WhoDat back at it.


Well-Known Member
Bit lait but subbed.......plants lookin bang tidy whodat, got nailed as usual mate new cabs are quality too.....


Well-Known Member
Hey man, not sure how I hadn't made it over here yet, but I'm here now and thats what counts. The garden is looking fabulous as usual man, I love the multi-top girls, and gary is great. He's prolly good pest control though. Any way lookin good.
Bit lait but subbed.......plants lookin bang tidy whodat, got nailed as usual mate new cabs are quality too.....
Welcome and thanks to both of you TD, and pukka :-) Good to have ya!

Been applying some bondage to the plants (i want to call them ladies soooo bad!), they are looking awesome. I'll get an update later tonight.


Well-Known Member
Sounds great, glad to be here. I always call them girls just to encourage them from birth, unless/until I find a male. I chopped 2 the other night some power skunks full blooded sativas.


Well-Known Member
Sounds great, glad to be here. I always call them girls just to encourage them from birth, unless/until I find a male. I chopped 2 the other night some power skunks full blooded sativas.


I think I'll got toke up and do some more bondage to the LADIES and get pics of the LADIES for the LADIES update tonight!



Well-Known Member
Day 32

Gary, attempting to escape tonights update at all costs.

The "ladies" (prospects).




All taking to it quite well :-)



Well-Known Member
Nice fucking mainlines. I hope you're going to post them on the ML thread... They look so clean and tight, all bondaged out. Are you anticipating needing any sort of support for them?

Gary, buddy. Lookin' good. He has his nice green color back now, too. Prolly just gonna split to go find some ladies to hump. I mean, if I were him, that's what I'd be doing. :hump: :hump: bongsmilie

xj-13 and gsc ftw puff puff paaaassss :joint:


Well-Known Member
Those "girls" are looking badass man. I really love the way they have split off, gonna have some nice huge colas especially off those 4 headers.

Swamp Thing

Well-Known Member
Gary is the man... I have tons of his cousins around my place. Think it's time I get some security. Seedlings are happy over here Who Dat!

Purple Diesel x Malawi Gold
Long Bean Bagseed (this guy I knew kept seeds out of what he said was chronic... the seeds were LONG!)
Jam Rock (Jamaican Lambsbread x Haterade)
Chrystal Throttle F2
Yo Mama (Afgooey x GreenCrack/TresDawg_


Well-Known Member
The main-lining is looking great man. I think I'm going to save for my next round of GIRLS. Need to focus on the basics this time. Gary has that killa place to pick the ladies up at too. "Look at all this green" (insert Gary voice here)...hahahah


Well-Known Member
Gary is the man... I have tons of his cousins around my place. Think it's time I get some security. Seedlings are happy over here Who Dat!

Purple Diesel x Malawi Gold
Long Bean Bagseed (this guy I knew kept seeds out of what he said was chronic... the seeds were LONG!)
Jam Rock (Jamaican Lambsbread x Haterade)
Chrystal Throttle F2
Yo Mama (Afgooey x GreenCrack/TresDawg_

Bro the Yo mama sounds like something off the charts

if i could get my hands on that id shit


Well-Known Member
Man I was just watching moonshiners. I need to get some of that shit, its been like 3 years since I've had any shine. That's something else I'd love to add to my list of hobbies, but getting started is not cheap, at least if you want a decent size still. I've seen some small ones made out of preasure cookers, but I would want at least a 5 gallon capacity, and 10 would be better. A 10 gallon still would let me actually make enough at a time to last a few weeks or months depending. A pressure cooker would only give me a couple pints at a time.


Well-Known Member
My worst ever drinking experience involved moonshine. I was in Atlanta getting trained on some equipment. One of the instructors actually brought the shit, it was in mayo jars. It smelled like rubbing alcohol and tequila and was perfectly clear. After class another coworker and I were already obliterated off what we were calling black captains. It was black velvet whiskey and coke. Then he had the bright idea to hit up the instructor for that moonshine.

There's so much to the story I won't get into. Long story short, I pissed my bed in the hotel, which I don't recall. Then apparently I got in the bathtub, filled it with water and passed out in there. Don't remember that. Somehow I didn't drown. Apparently before I got in the bath though I was doing something with the sink, a washcloth plugged the drain. The sink overflowed all night long and flooded not only our room, but the rooms on either side of us.

I was still in the tub when I woke up in the morning and I saw my bed with a piss stain that had to be 3 feet across, I guess my bladder was a little full. So I pulled off the blankets and threw them in the tub. I went to the front desk and said hey I had a little flood somehow, then went to class! I was hungover for 5 days, no shit. I'm amazed I didn't die. It's one of those things when you realize you must have had a guardian angel looking over you.