Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So when i post evidence he asks for its time for me to resign?? Baaahahahahaa your a funny man :lol:the evidence doesnt lie and it stinggggs doesnt it. BURN
what evidence did you post?

ohh yeah, more claims with no evidence.... '

you havent provided a single citation in support of your claims. not even the shitty ones the OP and his sockpuppet threw out.

not even the retarded fake study from france with the onco-mice, not even a wikipedia link.

not even an opinion pice from, where all articles are brimming over with inline citations, which all lead back to the same author. an author who believes in "structured water" homeopathy, and "Gaia Theory"

all you have done is flap your lips and make more baseless charges.


Well-Known Member
yep. farming is easy as fuck. thats why everybody does it. all those amish assholes who survive outside modern society are just trying to conceal how truely easy their shit is. they spend most of their time in the titty bar hidden under the barn.

yep. you grow ALL your own food. you got a rice paddy, beef cattle, a dairy barn, chicken coop, slaughterhouse, herb garden, wheat field, sugar refinery, corn field, potatoe field vegetable garden and a salt mine all on your back porch, and it produces all year round.

i bet you havent even seen the inside of a supermarket in decades right?

i guess youre just the modern grizzly adams.


you get crazier every time you flap your meat-hole.
No, thats rediculous, not touching GM products is near impossible with the tight hold monsanto has on our govenment. I choose to spend my consumer dollar on products that dont put responsible farmers out of buisiness when i can. Anyone can do it. Oh and hell ya, you should see my herb garden and outside garden, and inside garden! They dont give me everything i need but whatever helps keep money out of monsantos pocket and away from your CEO Dr. GMO :):):)


Ursus marijanus
really? you are really telling me that you notice no difference between a mcdonalds cow and a free range, grass fed cow?

i guess you're not a foodie. my condolences.
I notice no difference between McDonald's ground beef and the local grass-fed stuff but flavor. I have not noticed any nutritional differences, and that was the focus of the conversation iirc. cn


Well-Known Member
but there's nothing to fear about GMO, why would you be reluctant in the least to label as such?

and not every small business got slammed by the fiscal cliff like small, organic farmers were.

we're kind of like the vegans at the dinner party. how do you know if your cannabis was grown organically? don't worry, they'll fucking tell ya.

still would love to see labels to aid the consumer in making informed decisions. the "free market" works better when information is less imperfect.

i could measure it objectively if i wanted to. there's a world of difference between eating 1000 calories of processed, GMO crap versus 1000 calories of nutritious, non GMO, real and actual food.
i notice your still shying away from my "how do you do know if its GMO" question

and as to your subjectivity

i refer you beck to this post
here you go buck now im not asking you to watch the whole video just 2 segments
9mins 20 seconds in to 11 mins 20 seconds in

and 15mins 45 seconds to 19 mins


yes its a youtube video but its a very simple demonstration that shows your subjective view on your food is easily skewed


Well-Known Member
I notice no difference between McDonald's ground beef and the local grass-fed stuff but flavor. I have not noticed any nutritional differences, and that was the focus of the conversation iirc. cn
you don't get that warm, fuzzy feeling in your gut followed by a solid bowel movement as opposed to a vapid, hollow feeling in the tummy followed by a bowel movement that could moonlight as some sort of modern art?

if i eat crap food, it is usually followed by a prolonged food coma, even well after initial digestion. if i eat good food, i feel well nourished and am able to function after initial digestion.

i just don't understand how anyone can not notice the difference. it's why i spend so much more money on food now.


Well-Known Member
Dissenting opinion. Calories are measured in calorimeters, very sensitive instruments. And the energetics of metabolic reactions are known to a high degree of precision.
Can you point out a systematic error that allows these quantities to be very precise and yet "extremely inaccurate"? cn
I mean in the context of people using it to measure the overall nutritional content of food as though it were an absolute, whereas it is merely the energy portion of the food, disregarding the other "stuff" your body needs.


Well-Known Member
i notice your still shying away from my "how do you do know if its GMO" question
i guess i just have to take their word for it. would be kind of silly of them to grow GMO crops in non-GMO fashion. it's be like paying the hooker first and skipping out on the sex.

not gonna watch any videos. i'll tell you what i told the rawn pawl people: use your words.


