Bad hydro store!!!!!!

Dude, your a tosser....... If theres one thing I know, it is that in RI, Good To Grow is one of the most knowledgable shops around.... Yes they prey on new growers, yes they are overpriced, and yes they will upsell you (its a business).... If you go in there asking questions about your "pot plant", then you deserve to be thrown out.... Use your head... As far as advanced Nutrients goes..... Can you blame them for trying to sell you something that REALLY works well?? SOunds to me like you dont have much experience... Growin Crazy is a nice store, But Good to Grow is waaaaay bigger, has ALOT more in stock, so I think your dislike of them might be personal, not business.... As far as running a business goes, Justin @ G2G runs a tight ship.... YOu go ahead and go to Mother Nature.... Its definitely cheaper.... and definitely shady.... As far as Im concerned, I want to go to the place that talks about tomato plants, not openly about pot plants... nor a place where the person working offers up clones to you when they dont even know you.... Also, if you REALLY want the cheapest prices, Grow RI in Westerly is WAAAAAAY cheaper than anyone else... However, if you buy an item at G2G and it breaks or stops working 6 months later- you can bring it back, and they give you a new one.... Most other places will say no, or make you wait till yours is sent out and fixed.... YOu get what you pay for... IMHO, if you are buying a big ticket item such as Ballast, Hood, CO2 controller etc... Id get it from G2G....
3 guys sold me a co2 burner and hooked everything and wouldnt turn on :( brand new in box... they overnighted me a new one for tmr so that seems to be pretty fair.

Wouldnt blame them though cause it was not on shelf item when i got it. So manufacturing thing.
Dude, your a tosser....... If theres one thing I know, it is that in RI, Good To Grow is one of the most knowledgable shops around.... Yes they prey on new growers, yes they are overpriced, and yes they will upsell you (its a business).... If you go in there asking questions about your "pot plant", then you deserve to be thrown out.... Use your head... As far as advanced Nutrients goes..... Can you blame them for trying to sell you something that REALLY works well?? SOunds to me like you dont have much experience... Growin Crazy is a nice store, But Good to Grow is waaaaay bigger, has ALOT more in stock, so I think your dislike of them might be personal, not business.... As far as running a business goes, Justin @ G2G runs a tight ship.... YOu go ahead and go to Mother Nature.... Its definitely cheaper.... and definitely shady.... As far as Im concerned, I want to go to the place that talks about tomato plants, not openly about pot plants... nor a place where the person working offers up clones to you when they dont even know you.... Also, if you REALLY want the cheapest prices, Grow RI in Westerly is WAAAAAAY cheaper than anyone else... However, if you buy an item at G2G and it breaks or stops working 6 months later- you can bring it back, and they give you a new one.... Most other places will say no, or make you wait till yours is sent out and fixed.... YOu get what you pay for... IMHO, if you are buying a big ticket item such as Ballast, Hood, CO2 controller etc... Id get it from G2G....

Wow, a tosser...pretty hard on the guy for him noticeing a bullshit hydro store out of the gate! Specialy when you got more "dude whats wrong with my plants" threads than i've ever seen(well not really but close)and your first medical grow on 07-16-2011 10:43 calling the guy inexsperienced, laughable at best!
the store on post road in warwick, the shop is not even clean, if u go over to the soils and pots, there spiders and bugs in the corners and bugs around all the bags, its not a clean place, and i will not rebuy soil that is treated just like miracle grow, seriously they need to get there shit together cuz theyre losin business how they mistreat customers wen ur in there and the owners out! i thought it was a cool place till u see that the prices are higher then the other stores, and if i wanted it that bad that they push it on you ill go back home and amazon it, and buy it for 30% cheaper, scammers are whack and its easy to see through it
Wow, a tosser...pretty hard on the guy for him noticeing a bullshit hydro store out of the gate! Specialy when you got more "dude whats wrong with my plants" threads than i've ever seen(well not really but close)and your first medical grow on 07-16-2011 10:43 calling the guy inexsperienced, laughable at best!

