Club 600


Well-Known Member
well its good to hear youre done with all of that gigs, i know life can be tough, ive been very bad to my body skating surfing and snowboarding not to mention my cocaine habit in high school that lasted 4 years but yea mate cannabis is the reason im able to get up in the morning without headaches or back pains. Pretty amazing little plant we have


Well-Known Member
well its good to hear youre done with all of that gigs, i know life can be tough, ive been very bad to my body skating surfing and snowboarding not to mention my cocaine habit in high school that lasted 4 years but yea mate cannabis is the reason im able to get up in the morning without headaches or back pains. Pretty amazing little plant we have
I had a horrible cocaine habit lol. I was buying a zip almost every week. It is a very amazing plant just wish that the feds could see that.


Well-Known Member
oh they know it , thats the issue. it means freedom and a way of living away from the manipulative infrastructure they've worked so hard to create. If i can grow pot and hemp and use it for the things it has possible use for id be undercutting all their investments in cotton, in GMO food, in Prescription pharmaceuticals. thats just the tip of the CONTROL iceburg that is our self perpetuating society. Im with emery and brown dirt warrior on this one fella.


Well-Known Member
oh they know it , thats the issue. it means freedom and a way of living away from the manipulative infrastructure they've worked so hard to create. If i can grow pot and hemp and use it for the things it has possible use for id be undercutting all their investments in cotton, in GMO food, in Prescription pharmaceuticals. thats just the tip of the CONTROL iceburg that is our self perpetuating society. Im with emery and brown dirt warrior on this one fella.

True DAT!
Dont forget oil and paper,, building materials.... list goes on forever.
edit: and to add its an all around better material and much easierlylyly bongsmilie replenished.


Well-Known Member
Anybody know of any super cold climate tolerant strains? it gets below 50 at night here in the summer and not over 80 not worries about heat but cold will be a factor.....just curious


Well-Known Member
thanks supa, got a mate here whos a forest ranger.....hes showing me my prime locations this summer for some undisturbed guerrilla fun


Well-Known Member
out smoke the munchies? possible? il find out
So...have you had any luck with this so far? lol! I've tried and tried again and still can't seem to do it!

Got a bunch of those little chocolate eggs that come out around this time with the candy shell on them. I can eat them until I'm not high anymore :o


Well-Known Member
Well rested indeed Bobo. In bed at 10pm and just got up 10 hours later......zzzzzzzzz. DOG erl is a sleepy one. My good lady is back tomorrow thank god, I've been pacing around the house like a demented Polar Bear at the Zoo.
Nice and rested I see. Getting stoned today? ;) I am. But prolly not like you :lol: When does Mrs D return again?
Anybody know of any super cold climate tolerant strains? it gets below 50 at night here in the summer and not over 80 not worries about heat but cold will be a factor.....just curious
A Canadian strain called Timewarp is a proven outdoor grower, good with mold and damp and cold climates. It's just getting your hands on a good pheno. One of the old 600 lads has connects to the original pheno I think. But he's a Badman and isn't around to often:)

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
watup gang. Found this thread 9 pages back!

Well Sour cherry is showing it's wonderful colors. Can't get good pics of the ruby red colors in flower? But did get a few of Sour Cherry pics of it.

Joe pics 007.jpgJoe pics 001.jpgJoe pics 003.jpgJoe pics 004.jpgJoe pics 002.jpg
Hello ladies and gents! I'm a noob here and first wanted to say I love this forum. I started reading it from the beginning and have learned so much information about things that I never even would have asked. I soon too will hopefully joining the ranks in the 600 club here shortly (hopefully 600x4 someday lol). The room will start transformation this coming weekend. You all have inspired me and I' m seriously looking forward to taste the fruits of my labor.

Just an idea of what I'm working with....
I have an extra 8x10 bedroom with a large 7'5" wide closet and standard 8 ft ceilings. I inspire to turn the main area into two separate areas approx. 4x6.5 ft. Since one side of the room has a window, I can run a/c in the summer and in the other, co2. Do you think running two separate smaller rooms with each their own ventilation would be more effective that one large open area?

The closet will be shelved to veg. out seeds and clones to various heights. A single 600watt cool tube and 400cfm fan will keep things moving around. Thats obviously not all the equipment I'll gather but you get the idea.

Any input, is appreciated but mostly I just wanted to say you guys rock, I love the enthusiasm and attitude here and I'm looking forward to share and contribute along side of you all.


Well-Known Member
In my head it seems more complicated than it's worth to make two separate spaces. I'd run one I think. Glad you like RIU. Welcome.