Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Just came back from going to a retirement home. I went stoned just to see what it would feel like and it was...confusing emotional wise. I enjoyed listening to some tell stories even though they were boring, because it gave them a reason to live. One lady was yelling "help me, help me, I'm going to die here", so I went and spoke with her and it seemed to help. They never knew I was high because they are probably more high than I am. I could stare at them sometimes when I was really stoned and they would stare back. Haha sounds scary, but it was kind of like looking at someone that was only half there. I grew a big respect for the people that take care of them, it isn't easy and the workers have to deal with a lot. Also people are so happy to say hello, even if they didnt know me. It was an interesting experience and worth trying. Gave me reason to start trying harder in life too.


Well-Known Member
bitch bitch bitch, rant rant rant. I'm not getting want I want today. Which may include a little greenery that is owed my way. At least I got to make french toast and bacon for breakfast and my coffee is good.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
LOL WTF? I went to upcoming horror movies to see if anything new was coming out and they had this in the trailer section.



Well-Known Member
Just came back from going to a retirement home. I went stoned just to see what it would feel like and it was...confusing emotional wise. I enjoyed listening to some tell stories even though they were boring, because it gave them a reason to live. One lady was yelling "help me, help me, I'm going to die here", so I went and spoke with her and it seemed to help. They never knew I was high because they are probably more high than I am. I could stare at them sometimes when I was really stoned and they would stare back. Haha sounds scary, but it was kind of like looking at someone that was only half there. I grew a big respect for the people that take care of them, it isn't easy and the workers have to deal with a lot. Also people are so happy to say hello, even if they didnt know me. It was an interesting experience and worth trying. Gave me reason to start trying harder in life too.
True story. When I was in 5th grade we had pen pals that were in the local nursing home. We wrote them letters for the holidays and whatnot and were to meet them just before school got out for the year, or 5th grade field trip. When the big day arrived we pulled up to the home with an ambulance out front and a person being wheeled that was obviously dead. We all joked, as 5th graders do, "I bet it's mine!" Well fuck. As it turns out it was mine. The whole day was me piggy backing on everyone else's pen pals. I felt as sad as a 5th grader could feel. The whole event traumatized me and I haven't been back to a nursing home since. But anyways glad you brightened some people's days. Just felt like sharing.


Well-Known Member
been talking to someone really awesome the last few days. They haven't said or responded to anything though today and it's becoming a real bummer. I thought we were hitting it off, actually I know we were because she was all over me last night. I figure something may have happened to her phone, dropped it in the toilet or something for all I know. I'm struggling though to not message her asking if I said anything wrong (reviewing what I said before/after her last text..it was going great so I'm almost positive it wasn't that) or what. I haven't added her to fb and not sure if I want to in fear of coming off as some kind of creeper. Guess I'll just wait for her to say something, might be a bit if she needs to get a new phone or something and if that's the case maybe add to facebook? This blows :wall:

I had a simular situation about eight months ago, I had reconnected with a guy a had the biggest crush on in high school. We were now both separated and being very flirty with the texting. He tells me a story via text about some guy we both knew who had done him wrong. I reply to him, "I'd like to kick him right in the ass." ...right after that, I stopped hearing from him, I tried calling and got no answer, left a few messages...still nothing. After about a week, I re-read my msg to him. Upon my second re-read, I figured out. Damn auto word correct had turned my "kick" into "lick"....yup! Good times! I told this totally hot guy that I wanted to "Lick some other guy he hated right in his ass."!!!


Well-Known Member
I had a simular situation about eight months ago, I had reconnected with a guy a had the biggest crush on in high school. We were now both separated and being very flirty with the texting. He tells me a story via text about some guy we both knew who had done him wrong. I reply to him, "I'd like to kick him right in the ass." ...right after that, I stopped hearing from him, I tried calling and got no answer, left a few messages...still nothing. After about a week, I re-read my msg to him. Upon my second re-read, I figured out. Damn auto word correct had turned my "kick" into "lick"....yup! Good times! I told this totally hot guy that I wanted to "Lick some other guy he hated right in his ass."!!!


Well-Known Member
right on bro!! I knew you would
Yea man, sometimes it just takes a little more effort than it used to in the past, like a half hour drive and some hangout time. People used to give me all kinds of shit, to the point that a girl I was seeing thought I was something I wasn't because people gave me so much stuff for free.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What flavor is Big Red?......... or the blue crap.......random thought:)..........btw Big Red is muy bueno!!!!!!!!im stoned im sorry:):):):):):):):)