Like I said , your a tosser... First Medical Grow.... Wasnt my first grow dummy... And I asked questions about my plants on one run, because I was having problems.... Let me know when you pull a lb a plant toughguy... Look at my pics.... Proof is on the pudding.... Bullshit hydro store? lol... THATS laughable... Sounds like you are not too smart...
Like I said , your a tosser... First Medical Grow.... Wasnt my first grow dummy... And I asked questions about my plants on one run, because I was having problems.... Let me know when you pull a lb a plant toughguy... Look at my pics.... Proof is on the pudding.... Bullshit hydro store? lol... THATS laughable... Sounds like you are not too smart...

i grew a lb a plant in coco the year nl#5 was released....your the one just figurin it out....what was it you said, "I want to go to the place that talks about tomato plants, not openly about pot plants"... you'd rather go to a store where they talk about tomato plants instead of pot plants. like i said laughable at best! :clap:
I think it just is what it is when it comes to stores... they see a new person come in an ask about something so they tax them on it cause they dunno if he coming back again or mabe that person showed he could be taken advantage of by asking ton of newb questions... its like selling anything, everyone always starts high. Ill bet you go into a store an ask for specific item and say how you found price online an was hoping they could do something close to it... shows your not just kicking rocks an trying to chit chat.

OR, find a store that someone isnt getting paid everytime they sell you something...
3 guys tries charging me 100 dollars to have my sponsor "pure essential" ship a package to there store for me.

i don't hate on any one , in our community we need to help each other not rob each other.

so please every one don't support these clowns they are in it for the money not for the love of the plant. Making money is fine but . What they did was crazy , even told the pure essential rep to send the biz down the street to organicly grown so that's what we ddid and ken over there is super cool and gave us some free samples too. So support only hydro stores ya want in the scene lets get the assholes out here. Booom
Fuxk 3 guys . Dudes are smoking bho in the back with there kid in the store. Wake up people like that will ruin our scene when they get busted blasting tubes in the back . Whipping errl like newbz.
serious is bad for us all when stores act unprofessional and give mmj a bad name. Do t support 3 guys. Not hating just telling the truth people need to know. I am not bias towards any hydro stores just want the bad ones gone.
Ouch ^^^^^ but correct me if Im wrong.... if they have cards (which they do), and it is THEIR shop.... They can smoke out back if they want to.... And FYI, they arent the only hydro store that has people "Smokin out back"... I think it is all personal preference here... Most all of em are smokin out back... I was just defending G2G because I have been there hundreds of times and recieve nothing but professional service, in a setting where they arent talkin about pot plants.... They DO have to abide by SOME rules (like not talking about growing pot).... However, if a patient wants to or needs to medicate out back... so be it... If the lanlord doesnt have a problem with it, they are legal...
3 guys tries charging me 100 dollars to have my sponsor "pure essential" ship a package to there store for me.

i don't hate on any one , in our community we need to help each other not rob each other.

so please every one don't support these clowns they are in it for the money not for the love of the plant. Making money is fine but . What they did was crazy , even told the pure essential rep to send the biz down the street to organicly grown so that's what we ddid and ken over there is super cool and gave us some free samples too. So support only hydro stores ya want in the scene lets get the assholes out here. Booom
Dude you are a fraud, you have never been in my shop, throw around everyones name (none on which even know you). and your mad because i wont get you a years worth of nutes for free? go fuck yourself.. ! We dont need frauds in the medical community.. I let all the local store know the scam you are running.. and it just ran out playa.. nif there's a problem you know right where to find me...
Also all 3 guys are registered patients and by law can smoke where ever the fuck we want... what kinda mmj dude, questions how and where another patient medicates? :joint: fraud
3 guys tries charging me 100 dollars to have my sponsor "pure essential" ship a package to there store for me.

i don't hate on any one , in our community we need to help each other not rob each other.

so please every one don't support these clowns they are in it for the money not for the love of the plant. Making money is fine but . What they did was crazy , even told the pure essential rep to send the biz down the street to organicly grown so that's what we ddid and ken over there is super cool and gave us some free samples too. So support only hydro stores ya want in the scene lets get the assholes out here. Booom

3 Guys has allowed my Sponsor "X nutrients" To Send In Anything I Needed.And not to mention they assist all customers with the best info and gear deals in the area..People get upset just cause a store or person wont do things for them that isn't a their responsibility.
here's what he put out there in the california patient section...."I'm doing s 1 's of the OG forum ccuts well as animal crackers and platinum cookies also crossed forum cut with dead head OG for "dead scout cookies" amazing cookie chem tasete. Chocolope x forum cut next "choc chip cookies"

closet, pollen chucking hack...don't watch his you tube shit, you'll be dumber!