Well-Known Member
you don't get that warm, fuzzy feeling in your gut followed by a solid bowel movement as opposed to a vapid, hollow feeling in the tummy followed by a bowel movement that could moonlight as some sort of modern art?

if i eat crap food, it is usually followed by a prolonged food coma, even well after initial digestion. if i eat good food, i feel well nourished and am able to function after initial digestion.

i just don't understand how anyone can not notice the difference. it's why i spend so much more of my wifes money on food now.
Sorry, couldn't help myself, Im Irish so I'm probably just drunk or something ;)


Ursus marijanus
you don't get that warm, fuzzy feeling in your gut followed by a solid bowel movement as opposed to a vapid, hollow feeling in the tummy followed by a bowel movement that could moonlight as some sort of modern art?

if i eat crap food, it is usually followed by a prolonged food coma, even well after initial digestion. if i eat good food, i feel well nourished and am able to function after initial digestion.

i just don't understand how anyone can not notice the difference. it's why i spend so much more money on food now.
Bottom line is I don't. My xgf had me eating "healthier" and for me the only consequence was that I enjoyed eating less. No improvements or declines in digestion or vitality.
If I had even a slight improvement with the "better" food, I'd sharply reduce my patronage of fast food and would be eating the "better" food. But since i don't, i won't ding the "swill" food on what amounts to me to an aesthetic/philosophical argument.
I respect that different people will be more sensitive to dietary change than I am. But matters like diet are also especially prone to placebo effects. A true double-blind study is needed, but nutritional science is a bit of a desert these days. Who will spearhead and fund the study? It would have to be an independent, i.e. not a food co and not an eco foundation ... cn

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
desertdouche likes to exalt himself (symptom of the senility, i would guess) but he has proven he can't even analyze straightforward scientific data right in front of his eyes with any degree of accuracy whatsoever.*

it's one of those psychological phenomena whereas someone decides first then justifies later.

a good example of desertdouchery can be found here:*

kynes is not exactly a steward of science either. he's still convinced that water fluoridation is an evil commie plot and that he has PWNT the world scientific community with respect to anthropogenic climate change.

decide first, justify later is how these people operate.

not a good way to go about things.
so sodium fluoride scraped from the stacks of a fertilizer plant really is a health potion? and the hazard warnings marking it as "Highly Toxic" and the prohibitions of transporting it by air freight, and the fact that if i fluoridated lake tahoe with the same dose they put in our water i would be arrested as a terrorist are all just part of a John Birch Society plot to defame this important "Nutracuetical" dietary supplement which we are all forced to accept whether we want it or not?

the shoe is on the other foot bucky. defend your pro-fluoride stance, and explain why we should all enjoy the benefits of sodium fluoride.

i can offer you plenty of reasons why its poison, most importantly, it's MSDS which says clearly on top...


lethal dose for a human is estimated between 5 and 10 grams.

aww yeah.


Well-Known Member
i guess i just have to take their word for it. would be kind of silly of them to grow GMO crops in non-GMO fashion. it's be like paying the hooker first and skipping out on the sex.

not gonna watch any videos. i'll tell you what i told the rawn pawl people: use your words.
you still havent answered the xplicite question of "did they tell you its GMO"?

because without the labeling how can you even say it tastes better or you have better nutrition when its not GMO?

we already had someone here complaining about GMO tomatoes when theres no GMO tomatos being sold

and your still not commenting on the vid i showed


Ursus marijanus
I mean in the context of people using it to measure the overall nutritional content of food as though it were an absolute, whereas it is merely the energy portion of the food, disregarding the other "stuff" your body needs.
I am living proof of the short-to-mid-term nutritional completeness of fast food. Ignore the apparent epilepsy please. ~eckeck!~ cn

desert dude

Well-Known Member

Monsanto files 145 cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!theres your proof that monsanto is evil. Do you want more? lmao rotfl bahahahahhaaaa
From your link:

Additionally, according to the article, "Monsanto has filed 145 lawsuits since 1997 against farmers who saved seeds." And they have the funds to do it when you consider that according to the New York Times, 94 percent of soybeans and 72 percent of corn are being grown with GMO seeds.

Farmer are cornered. With a monopoly on the industry the company can increase prices and farmers have to pay for it. In the end, this cycle will hurt farmers who depend on the seeds because farmers can't risk the litigation that would ensue should they replant them. So year after year, no matter the cost, farmers buy the seeds that can and often does create a dead zone on their property."

If Monsanto seeds are used in 94% of soy bean fields then Monsanto must be doing something right. They don't give those seeds away for free.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, couldn't help myself, Im Irish so I'm probably just drunk or something ;)
no worries, i'm rolling in it right now. but the upcoming move should set me back to square one. not exactly possible to transport my grow with me across multiple red states, will have to start all over again.