Club 600


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a real nice setup you got. I'd say I'm jealous, but I have things pretty nice. I will say I'd have a good time trading spaces for a bit... but you would get mighty cramped on my little property.

I love your property by the way, what I've seen of it. That barn is crazy looking.


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a real nice setup you got. I'd say I'm jealous, but I have things pretty nice. I will say I'd have a good time trading spaces for a bit... but you would get mighty cramped on my little property.

I love your property by the way, what I've seen of it. That barn is crazy looking.
Haha ya I prob would. I'm so ready for this spring/summer. It's going to be epic, been getting shit ready for the last month. :D

Thanks bro, I love it here, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Closest neighbor is a mile away and I've got a pond on my property to. I'll see if I can grab some pics of it. Ya that barn is awesome lol


Well-Known Member
Those ladies look nice man. So i just smoked my first solvent-less wax last night....didnt make me cough pretty cool.....kinda got too high , i love it. Then my buddy gave me 3 fem seeds from bc seed co. Blaze apparently which is just blue dream, but thanks anyway mate!!! blue dreams a nice one.


Well-Known Member
I need to figure out my scrog soon. You guys who seen my lazy Susan, I'm planning on running some 1x2 up from the table at the 4 points where I added the supports on the lower side. I was thinking of running them out a bit of an angle actually so the scrog top will be about a foot bigger than the base. Choo following me so far? So being that ill have only 4 points of connection, what would you use for the top "ring"? A big fucking hoola-hoop would be nice, drilled down at each of the 4 points. Maybe flexible conduit? I don't really want to use wood up there adding to the bulk. Anyways, I'm sober right now so that should make sense to at least one of you :)


Active Member
I don't rotate at all. I think doing that has the plant spend energy on moving towards the light and deciding where it wants to send enerygy... than just leaving it alone and sending all the energy to making buds. I don't notice there being larfy popcorn or anything behind the screen... the light penetrates through the whole 'canopy' so everything is nice and done.

In fact, that vert scrog grow with the Casey Jones. Because I had exposed the innards of the plant to all that light.... I had the dankest popcorn buds ever. Definitely not the most efficient way to grow (large vert scrog sheets), but was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about how these plants we like so much grow.
Jig, do you think starting a scrog at the very beging of flower not worth it? I feel like there's a lot of stretching that happens first couple weeks and thought out the first month or so really. So why not scrog all that so the bottom comes to the top? Idk I just don't see it not working. Next round ima start the scrog from veg but not the case now. So do you think I'm wasting my time starting now or do you think I'll be ok?


Well-Known Member
Party mix what!? I'm going to let these ones go longer than I ever have before! At least 8 weeks lol! Ok maybe more.


Well-Known Member
Dizzam, nice pr0n :-)

Cacka Im not sure what your saying,,, maybe you should smoke a fat bowl and try again lol
Depending on the diameter of the ring you could use flexible pvc pipe and simply connect one end to the other, may need a screw or two... Then again I have no idea what its being used for lol

Holla 600!


Well-Known Member
Dizzam, nice pr0n :-)

Cacka Im not sure what your saying,,, maybe you should smoke a fat bowl and try again lol
Depending on the diameter of the ring you could use flexible pvc pipe and simply connect one end to the other, may need a screw or two... Then again I have no idea what its being used for lol

Holla 600!
Its the top part for my screen to hook to. I want it round so I can maximize space you know and keep the OCD flowing circular! The veg cab is still in there ATM, I moved it closer to the door and I'm living with it for now. It's funny how many times I've forgot to water the seedlings cuz I don't actually see them.

Anyway if I took the veg cab out I could have made the scrog much larger. But I may leave it in there and just do a smaller screen. I even joked with the thought of motorizing the Susan cuz if I go too big the 600 won't be adequate.

oh and I've tried posting after I smoke and I make little to no sense :)


Well-Known Member
i have to believe the bud is in there like the tomato sauce
but i dont have to belive the trichs are on there cause i can show nuff see dem
for sure


I an I