How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

All of this hate is toxic, i may come back to this thread in the future..

I agree. When someone stands up and says they have a set of beliefs and openly admits they acquired these beliefs through irrationality, it is pretty hateful when they tell you that, unless you agree, you will be burned and tortured forever. The problem with faith is that people can not give any reason why their faith should mean something to you, yet they demand and threaten that it does. It would seem that coercion is the only leg this thread has to stand on. Agree with me or be sorry. Pretty sad when an ideology contains so many atrocious ideas that it has to rely on terrorism to gain a following.

I think George should take his medication.
...I know that has existed, I know it exists. Bigotry and genocide are not the product of religious faith. Yes, in some cases, it is. Isn't it just a human trait that gets wrapped in someone's beliefs?

...I know what you're saying, strife, but since we're all connected to each other through the common bond of 'humanity', he is saying that to me as well. That's the issue. Look at some of the skeptics here, they're calm enough to engage with believers. Just trying to get sht sorted out. Taking offense to someone talking about hell, especially when you don't believe in one, is less than reasonable.

...I don't think he's a bad guy.

Even so it is the tendency of clergy (and their equivalents in the other world religions) to say "We hold and present to you the cornerstone and exclusive engine of all truth!" And throughout history, they've invoked this engine, and their privileged access to it, to power armies. So while bigotry and genocide are not exclusively the product of religious faith, religion is far from blameless. I recognize that you have a rather sublimated minority view of religious meaning which gentles it away from the sort of harsh moral directives that clergy has relied on in the past and present ... to motivate the congregation to some sort of jihad. cn
I don't believe in god, hell, or angels. I don't put much "faith" in the bible considering it's only some of the "scriptures" selectively chosen by human men, with an agenda.

I also think it's better to "do the right thing" when nobody's looking because you genuinely want to rather than trying to earn points with some mythical god. That seems selfish. And honestly if there is a heaven I probably wouldn't like the people in it. I'm probably a better "christian" than most and I'm not religious in the slightest. But honestly I have a conscience and if I don't do the right thing it haunts me with anxiety attacks just thinking about it, forever, so I have motivation enough without fear of some mythical God's punishment.

Also pisses me off to see rivalry between religions...or the righteousness many "christians" feel over other religions....
Even so it is the tendency of clergy (and their equivalents in the other world religions) to say "We hold and present to you the cornerstone and exclusive engine of all truth!" And throughout history, they've invoked this engine, and their privileged access to it, to power armies. So while bigotry and genocide are not exclusively the product of religious faith, religion is far from blameless. I recognize that you have a rather sublimated minority view of religious meaning which gentles it away from the sort of harsh moral directives that clergy has relied on in the past and present ... to motivate the congregation to some sort of jihad. cn

...neer *nods*

...they all hold the cornerstone of truth, imo. The truth is in the proper application of 'the force', if you catch that drift. It is the source of all things, therefore, the source of all illness (sheol). All of the cloud that surrounds it is a bitch, I know. All of the fighting about it is equal in its be-itch-itude (:lol:). The rest of it, the cloud, that is cultural. I think it always has been. I'm not looking at this in the mystical, flowery, yay I'm fckn so happy! kind of way. I'm interested in the essence the same way that a scientist is interested in the essence. One is material, the other immaterial.

...maybe a liberal catholic upbringing kept me out of the 'religious judgment' game. I've never looked at a person for their beliefs. People simply 'are'. All the rest of it, the cloud, it's ego building its tower. I've held many a discussion with clergy. We'd be opening the east / west / demographics can of worms to get the jihad idea sorted out.

...I'll say this though, the devil is the skin and it makes sense to shed it. To be made 'anew' into a wise snake sheds that 'sheol'. To me, this is the core message of the holy books - however adulterated they may be.
...neer *nods*

...they all hold the cornerstone of truth, imo. The truth is in the proper application of 'the force', if you catch that drift. It is the source of all things, therefore, the source of all illness (sheol). All of the cloud that surrounds it is a bitch, I know. All of the fighting about it is equal in its be-itch-itude (:lol:). The rest of it, the cloud, that is cultural. I think it always has been. I'm not looking at this in the mystical, flowery, yay I'm fckn so happy! kind of way. I'm interested in the essence the same way that a scientist is interested in the essence. One is material, the other immaterial.

