Free Nutrients


Active Member
cool beans 2 samples on the way to my moms house lol. just a heads up yall...if u have a particular product u wanna try make sure to note that u use the equivalent item by another brand. i use liquid karma and roots accelerator and they offeerd me floralicious plus and rapid start. i doubt its coincidental but could be.


Well-Known Member
cool beans 2 samples on the way to my moms house lol. just a heads up yall...if u have a particular product u wanna try make sure to note that u use the equivalent item by another brand. i use liquid karma and roots accelerator and they offeerd me floralicious plus and rapid start. i doubt its coincidental but could be.
Offered me that too, I use neither.


Active Member
They have been giving these samples out to the stores for some time , both products in eye dropper sized bottles lol
if its enough for a 25 gallon ressy im happy. that floralicious plus is fuckn pricey shit so even 4oz for free is cool i think. i got a sample of the rapid start last year and it lasts forever. u only use 1-2 ml per gallonso a little goes a long way. call me a sample whore i guess lol