first indoor cfl


Hey guys Hodgins here, ibe decided to try out a little micro grow in about a 1 1/2' tall x 11" wide x 13" deep . I currently have a 5000k and a 2700k in there.. im semi unemployed so this will be the most cheapest box ever(dont judge me -.-)
Will appreciate some expert advice on how yo make this thing run smoothly :D


ok, first you wanna have the 2700k closer during veg stage your plant needs the blue spectrum more then red. Also with CFL id say minimum have about 100-150watts per plant for veg state and 150-200watts per plant for bud, this may sound like alot but your plant only needs a 3rd of the light in veg then it does in budding.

What light schedule are you giving it? your in a very small space so id say start 12/12 right away if you want any hope of flowering in there.

You also need to get a thermometer, PH test kit, and Humidity tester. (Humidity 65-75% veg 50-60% flowering) (PH of water 7.2-7.5) (Temperature 78-80F)

Remember you need lots of air flow in and out of your box. hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
ok, first you wanna have the 2700k closer during veg stage your plant needs the blue spectrum more then red. Also with CFL id say minimum have about 100-150watts per plant for veg state and 150-200watts per plant for bud, this may sound like alot but your plant only needs a 3rd of the light in veg then it does in budding.

What light schedule are you giving it? your in a very small space so id say start 12/12 right away if you want any hope of flowering in there.

You also need to get a thermometer, PH test kit, and Humidity tester. (Humidity 65-75% veg 50-60% flowering) (PH of water 7.2-7.5) (Temperature 78-80F)

Remember you need lots of air flow in and out of your box. hope this helps.
C'mon man, 2700k for veg?
PH of 7.2-7.5? Did you come from Grass City or what?
Sorry OP, but your plant will respond better to 5000k or 6500k light in veg, but you can leave the 2700k in there, it will not hurt.
Also, if you move/ adjust the vertical bulb so that it is facing horizontal to your plant, you will better utilize it.
More light emanates from the sides of the bulb than the end.
Those bulbs will probably get you by for a short while, but remember, with CFL's, more won't usually hurt.
Try to keep the bulbs within a couple inches of the plant, but be careful.
I had my plant surprise me a couple times and actually grow up and touch the bulb during the light on cycle.
Next time you pot it, try to get a little closer to the top of the container, so you don't block any side light towards the lower leaves.
Also, if it was me, I would start thinking about what you are going to do in 3 or 4 weeks when that outgrows the area you have it in now.:mrgreen:
Aside from that, don't overwater, and don't feed for at least a couple weeks.
Care to tell us what kind of soil you have her in and all the good details you see in other threads?


Thanks for the answers guys, i am planning on having maybe 5 lights in there by the time i finish the box, and im runniny 12/12 right now b/c i dun want it to outgrow the box lol, but since ill be running it straight to flower ,i might put some tie-wire and do a scrog in there.. this is just the test period until my fem os safe to clone :S
I have some dirt and potting mix in it right now( went with regular dirt b/c me fem is growing nice and healthy and i started her in dirt) and another way to avert it outgrowing the box is when i repot ill put it in a container not as tal but maybe 2x wider so roots will grow side to side and i get more vertical growth room.. i dont know anything of nutes so i probably wont try anything until i start cloning which shouldnt be too long jus waiting on 2 more nodes. If u have anymore questions for me ill be happy to answer them.
Oh and if anybody doesnt mind telling but what should i look for in nutes, any beginner friendly nutes?


Hey guys i took your advice on the horizontal lights so i had to make a little light box out of cardboard and aluminum foil. It will only be temp til i get the screen in there so here what i have so far

Ill put in 3 lights 2 5000k and the 2700k after it out grows that ill take out the box and focus on canopy. Think there is any risk of fire hazard?
Edit:ill still runn 12/12


Well-Known Member
I personally don't like the cardboard idea, but I remember another thread where somebody did it.
How about some foil all the way around?
Just be careful your box doesn't get soft and collapse if your RH gets too high in there.


Well-Known Member
For one plant u should run 12/12 with a total of 150 ACTUAL run 4 26 watt 2700k and 2 26watt 6500 k that way u get both light spectrums or if ur super tight on space just do a 125 watter with 2700k and maybe one or 2 6500k 26 watters...thats wat id do i first started with cfls and just been upgrading

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
What is rh?
RH is Relative Humidity...which is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in an air-water mixture to the saturated vapor pressure of water at a prescribed temperature.

The relative humidity of air depends on both temperature & air pressure.

Relative humidity is defined in terms of only the physical properties of water and thus is unrelated to the notion of air holding water, as an air-less volume can contain water vapor.

Air simply acts as a transporter of water vapor but is not the holder of it.