...maybe a liberal catholic upbringing kept me out of the 'religious judgment' game. I've never looked at a person for their beliefs. People simply 'are'. All the rest of it, the cloud, it's ego building its tower. I've held many a discussion with clergy. We'd be opening the east / west / demographics can of worms to get the jihad idea sorted out.

...I'll say this though, the devil is the skin and it makes sense to shed it. To be made 'anew' into a wise snake sheds that 'sheol'. To me, this is the core message of the holy books - however adulterated they may be.

How does one study the "immaterial"? If you can't study it, how would it be useful?
^ I agree, and i also wish Eye would type his words in a way that everyone can understand, instead he leaves it open for interpretation, which can lead to miscommunication.

"The truth is in the proper application of "the force"" Dafuk does that even mean man? No offense.

I can see you as an intellectual individual Eye... which is why i don't understand why you don't communicate what you are saying in a way everyone can understand without misinterpreting what you are trying to say.

I mean, i know you have a certain image you are trying to portray, don't we all? But for realzy bro, i wish you would use your words more diligently, more precise and with more care.

Sometimes i think you put things the way you do... to confuse people on purpose, or maybe you don't understand it enough yourself to be able to describe it in a way that everyone might be able to comprehend exactly what points you are trying to get across or what exactly you are trying to say.

I'm sorry if im being critical, i just want to understand because i like you.
How does one study the "immaterial"? If you can't study it, how would it be useful?'ve heard the term 'as above so below', and that jazz, correct? As without, so within. Here's how one studies the immaterial, at least, one way of doing that. We see that water is the key to life. Nowadays, the waters are getting more and more polluted. Water, in the scriptural sense, is sex. We don't have to google too much to see how sex is degenerated. Nothing wrong with sex, but it's fairly clear that there are some things that go too far. I'll spare the examples :shock: So then one person decides to clean up their 'waters'. Pretty well equivalent to one person not dumping toxins into a stream. Add up all the 'one persons' and now you have a more healthy collective. Will power is sexual. How many people have real will power? Will power could clean up a stream in the material sense, you know? It means that a person has enough libido (sexual drive is the motor at any level of operation) to accomplish the task. This is important for potheads :razz:
^ I agree, and i also wish Eye would type his words in a way that everyone can understand, instead he leaves it open for interpretation, which can lead to miscommunication.

"The truth is in the proper application of "the force"" Dafuk does that even mean man? No offense.

I can see you as an intellectual individual Eye... which is why i don't understand why you don't communicate what you are saying in a way everyone can understand without misinterpreting what you are trying to say.

I mean, i know you have a certain image you are trying to portray, don't we all? But for realzy bro, i wish you would use your words more diligently, more precise and with more care.

Sometimes i think you put things the way you do... to confuse people on purpose, or maybe you don't understand it enough yourself to be able to describe it in a way that everyone might be able to comprehend exactly what points you are trying to get across or what exactly you are trying to say.

I'm sorry if im being critical, i just want to understand because i like you.

...hey, strife, same here. The reason I can't be too descriptive is mostly about time. It's also that as a believer, I claim uncertainty as a device. It is a tool that helps with understanding. Some concepts are very hard to 'hold in place' to study. Maybe like the super-math, but without numbers :) I also don't want to say things that I don't mean because it is beneficial to let ideas cook before presenting them. Hard to do in a forum where it's interesting to get into the rapid exchange of ideas.'ve heard the term 'as above so below', and that jazz, correct? As without, so within. Here's how one studies the immaterial, at least, one way of doing that. We see that water is the key to life. Nowadays, the waters are getting more and more polluted. Water, in the scriptural sense, is sex. We don't have to google too much to see how sex is degenerated. Nothing wrong with sex, but it's fairly clear that there are some things that go too far. I'll spare the examples :shock: So then one person decides to clean up their 'waters'. Pretty well equivalent to one person not dumping toxins into a stream. Add up all the 'one persons' and now you have a more healthy collective. Will power is sexual. How many people have real will power? Will power could clean up a stream in the material sense, you know? It means that a person has enough libido (sexual drive is the motor at any level of operation) to accomplish the task. This is important for potheads :razz:

Im sorry, man, I have no idea what this means. Could you explain it in another way?
If you would take the time, i would really appreciate it if you would describe to me in detail exactly what you meant when you said

"The truth is in the proper application of "the force"

I sincerely want to understand.

