My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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New Member
It wouldn't serve the same purpose in water lol. I think you might be a walking soundbite haha! I wonder whose sig you'll be landing in next lmao!
Great... just great. What I meant by that is I see soil growers adding all kinds of random stuff to their soil. I always think... man, hydro seems so much more simple cuz I don't have to use any of that random stuff!


New Member
Great... just great. What I meant by that is I see soil growers adding all kinds of random stuff to their soil. I always think... man, hydro seems so much more simple cuz I don't have to use any of that random stuff!
Haha when you take a look a little more, you'll wee that all that stuff isn't "random" lol. Whenever you do tho! But heyy, hydro works for you, so you're straight!


Well-Known Member
Nice G26!

Music to my hear hearing you say that Azomite is good stuff! It's the variable in my new mix. Last mix I use glacial rock dust instead, but read a lot ot good things about Azomite too, so thought I'd try it. And I'm just speaking from what I've read over and over again regarding the blood and bone meal, but not from experience, so you letting ppl know that its working out for you, says more than I've read ya know....
Theres a lot of "stuff" on the internet...I try my best to pick and choose :joint:

I think we need to start breaking the soil mixes and teas down to scale on a regular basis tho ya know?
Like I listed my mix for using one large bad of FFOF..Most mixes around the next require pounds or this and that...
And Most teas are listed by the 5gal recipe, but I've found success brewing by the gallon, and mixing by the bag...

Only because I'm not trying to have all the excess ish in my one bedroom apt...So I gotta be resourceful
I've got recipie's for 1/3 and 1/2 batch :D


New Member
I've got recipie's for 1/3 and 1/2 batch :D
We gotta "thread" em up haha! I had to go with my gut when i start by the 1/2g and gal bcuz I couldn't find recipe.

If I knew I'd be up to this thee days....I woulda payed a little more attention in horticulture in high school and def. followed that path in college...
Who knows what the future holds...


New Member
This is on another one of my threads, and I thought it should be here for all you guys to see, in case you haven't seen the thread.
But basically it's just to give you an idea of what it cost to get the things you need to go organic.
There are a COMBINATION of things you can use to get started, but this is just what I used.

This is the link to my local shop and what I got and what it cost: <-Kelp Meal(last a few grows per bag) <-Liquid Fish(last a few grows per bottle) <-EWCs x2(you'll use a lot of these. A bag might last a grow or two)
<-Hi Cal Lime(small thing lasts a few grows)<-Azomite(small thing lasts a few grows) <-FFOF(I use x1 1.5cu ft bag per soil mix and have bought 2 bags to date) <-Mycos(One thing
lasts a few grows)<- Perlite(I've bought a couple of these)

Prices of everything I have(soil wise) are there. I get the smallest of everything except soil and earthworm castings. You'll need a good amount of both..
But as far as everything else....Get the smallest quantites and they'll last you a few grows...

Amazon is good for all the things you need too(soil amendment wise).
I had to get my Bat Guano and my rock dust from Amazon, and my green sand and tomato tone from a local nursery.

I also got a small 10 gal fish tank pump to bubble my teas with from Amazon, and called it a day. :leaf:


New Member
Soo... All is gravy! & the girls are becoming women!
The following are a couple pics I snapped a minute ago of the budding progress they've made since the 12/12 flip 9days ago.

Also, I've got the second gen of seedlings on full out GO!
I have 6 in all(3 More White Widow, 1 Critical Jack Herer, and 2 bag seed.

I decided to do some experimenting and not waste any time learning!
i went ahead and worked some manipulation in with the 2 bag seeds.

I chopped all the fan leaves off on one side of each of the seedlings, then I tied that side down parallel to the soil!
Of course they too have been on 12/12 for a week now, so we'll see what our outcome will be!

image.jpgClipped fan leaves and tied over.(critical jack in foreground, white widow in back)
image.jpgClipped fan leaves and tied over.(white widows both on the outside of the bag seed)
image.jpgWhite Widow
image.jpgAuto Bubblicious on 12/12
image.jpgBlue Widow

Also...I'm still not in need of any odor control!
i get a good wiff with lights on and out,, and open and close my Ona jar and walla....I anticipate it being needed very soon tho


Well-Known Member
When i first started inside they were in my bedroom,and when the lights went off is when i really smelled em.



New Member
Worked some defoliation in on the White Widow.

Based on my obesrvations, the lower leaves that don't get enough light will eventually yellow and die off.

I've been doing quite a bit of reading up on defoliation and its pros and cons, and decided the pros were worth it.
I'll give it a good day of two to respond before I attempt to defoliate my Blue Widow!
Anxious to see what awaits me!

I got rid of all of the smaller leaves that won't become producers from the under canopy, and took off a couple of fan leaves to boot...Those that were along the bottom parts of the plant.

I'm a firm believer that every grower is a creator of his own art!
From all I've learned so far, I'll be damned if I let anyone tell me that there's one set way to do anything having to do with this beautiful plant :leaf:


New Member
You girls will stink more in higher temps and they stink they very most right before lights come on.
Got my temps around 73-75 daytime and prob about 60-65 at night, as I keep the apt temp at 65 over night. I'm sure that the fan helps drop those temps a little more!
I'm looking to get some blue or purple outta my Blue Widow, and hopefully some purp outta my White Widow!
My Blue Widow def. got more of the Blue Berry than the White Widow! I can tell because it's a fussy grower..And White widow is know for it's ease of growing..

So maybe I'll get some nice flavor rather than that piney flavor that most Blue Widow seems to produce!

And they def. stink the most when lights come one and for the first 20-30 mins afterwards! I set the Ona gel out near the fan for a couple minutes just to be safe!

*And hopefully I'll be landing another nice piece of equipment this afternoon via Craigslist.
A like new 4 bulb t5HO fixture! 7,200 lumens x 4 bulbs! CAN'T WAIT to cram it in!


New Member
Just got a new T5 High Output 4 bulb system! Guess there's gonna have to be an Opdate!

Gotta love Craigslist haha! Got myself a pair of 150w HPSs for $125 and a very nice T5 panel for $100.
2-0 me vs Craigslist haha! Pics

image.jpgMy POV
image.jpgThe New lights. They're 65k
image.jpgSlightly defoliated Blue Widow(worked on bottom half)
image.jpgNon defoliated Auto-Bub
image.jpgSlightly defoliated White Widow(worked bottom half)
image.jpgNew secondhand light...$100...I'll take it :joint:

I figure the new light will add some girth to the next gen of seedlings! It came with 1 used bulb and 3 brand new. Each bulb is pushing 7200lumens!

My next op will be OFF THE ROCKER!

Next stop....A good carbon scrubber
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