3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome


Active Member
My flower tent is a roomy 24"x48"
And I have done the math, I could fit 18 8"x8" 2 gal fabric pots, but I'd like to only use those for the last 2 weeks of possible,
Anyone think 6 weeks is too long for a clone to last in a party cup?
Any reason for delay sooner is better than later not seeing benefit.


Well-Known Member
Only benefit cones from quantity I can fit it that tent. Someone could probably figure out a good ratio of 2 gals to 16 0z cups,

since I'd like to harvest every 2 weeks I need to fit 24 plants into that 24x48 area, maybe even 30 plants if it takes 10 weeks to harvest.

Anyway, I can't fit 24 8" pots let alone 30, so how many could I fit?

Weeks 0-4 party cups and 4-8 2 gals? Would mean

So 12 cups and 12 pots....

Just did the math, so with 12 of those fabric pots on the tent I would take up almost all the tent if I were using only 2 gals, but I can fit 24 party cups in the same area that I can fit 6 fabric pots.


Active Member
Gotcha do math on 2 liter bottles with top cut off think 24-fits 18x24. I've been using them for a while.


Well-Known Member
Oh god. Apparently 2 liters are 4 inch in diameter, which is basically the same as the part cups. Only substantially deeper, the only problem with those is they are taller then cups, so when I plant the root mass is already less then an inch from the bottom of the pot.

I may attempt to fully flower a plant in a 2 liter and see how that goes, then I could fill my tent even more.


Active Member
I've been going from cube to 2l then when roots are obvious throughout trans to final. I've got a couple to run myself one all coco the other a hempy basket.


Active Member
Tbh I have no clue I've seen sog grows/hempy completed around. I am just now vegging again after no real veg for years. I usually had my clones almost dormant until It's turn came around. I'm confident root mass was being focused on never in more than 5-6 weeks before trans. I'll throw a couple in and find out.


Well-Known Member
well that's promising,
more then likely I could get away with it, I will run a clone in the corner and see if it makes it all the way through with no transplant.

my cloner just hit day seven and two have roots I believe? they look odd to say the least.
I'm stuck on what lighting to use...

I have been reading quite a bit about people who use mh all the way through and love the results, better density and flavor,

Anyway, I believe hps has a stretch effect on plants and I feel like I should take advantage of that for 3 weeks then switch to mh from then on...

Too many variables..... :?


Well-Known Member
Do you have any experience using mh to flower? I suppose sog style requires you to put on that extra bud weight per plant in anyway, hps is the way to go I guess, I'm not entirely sure if my ballast is switchable, My friend who bought this hood and ballast and bulbs said it came with a hps and mh though... hmm


Well-Known Member
Both my 250 w lights take mh or hps,
I have flowered with both.
The stretch you incur will happen what ever bulb you use.
Ppl blame the lights which is rubbish, its period of 12 hours dark that causes it.
In veg mh will give you closer node gaps.
There is no difference flowering with a 250 mh or hps
I have done both. Buds the same weight and flavor.
Ppl will disagree but i have the test i ran.
No difference was noticed until the step up to 600w when density was lost with The mh.
You will notice on forums ppl get personal about their lights.


Well-Known Member
Its best to use a combination of hps and mh, kinda like a CMH bulb...you want as many beneficial colors of light as you can get.


Well-Known Member
Both my 250 w lights take mh or hps,
I have flowered with both.
The stretch you incur will happen what ever bulb you use.
Ppl blame the lights which is rubbish, its period of 12 hours dark that causes it.
In veg mh will give you closer node gaps.
There is no difference flowering with a 250 mh or hps
I have done both. Buds the same weight and flavor.
Ppl will disagree but i have the test i ran.
No difference was noticed until the step up to 600w when density was lost with The mh.
You will notice on forums ppl get personal about their lights.

I certainly have noticed that, people are very touchy a good amount of the time

what do you mean when you stepped up to 600w the density was lost with the mh?


Well-Known Member
I certainly have noticed that, people are very touchy a good amount of the time

what do you mean when you stepped up to 600w the density was lost with the mh?
The test was run using 250,400 and 600 w lights. Mh and hps. There was no difference with yield until we checked the 600 and the buds were heavier and denser using the hps.


Well-Known Member
Don't like cmh because of UVb and UVa though. bad for your eyes if your trying to work in your room.
I have a cfl hanging , before lights on or just after off and i work under that light.
I guess its no different than dusk and dawn.