Also, i wouldn't define a believer as someone who claims uncertainty. A believer is someone who claims certainty, a skeptic is someone who can choose to believe all the while accepting the uncertainty of their beliefs.

Im sorry, man, I have no idea what this means. Could you explain it in another way?

Dude... i can totally empathize with that. Sometimes it's super hard to understand him.
...the psyche of the people dictates the environmental state of the earth.

I can agree in a sense that mankind has the ability to shape our environment, and how we decide to change it depends on our mental state (and who has the most money). But in my opinion the main factor in this is nature, something we cannot control.'ve heard the term 'as above so below', and that jazz, correct? As without, so within. Here's how one studies the immaterial, at least, one way of doing that. We see that water is the key to life. Nowadays, the waters are getting more and more polluted. Water, in the scriptural sense, is sex. We don't have to google too much to see how sex is degenerated. Nothing wrong with sex, but it's fairly clear that there are some things that go too far. I'll spare the examples :shock: So then one person decides to clean up their 'waters'. Pretty well equivalent to one person not dumping toxins into a stream. Add up all the 'one persons' and now you have a more healthy collective. Will power is sexual. How many people have real will power? Will power could clean up a stream in the material sense, you know? It means that a person has enough libido (sexual drive is the motor at any level of operation) to accomplish the task. This is important for potheads :razz:

"It's fairly clear that there are some things that go too far."

That's totally subjective. To a staunch conservative, of course there are some things that "go too far", but to someone whose completely comfortable with their sexuality, what's "too far"?

Why do you compare one couples (or more) sexual escapades to that of everyone elses at large? Why would my actions behind closed doors add to the whole of society? " person not dumping toxins into a stream". Into what stream am I "dumping toxins" if I decide to have nontraditional sex?

How/why is willpower sexual?
If you would take the time, i would really appreciate it if you would describe to me in detail exactly what you meant when you said

"The truth is in the proper application of "the force"

I sincerely want to understand.

Also, i wouldn't define a believer as someone who claims uncertainty. A believer is someone who claims certainty, a skeptic is someone who can choose to believe all the while accepting the uncertainty of their beliefs.

Dude... i can totally empathize with that. Sometimes it's super hard to understand him.

...I keep looking for the ump


...the force is the sexual potency that we all have. Wise application of that 'force' keeps people healthy. It is meant as a tool for psychological rest. Don't get me wrong, you wouldn't have heard me saying that 10 years ago.

...uncertainty - I was using that term to show that I cannot be precise about things because each one idea branches out to so many that have monstrous implications themselves. "Gist", man, "Gist".
"It's fairly clear that there are some things that go too far."

That's totally subjective. To a staunch conservative, of course there are some things that "go too far", but to someone whose completely comfortable with their sexuality, what's "too far"?

Why do you compare one couples (or more) sexual escapades to that of everyone elses at large? Why would my actions behind closed doors add to the whole of society? " person not dumping toxins into a stream". Into what stream am I "dumping toxins" if I decide to have nontraditional sex?

How/why is willpower sexual?

...last one, then I'm done for now. Let's leave the staunch cons out of it, and picture your own 'end' of that spectrum. No need to pick that apart.

...I compare them all together because they're all using the same force. No bench test needed to see what the worst of degeneration can do. Some horrific stuff happens, that's for sure. On the positive side, well, it's positive. What the fck else could I say about that :)

...willpower is creative power at all levels, imo.
So according to you, the truth is the proper application of sex???

I think i might just have to give up on trying to understand you if you can't explain yourself in a simple way, without metaphors.
...last one, then I'm done for now. Let's leave the staunch cons out of it, and picture your own 'end' of that spectrum. No need to pick that apart.

...I compare them all together because they're all using the same force. No bench test needed to see what the worst of degeneration can do. Some horrific stuff happens, that's for sure. On the positive side, well, it's positive. What the fck else could I say about that :)

...willpower is creative power at all levels, imo.

Are you talking about degrading sex acts? Humiliation type stuff?