How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

God sent His only son to die for our sins,
It's a pretty big deal to Him.

But you've just heard of real indian near death experiences where Hindu's, who have heard of Jesus, see their gods and their heaven before they get sent to their body, they didnt see a biblical hell. How do you explain that?
I hope you know that if you are a christian and you beat off... you are going to hell, lol... and from the looks of it Oldgrowth, you do a hella lot of beating off.
But you've just heard of real indian near death experiences where Hindu's, who have heard of Jesus, see their gods and their heaven before they get sent to their body, they didnt see a biblical hell. How do you explain that?

I don't know, they were all sent back to their bodies before they had a chance to come to much of anything. From the few that i read.
^BAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!! Not only are you crazy, but also a liar. In hell you shall burn for all of eternity, with all those who have not heard of jesus as well.

(John 14:6 NIV) Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Whether someone believes or not, everyone will hear about Jesus according to the bible: Matthew 24:13-15 (New International Version)
13 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

What the fuck else do you think happens to people who do not accept jesus as their savior? What you think they just get reincarnated or some bull shit? It's HEAVEN OR HELL! comon man, who are you trying to kid? Oh wait, we all knew the answer to that question as soon as you started the thread, you are only trying to kid yourself.

Oh yeah, i forgot, you are trying to twist the words of the bible to fit your own desires... to hell you shall go.

Before you go to bed why don't you beat off to that imaginary girlfriend you've never had... maybe that will make you feel better. Sorry for being so hostile but it is my only reproach for liars and bigots like yourself.

Go get laid so you can quit spanking that monkey every night before you go to bed, maybe your punishment in hell will be less severe.
God is loving, but He is also Holy, and despises sin.
Sin is detestable in the eyes of God because He is so perfect and Holy.
And God hates as well, we are created in His image and i expect He experiences a lot of the same emotions we do.
Everything is forgivable, except blaspheming the Holy Ghost.
But we have to turn from the sin and ask for forgiveness in the name of Jesus to receive it.
If we just keep doing it over and over, without repenting (turning from our sins) (repent in Greek means to change your mind)
Then we don't ask for forgiveness, and we ultimately die in our sins and suffer the consequences.
Be perfect, as your Father in heaven is perfect.

But God says no human will ever be perfect, thus the confession and admission of sin.

No human is infallible. All are expected to sin, it is in fact what Jesus died on the cross for.

Since none of us are perfect, how can our sins be forgiven?

How can an omnibenevolent God hate?

Why is blasphemy unforgivable?

How can something be unforgivable to an omnipotent being? Doesn't "all powerful" denote "all forgivable"? Isn't anything/everything forgivable to an omnipotent being? Why is forgiveness even an option? Shouldn't we automatically be forgiven for everything, automatically?

Why would a god create us with specific urges already knowing the outcome?

What is 'perfect', in the biblical sense? Stone homosexuals? Castrate adulterers? Beat kids within an inch of their life if they disobey me? Don't eat shellfish or work on Sunday? What? Enlighten me so I don't fuck up and break a religious rule that'll damn me to Hell for an all, unwarranted, eternity!
PS. What keeps me so unsatisfied in this eternity, anyway?

When threatened with it, as I so often am by religious nutjobs, it's as if I couldn't pick up and walk away from some shitty eternity like I could a job i hated.. Why couldn't I? What, is there some biblical force ensuring I stay, providing more proof God is an asshole with a superiority complex? I'm damned to an eternity of torture and torment? OK! Fuck you! Watch me pick up and leave as fast as the verdict was chosen! Whats worse than their perceived conclusion?! The mail room??!

Watch how little I do, how much I give a fuck, how much it hurts, just watch! I have an ETERNITY to show you!

Come up with better eternal tortures, fucktards. Nothing you could do to me for eternity could stifle my ability to reason. Take my brain out, eliminate cognition. Beyond that, and with that I wouldn't give a flying fuck about shit, get fucked.


Fuck organized religion. Thousands of years to come up with shit spent coming up with nothing but bullshit. Congrats.
...Logic'd. You guys wave reason around like you're looking for a patent :roll:

ps: your insolent tone keeps people from posting here. Is that good for business?
I think he is well founded in telling someone off who says they will burn and suffer for the rest of eternity in the afterlife if they don't think a certain way...
one day, each of us will dicover the truth. its stupid to argue about. i think i got one shot to be alive so im trying to make it as fun as i can. im not gonna crap on what someone believes. ive met some christians that were sweet gentle people, others that were hypocritical assholes. ive read the bible. i believe that one could follow the teachings of jesus and live good life. more power to them. just aint for me
I think he is well founded in telling someone off who says they will burn and suffer for the rest of eternity in the afterlife if they don't think a certain way...

