
I've read some pretty great reports about it on Erowid, mostly seeing shit and stuff, depends on how much you take. Do some research before trying it though, don't want you to get hurt or anything, you CAN overdose easily.
man dont do that shit i was a high schooler once ive tried everything to get high and so far that is the only drug ive ever taken where every time i was on it i wished i was sober. its awful. it makes you so uncomfortable. your mouth is dry and you cant fix it for like 15 hours after you take the stuff no matter how much you have to drink and it makes everything taste bad and your eyes hurt and you get itchy and theres this feeling i have no other way to describe it besides being really really uncomfortable and wanting to crawl out of your skin. the greatest feeling that i have ever experienced is to take about 300 mg of dextromethorphan hydrobromide (your more likely to have a bad trip with dextromethorphan polystirex) and once that kicks in smoke a bowl its the best way to use otc's
oh i forgot if for some reason you decide i dont know what the fuck im talking about and decide to try that horrible shit at least have some pot with you to counteract the nausea and the whole food being gross thing
I've done it... the side effects are horrible, cottonmouth, sleeplessness, complete uncomfort. i took about 300mg's in pills plus half a bottle of liquid benadryl, and shadows were completely moving around in a wavy way...

Also i tried falling asleep and thought i was, but i was really staring at my bedroom wall in my bed, having full in-depth conversations w/ people who werent there but i thought were, and i'd sit up after i was done talking and find nobody. It was extremely odd and caused me to kinda panic.
i drank a bottle of it and went to school. i was sitting in the library and the priniciple came and talked to me. i dont remember anything he said cuz i couldnt figure out why his body of completely frozen and only his mouth was moving...
does any one now any thing about diphenhydramine ( benadryl )
yup i took 20 and was seeing shadows bounce around, couldnt sleep, was extremely confused and felt like a damn retarded (short term memory is fucked), and i was throwing up in my trash can for 20 minutes....its a great drug way better than weed or shrooms :)
yup i took 20 and was seeing shadows bounce around, couldnt sleep, was extremely confused and felt like a damn retarded (short term memory is fucked), and i was throwing up in my trash can for 20 minutes....its a great drug way better than weed or shrooms :)
better than weed or shrooms?
yeah right
have you ate an 1/8 of hydro shromms and waited 30 minutes and then smoked a few fat bowls?
good effects without any of the bullshit
better than weed or shrooms?
yeah right
have you ate an 1/8 of hydro shromms and waited 30 minutes and then smoked a few fat bowls?
good effects without any of the bullshit

haha just a little of bullshit in that :) but i had one good trip on dramamine i spent the whole night talking telepathically with my blankets haha prob did a number on my liver so fuck that shit haha