FinShaggy's BeanSprouts

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Shitbaggy you love your trolls, were nice enough to you and you keep us mildly entertained. Besides if we stopped following your thread youd have no veiwers to watch your videos and make you money to grow dank dank, and possibly one day when you learn how to grow itll be dank dank dank!!! :):):dunce::):)

I'm sure I would still get views without ya'll. It already has over 35,000 views. That's 10x as many views as replies. So that means there are people watching but not talking. They just want to see what happens and don't feel the need to troll me the whole time :D
The September 1999 issue of Crop Protection reported about scientist Wagner Bettiol’s study on using diluted milk as a control for powdery mildew on cucurbits. Backed by Embrapa, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, the study reported that a solution of 10% – 20% raw milk in water sprayed weekly was equally effective or better than the most trusted chemical fungicides on the market (around 90% effective, depending on the plant variety’s natural disease resistance). Continued studies at the University of Adelaide in Australia seek to understand why milk works so well against powdery mildew (and also botrytis blight, which you may have seen on your squash flowers or strawberries — it’s that fuzzy mold that appears in wet conditions).
I will probably spray with mil once I get a spray bottle... Thanks.
You guys ALL know that there are people who grow 12-12 from seed, right? And they average like an oz per plant. I'm starting off with a stronger root system, a stronger over all plant, and a PLANT. So these plants will probably get about 2-3oz ea, but they will be small sturdy bushes. AND I'm getting clones. So I'll also have 5 more plants and depending when I get those, they may be larger.
Bad drainage alone will give you problems, add to that bad soil with no perlite and top it off with milk that spoils and you have yourself a finshaggy milkshake!

Just wait 2 weeks when your plants are dead and this thread is dead and there is a funky smell coming from your soil. I'll be right here to say I told you so.
You guys ALL know that there are people who grow 12-12 from seed, right? And they average like an oz per plant. I'm starting off with a stronger root system, a stronger over all plant, and a PLANT. So these plants will probably get about 2-3oz ea, but they will be small sturdy bushes. AND I'm getting clones. So I'll also have 5 more plants and depending when I get those, they may be larger.

no your stupid
You guys ALL know that there are people who grow 12-12 from seed, right? And they average like an oz per plant. I'm starting off with a stronger root system, a stronger over all plant, and a PLANT. So these plants will probably get about 2-3oz ea, but they will be small sturdy bushes. AND I'm getting clones. So I'll also have 5 more plants and depending when I get those, they may be larger.

I've grown 12/12 from seed and averaged 3-4 ounces per plant, in good conditions. 2-3 oz that's nothing wtf I thought you were growing dank dank, that's not even dank just ank
I've grown 12/12 from seed and averaged 3-4 ounces per plant, in good conditions. 2-3 oz that's nothing wtf I thought you were growing dank dank, that's not even dank just ank

Yield does not mean potency. Stress gives you more ALKALOIDS (Cannabinoids), not weed. And I didn't know they get 3-4. I'll probably get that much if they do. I don't think you're right though, you never look anything up. You just say things.
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