apple tree pollinated by a bee who just left a Macintosh apple tree doesnt produce hybrid apples. it produces hybrid SEEDS within the completely un-altered granny smith apple.
when you drop a load of jism into your old lady, does your jism transform your old lady into a hybrid of your two genetic codes, or does it create a THIRD related organism?

use your head bro, i can tell youre not stupid.

also, no, you do NOT know about terminator genes. they are not yet available, and when they finally are released, they just produce sterile seeds in the ordinary completely un-altered crop.

if terminator seed technology gets into your dope, all that will happen is your bagseed wont germinate. it will not destroy Herbies seed bank, or put the guys from Dutch Masters in the poorhouse. you would have to CHOOSE to buy terminator seeds, and those seedbanks who sell normal seeds will get all the people who prefer normal non-gmo dope. it's the same in agriculture.

some farmers want GMO's, some dont. but niether side has the right to demand the other guys submit. thats un-american.
Funny you should bring this up. Why don't we discuss the false pregnancy in Cows who feed on the grains... And in women who are eating the cows or is that from all the hormones... Who really knows........

desert dude

Well-Known Member
rolmao!!! :leaf:
I'm serious. This world needs genetic diversity and banging till you're sore is a good way to get it.

You seem like a passionate girl and PotPimp seems like a nice guy. Usually, the politics section just generates a bunch of hot air so it would be nice if a little romance settled in instead.


Sector 5 Moderator
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to desert dude again." Come on Lady DS, I'm a former knight in the SCA. :)


Active Member
I'm serious. This world needs genetic diversity and banging till you're sore is a good way to get it.

You seem like a passionate girl and PotPimp seems like a nice guy. Usually, the politics section just generates a bunch of hot air so it would be nice if a little romance settled in instead.
lmao!!! too funny


Active Member
Wow, here is where we end up. What a way for a conversation on DNA to rap up. After all It is kinda sorta where it all begins. When it comes down to humans. Right? LOL!


Sector 5 Moderator
Humor is always a good way to defuse a situation. We all have our opinions and we're all different. All I ever wanted in life was to grow pot, world peace, and good BJ's.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Funny you should bring this up. Why don't we discuss the false pregnancy in Cows who feed on the grains... And in women who are eating the cows or is that from all the hormones... Who really knows........
if eating a thing which contains genetic material, and that genetic material altered the eater, cows would be made of grasses, and i would be at least 30% Dorito by now.

there were claims that the estrogen-like substances found in soy were altering the hormonal balance of people who ate soy products. this was FALSE, and it is just as FALSE for GMO's.

if you wish to discuss "false pregnancies in cows who eat GMO feed" then MAKE THAT CASE!

provide evidence, argue the FACTS rather than dropping yet another claim with ZERO substantiation into this already bloated thread.

heres a quick tally of the claims in this thread which have so far not been defended:

GMO feed causes die-offs of livestock herds
GMO feed causes cancer in livestock
GMO feed causes cancer in people who eat livestock fed GMO's
GMO products have caused ANY disease in anything other than targeted pests
GMO causes altered genetic material to infiltrate native plants and animals turning THEM into GMO's
GMO's are being used to target dope
GMO's are being developed to replace our dope with a nefarious substitute
Monsanto is engaged in any plot to steal our dope
UC Davis is engaged in any plot to steal our dope
The federal govt is involved in any plot to use GMO's to steal our dope (not that they wouldnt if it were possible, but it just aint possible, and thus this story is implausible)
GMO dope exists
GMO dope (if it did exist, which it dont) would effect MY dope in MY garden
GMO's caused Bee Colony Collapse Syndrome
GMO CORN specifically caused bee colony collapse syndrome, which is notably crazy since corn is NOT pollinated by bees. this one is just nuts. bees arent involved with corn at all.
GMO cotton is making indian farmers commit suicide
GMO crops are poisonous, and even people in the midst of a famine in africa should not eat it...
GMO Terminator Seeds will destroy all life on earth
GMO Terminator Seeds are even available
pollinating a flower with evil GMO pollen alters the resulting fruit, not just the plant that would grow from the resulting seeds.

and this is just the ones of the top of my head.

do we need MORE baseless unproved wacky claims in this thread?