questions about harvesting


Active Member
its almost done man (i think). someone said they though it was a romulan cross when they saw it. trying to dry it out to see if it makes it turn any quicker lol :weed:

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If this is your first grow, than :clap: you got something and congratulations. Happy :bigjoint: for you.

The next thing you have to do is ask yourself what can I do to make this better. Do a little more research, what your not able to find than ask questions.

I'm watching a hockey game right now with a rum and coke and I'll spark one up soon and have toke on your success.

- SB -


New Member
thank you my dude.

yeah every round of plants, im learning something new. watering correctly has been the most difficult thing for me to grasp.


Well-Known Member
what happened to dont want to ask that question lol. it is a mutant./QUOTE]

No, it is a plant that was turned into something resembling a plant by shitty conditions. It is odd you want to place the blame on genetics when the problem is the grower.

It is also odd you would listen to advice regarding amber trichomes, yet you still think feminized seeds are some sort of genetic monster.
It is not odd that you think hermaphrodites were created by humans, it is insane.

when my soil runs out, im gonna be switching to coco peat moss and perlite.

Why don't you grow a couple decent plants in soil before changing?
If you can not grow in soil you absolutely can not grow in coco.

i hear ya bakatare. he needs to relax now though, hes still attacking me.
You should be "attacked" for your garbage opinions and offering advice on growing.
Stop giving advice on this board. Go spread your crap on grasscity.


Well-Known Member
I may well start one later on today. A simple "should bmeat be banned? yes/no."

It'd be a shame though, I'm sure I'm not alone in liking life's characters, and bmeat's certainly that!
But crosses the line spouting such constant and consistent shit everywhere, and it's getting tedious having to check around the boards shit detecting! ;)


New Member
so i transplanted tonight. im gonna need a taller box for sure.

neither were root bound, but at least the deeds done. the bigger plant, that i didnt take pictures of had more roots. after i was done, i realized that its gonna be a lot harder for me to tell when a clay pot needs watering. things heavy.

i need a new bag of soil now. any suggestions? i might switch to coco.



New Member

flowering mutant is 10 weeks into flower today. im getting tired of waiting for it to finish. im only giving it a half a week, maybe one more week then cutting her down.

both acid seeds are 3 weeks old today. im seeing some female preflowers on the bigger girl. broke earth 1/7

basil is 3 weeks old today as well. broke earth 1/8



Well-Known Member
Don't switch to coco. Leave your medium as is. It's unnecessary to shock your plants like that. You should have started them in coco if you want to grow in it.


New Member
thats very true, i didnt think about the shock associated from swtiching.

but, im not going to swtich any of these to coco, im just saying i just ran out of my soil and i need a new bag for my next seeds. any suggestions?

i was thining for earth either fox farm ocean cocaine, or espoma organic soil.

for coco i was thinking sunshine mix #4 or black gold waterhold coco (pure coco)


Well-Known Member
thats very true, i didnt think about the shock associated from swtiching.

but, im not going to swtich any of these to coco, im just saying i just ran out of my soil and i need a new bag for my next seeds. any suggestions?

i was thining for earth either fox farm ocean cocaine, or espoma organic soil.

for coco i was thinking sunshine mix #4 or black gold waterhold coco (pure coco)
Why don't you try reading some threads about people who have used the shit instead of reading advertisement trying to sell you shit.
The people who have used it will give info instead of telling you things that work in perfect environment and try to take your money
worse thing you can do is harvest to early I have made that mistake. also i think you get better taste drying with the root ball attached so that it dies slow. That maybe just a personal preference though good luck.


New Member
Look at some of the pics in the threads in aero and hydro.
Some amazing pics, but you need to learn how to use soil before attempting hydro.
ok. maybe ill just buy a small 12-16 quart bag of soil for now.

i did find a 1.5 cu ft bag of coco for only $30. decisions decisions..