My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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New Member
I'm here peeking over your shoulder :D much to read. I think I better take a nap first :P Good stuff
VERY thrilled to have ya peeping haha!

And yeah I talk(type) a lot! In person it's the way I am too lol.
And im completely over ppl wasting my time while I'm on RIU lol so I'm looking for productive friends to learn with!
Hopefully you down to challenge yourself as much as I am for the greater good haha.

By the looks of things, seems like your well on your way!
cheers to chillin' IG :joint:


Well-Known Member
alright 33 pages is alot lol, if anything comes to your mind let me know, im for sure not the guru of growing but i have a couple years experience now and have seen my share of problems and solutions. im not good with diagnosing plant problems unless its the obvious N burn. im more or less a jack of all trades master of none when it comes to the cultivation of this great plant.


New Member
No probs bro! i usually try to do all the digging myself and then seek help haha.
I try to put forth some effort to learn things so that i understand the answers to the questions i seek.
AND Im more or less giving you the green light to share all that you know here, thats pertaining to the matter. We've had differences yeah but that's part of this too..trying to understand the differences bcuz there ain't one way....I've probably said that 30 times here and there.
And like you...I'm with any debate regarding the process. I got much learning to do..Wonder what today will bring us

You've dropped some knowledge for the world on Perks thread soooooooooo......yeah. Do what you does sir hahah :joint:


Well-Known Member
yeah man, im not opposed to different views. and sometimes they change the way i think of things. when i dissagree its not meant to be a insult its meant to be taken into consideration. i am a firm believer that there is no advice on here that shouldnt be followed up with individual research.

advice is the first step, gather as many different opinions as you can and then move on to step 2 which is researching each opinion and deciding which is best for your particular case. im not here to tell people what to do. im here to help brainstorm on where to go next and what to look for.

people have a serious issue with not wanting to accept different opinions, I have done the college route and alot of the basics you learn in your first year of college is to be open minded and un biased when it comes to knowledge and learning.

and if someone is dead wrong i will tell them in as polite a manner as i can, if they continue to back up thier incorect information with incorect information i do get a bit hostile as they are sending bad infor to new growers who may think they are right. sometimes bad information can look like good information.

anyways, happy to tag along and give my 2¢


Active Member
VERY thrilled to have ya peeping haha!

And yeah I talk(type) a lot! In person it's the way I am too lol.
And im completely over ppl wasting my time while I'm on RIU lol so I'm looking for productive friends to learn with!
Hopefully you down to challenge yourself as much as I am for the greater good haha.

By the looks of things, seems like your well on your way!
cheers to chillin' IG :joint:


New Member

Ona Fresh Linen NICE!

Got my morning spliff in then just too a lap with the jar afterwards.
Smell gone by the time I finished my lap. Granted I did have the balcony door cracked..
I def. see how this could so some work for me in a couple weeks.

DEF. A SOLID BUY...I'd recommend everybody just to have one haha.
No telling when this stuff just might come in handy.

Hello world :joint:

Rmember I was telling you guys that the Hydroponics comp. outta Cali were sending me another quart of Ona, becuase my got "lost" in shipping before it miraculously showed up at my door haha!

WELLLLL the new one they sent just got to my city, so hopefully I have it today! Gotta love a good 2 for 1 :joint:

How are ya'll hanging out there?!

My buds are developing nice and the grow op is coming together like I knew it would!

And everythings only gonna get BIGGER and BETTER


New Member
(capture the moment) - 8month ago
(stars)6 months ago
(top dogg)
8 months ago

....If you like it listen haha, if it ain't your thing, jut keep it movinG!
I'm obviously black, so I'm not blakebeezy ha.
He's a good friend I met about a year ago.
Music is his game....So if your a fan follow him..
Me, Im more in to poetry and growing ATM!


Well-Known Member
Damn dude it's been way too long since i've checked your thread! they look fucking amazing, plants are tight as shit

subbed :blsmoke:


New Member
Lol I just killed a man! I sprouted two bagseed(out of 6 seeds) recently and they have both hit puberty haha.
I got 1 gorgeous lass and one dead lad outta the two there were.
Looks like I'm in for some mystery smoke tho!

Recently got some new lighting as well and my seedlings LOVE it!
image.jpgimage.jpg Delicious Seeds Critical Jack.
image.jpgimage.jpgSome SEXY ass bag seed. Showing her pistils off :weed:
image.jpgimage.jpg Seeds Man White Widow

image.jpg The Next Gen Of Green!

All growing healthily in some Fox Farm Ocean Forest! Tweaked a little w/ my touch.

That empty grow bag is the product of guy pulling his balls out around my girls haha



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