WhoDat back at it.


Well-Known Member
Day 36

Witnessed a Gary kill today :-) Some kind of little blue wasp was going from plant to plant, slowly getting close to Garys current chill spot,, mister wasp got about six inches away and in a split second gary was already chewing on him lol... He immediately went back to super chill mode. :clap:
This looks just like him.

Das plants.

The ?p x SB2 used in last updates before after pics.

Im training everything ha.




Well-Known Member
Day 37
Gary getting his shed on :-D Maybe hes getting cleaned up for a visitor?
Things are getting interesting lol

Was doing some organizing in the feed room and found this lil lizard conveniently trapped in a folded fabric drying rack. I rushed her over to Garys building lol. Looks like a female I guess? smaller, slinder, idk. I found gary shedding about an hour after I brought her in, at first I thought he ate her lol.

New 4" fresh air intake. (old equipment :-) )




Well-Known Member
That's nuts how Gary started changing into his formal wear the minute a lady shows up. Way to go buddy! I smell little lizards on the way. :)

You plants are acutally starting to piss me off a bit they look so happy and healthy. I'll manage though lol. Nice work.


Well-Known Member
Your grow is looking lush my friend. :D

what size containers are they in?
Thanks tld :-)
Most of what you see are in 1.5 gallon containers, some are in three. I plan on finishing most in 5 gal smart pots with only about 4 gallons in them, smaller ones will finish in full 3 gal containers. Incase you dont know, Im running supersoil with hydroton on top mostly water only but Iv added, i think, 3 light doses of guano kelp tea... They got several doses of casting kelp teas as youngsters.

That's nuts how Gary started changing into his formal wear the minute a lady shows up. Way to go buddy! I smell little lizards on the way. :)

You plants are acutally starting to piss me off a bit they look so happy and healthy. I'll manage though lol. Nice work.

What does little lizards on the way smell like bro? bongsmilie lol Gary is looking pretty slick ;-) and like the pimp Gary is, she came to him in no time lol

Thanks on the kind woids :-)


Well-Known Member
Noice! Good work Gary, too. He's gonna shed, then shag. bongsmilie

Things are looking like they are about ready to get flipped into 12/12... when is the special day going to be?


Well-Known Member
Noice! Good work Gary, too. He's gonna shed, then shag. bongsmilie

Things are looking like they are about ready to get flipped into 12/12... when is the special day going to be?
In a week. :-)
geez louise I got about 13 hours of sleep last night :shock: Gonna go get a new belt for the tiller and see about turning that compost bin,,, its been a month since the main mass was started so Im excited to see what the inside looks like. Going to open the front of it, pull everything out, till it up, then put it back in,,,,, this will probably take the rest of the day lol. Its a bit chilly outside too so should get a good steam show,,,, ah just remembered to charge the battery for the camera!



Well-Known Member
In a week. :-)
geez louise I got about 13 hours of sleep last night :shock: Gonna go get a new belt for the tiller and see about turning that compost bin,,, its been a month since the main mass was started so Im excited to see what the inside looks like. Going to open the front of it, pull everything out, till it up, then put it back in,,,,, this will probably take the rest of the day lol. Its a bit chilly outside too so should get a good steam show,,,, ah just remembered to charge the battery for the camera!

A week sounds so far away. Okay, no it's not but everything looks good though. Sounds like you had a busy day.