...I think the real meaning of that is lost. You're taking it literally, then calling the religious 'nutjobs' + all the expletives. Can you live your own philosophy and say that 'you don't know' instead of calling other people out? I'm not so much a fcktard, you know? Would real intelligence have the gumption to show the way? No, it's ridicule full time here. I have the intelligence for science, my belief does not hamper that. I also happen to believe in a creator, and I'll spend the rest of my life contemplating that source. But hey, that's fckn idiotic, right?

...for Pad to look back at history and say that they're all fckd, then maybe Pad should not go to any hospital, school (academics), etc... because 'they' created most of 'em.

...reason pauses before blurting. I think it's the protocol.
I don't think Pad's intentions were to include you in that rant, i would assume he is talking about religious extremest/fundamentalists consumed with bigotry and genocide.

From my experience, you fall no where near any of that Eye.
I don't think Pad's intentions were to include you in that rant, i would assume he is talking about religious extremest/fundamentalists consumed with bigotry and genocide.

From my experience, you fall no where near any of that Eye.

...I know that has existed, I know it exists. Bigotry and genocide are not the product of religious faith. Yes, in some cases, it is. Isn't it just a human trait that gets wrapped in someone's beliefs?

...I know what you're saying, strife, but since we're all connected to each other through the common bond of 'humanity', he is saying that to me as well. That's the issue. Look at some of the skeptics here, they're calm enough to engage with believers. Just trying to get sht sorted out. Taking offense to someone talking about hell, especially when you don't believe in one, is less than reasonable.

...I don't think he's a bad guy.
I don't know him, so i can't postulate whether or not he is "good or bad"

The only thing i have to go off is his presentation of his ideas, blatantly stating that if you do not believe what he believes, when you die, you will burn and suffer for all the rest of eternity.

Personally, i don't care what anyone believes, just as long as they either keep it to themselves or present it in a way that is not harmful to others.

So when someone presents a belief... or more accurately an idea that they think is true, and that person insists that if i don't believe in their idea that i am going to be tortured for all eternity when i die, personally... fuck that guy, and fuck his beliefs.

It goes the same way for me when prejudice people talk about how homosexuals are an abomination and will go to hell, or how blacks aren't humans and deserve to be slaves... FUCK those guys.

This world isn't as perfect and connected as most spiritual people think, there are more people out there that are bigots than you might assume, and ill be damned if I'm going to stand back while they parade around spreading their hate, prejudiced, sectarian, xenophobic, anti-semitic bull shit.

In my opinion they deserve to know that what they are saying is fucked up, and it is our moral duty and responsibility to let them know how fucked up their thinking is.
"Most people would think it's wonderful when someone says, "I'm willing, Lord! I'll do whatever you want me to do!" Except that since there are no gods actually talking to us, that void is filled in by people with their own corruptions and limitations and agendas. And anyone who tells you they know, they just know what happens when you die, I promise you, you don't. How can I be so sure? Because I don't know, and you do not possess mental powers that I do not. The only appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion, but doubt. Doubt is humble, and that's what man needs to be, considering that human history is just a litany of getting shit dead wrong". - Bill
I don't know him, so i can't postulate whether or not he is "good or bad"

The only thing i have to go off is his presentation of his ideas, blatantly stating that if you do not believe what he believes, when you die, you will burn and suffer for all the rest of eternity.

Personally, i don't care what anyone believes, just as long as they either keep it to themselves or present it in a way that is not harmful to others.

So when someone presents a belief... or more accurately an idea that they think is true, and that person insists that if i don't believe in their idea that i am going to be tortured for all eternity when i die, personally... fuck that guy, and fuck his beliefs.

It goes the same way for me when prejudice people talk about how homosexuals are an abomination and will go to hell, or how blacks aren't humans and deserve to be slaves... FUCK those guys.

This world isn't as perfect and connected as most spiritual people think, there are more people out there that are bigots than you might assume, and ill be damned if I'm going to stand back while they parade around spreading their hate, prejudiced, sectarian, xenophobic, anti-semitic bull shit.

In my opinion they deserve to know that what they are saying is fucked up, and it is our moral duty and responsibility to let them know how fucked up their thinking is.

Amen, ZS. I'd rep you if I could...
...Logic'd. You guys wave reason around like you're looking for a patent :roll:

ps: your insolent tone keeps people from posting here. Is that good for business?

Forgive me for being blunt about it but that's what you get when an ignorant person makes such idiotic claims.

If you believe any of those ancient stories about Heaven or Hell or angels and demons or what happens to you according to traditional religious beliefs after death you're grouped into that category, I'm pretty sure you don't from previous threads, so why would you put yourself there or think I did just because you believe in something? There's a distinction between "religious nutjob" and "religious person". Religious people don't come onto public forums and make these kinds of claims, religious nutjobs do. Religious people don't protest funerals, religious nutjobs do. It's not my job to cater to the sensibilities of religious people, especially considering everything.
...barbless hooks, if you will. The answers are in your questions - 'cept the last one. Wouldn't we all like to know. Tolerance, though, would let us all try to know, if it were really a parsen :)


hmm vagueness was never a virtue you know ;)