HELP!! seed popped out of soil!!


Well-Known Member
While i was gone my seed popped out of the soil and the light was hitting the seed/root while i was away, the soil was dried too.

I replanted the seed about 1/2 a inch this time to make sure it doesnt happen and i watered it again, with quite a bit more water then i usually do, because the seed was dry (im guessing)

do you think my seed is dead? has this happened to anyone?

need some input! please help!!!


Active Member

lol, how does a seed pop out of the soil while you are away?

How long were you gone for? Meaning how long was the seed exposed and let to dry?

- SB -


Well-Known Member
Cover it up w 1/4" of potting soil and re-water it. Kind of does not make much sense to me, seeds don't magically pop put of the soil on their own.


Well-Known Member
Honestly that has never happened to me before so I have no clue what to say! But if the root was exposed to light for an extended period of time and it completely dried out then there is a good possibility its dead


Well-Known Member
well the sprout was a little longer, and the sprout was still white... im not sure how it popped out :/ i was going for like 5 hours and i watered it before i left.

maybe while i was moving the pot, it shifted and popped up..

should i take the seed out and take a picture of it, to see what you guys think?
did it have any root? when they pop out sometimes they still have the seed shell but they shed it after a while, maybe that's what happend?


Well-Known Member
the seed still had the root, the seed did come ALL the way out but there was a very small layer of soil over it. okay ill let it be :) ill check on it in the morning, hopefully no perminent damage as been done!


Active Member
Chris, My first tries at growing failed not because of the seeds or the light but because I tried to control the grow too much.

I planted the seed in soil, the next morning I dug it up to see if the top root popped out. If doing that didn't eventually kill the seed(ling) then when it did pop out I watched it, I measured it every hour, watered it, gave it nutes. I was just being a moron.:dunce:

The best thing I did, and it's said on this site by the pros so much to the noobies, is I put the seed in soil, watered it, then I forget about it for a week. Nature did the rest in between.

Took me 3 months & $150 in seeds before I learned to just let it be. Once I did that, things started to grow.

Good luck

- SB -


Well-Known Member
Chris, My first tries at growing failed not because of the seeds or the light but because I tried to control the grow too much.

I planted the seed in soil, the next morning I dug it up to see if the top root popped out. If doing that didn't eventually kill the seed(ling) then when it did pop out I watched it, I measured it every hour, watered it, gave it nutes. I was just being a moron.:dunce:

The best thing I did, and it's said on this site by the pros so much to the noobies, is I put the seed in soil, watered it, then I forget about it for a week. Nature did the rest in between.

Took me 3 months & $150 in seeds before I learned to just let it be. Once I did that, things started to grow.

Good luck

- SB -
that was a great post! thank you so much! thats exactly what im trying to do... control it to much :/
i placed the seed back in the soil and watered it. now just like you said, imma leave it alone lol the seed looked alright so hopefully it grows!

thanks again!


Active Member
you probly didnt plant it deep enough and when you watered the soil it kinda mixed up and came up. happend to me but i noticed the seed come up and reburied it.


Next time u start from seeds scuff the seeds up with a cardboard nail file, this cuts germination in half, my seeds always pop through in about 4-5 days. U should only be putting them about 1/4" deep bro....hope your plant is ok.....


Well-Known Member
Next time u start from seeds scuff the seeds up with a cardboard nail file, this cuts germination in half, my seeds always pop through in about 4-5 days. U should only be putting them about 1/4" deep bro....hope your plant is ok.....
Not necessary. My seeds sprout in the same amount of time and I soak them in water overnight and plant them in the soil. Soaking them isnt even necessary, its just a habit for me.