Well-Known Member
He is still here? wowsounds like the real bob is coming out
He is still here? wowsounds like the real bob is coming out
Dr Boob, it took me awhile to decide to finally say this, but I am going to finally do so,
Would you shut the fuck up, and stop claiming your helping the community? Your lining your god damn pocket, and know it. I careless how you word yourself I could provide emails as proof from 3 different websites, and all I see is you bleeding certain factions of the community as you grow rich.
You personally are no better then the person you just posted about.
Remember in one of your own emails to me, that you needed me see your clinic 3 times for a recert. Really? My military records, and private doctor filled envelopes should have done quite well. Topped with a bike and burn accident as well. Let me add in 75 bucks a pop for each visit, 100 for consultation. Then we could discuss the doctor fee for my card. Lets not even tally in you hate all narcs and are going to wean all patients from them thought. I got a laugh for you. I dont use pain pills. never have unless needed for surgery. How many people you know that had 4 wisdom teeth knocked out same day no novacaine? I bet not many.
Best part get this, my doctor who wrote my new cert, asked you for orignal copy of my medical records which I paid for and gave freely to you. You demanded 5 bucks a sheet for. Now top this with you saying I am a vetran crap. I can show you my dd 214 and I bet best you did was guard someones cock from semen. You dig through the papers I gave you, a big fucking tree in south america kinda tore my left hip to shit, but hey, your the doc, and the vetran, here let me salute you.
You are a piece of work doc, right down to raping the community and enjoying the rewards. I should have spent my time learning how to be a clinic doc, instead of combat med/ engineer wearing a patch.
There thats my thoughts of you, Btw for a refresher I was the kid you did the east lansing run for when you worked ems, that got ass packed by a ford escort you do remember the 69 440 6 pack charger?
I knew you were a prick the day you spent more time saying what a waste, instead of looking at me before we went to sparrow, which I demanded.
Either way why dont you get the fuck out of the medical marijuana industry and instead treat toe fungus as you should.
does this mean that you finally understand why dr bob worked so hard and helped get the testimony for bona fide language implemented? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
(each $ sign represents at least one pt...if not many and their records)
---and his testimony to the legislation to change the language in the law? ----who's benefit..?...not ours
i thought I was the only one that saw that train coming----?
Drs like this should not be patronized by 'our' community even tho he has helped some to the detriment of others....
him being over here on this forum is just a shameless attempt at advertising--
he should stay at the other forum that they ruined-
and is now an empty shell....most folks in here don't buy the rhetoric that has been sold to many in other forums-
it will just be a matter of time before most of his pts smell the stinky shit he has been up to---and realize how much they will have to pay 'him' to be "bona fide".....unless folks spread the word-
there are many many fine Drs now certifying folks--Ann arbor has many...Lansing....Kalamazoo...flint.....even Detroit-
chk out any of the bigger clubs/dispensaries and you will find a Dr that works with them ....
alternative solutions in petoskey is another good one for up north folks and very good at certifying and record keeping ...
interesting that some folks are just waking up--and becoming aware....![]()
Well, Well, Well.
Let's see about this.
Though I know who this is, let's get some things straight.
First, I don't charge for records, never have, never will. So you are a liar.
Second, there is no requirement for 3 visits, I do offer a free follow up to make the chart more solid, but this has been disproven long ago. Just the same old tired crap from those that don't like standards. So you are a liar.
For the rest of it, your profanity strewn rant isn't even worth discussing.
But lets have a look at the folks making the rant.
Dr. Boob, I know who uses that term. She runs a clinic. Buck, and the kid I did the ems run on 20 years ago, and most of the rest of these clowns are from the same clinic area, Clare. And we know the story there.
Sorry you guys have to get used to the new rules and start acting like a real clinic. You can promote your services without simply making crap up about those that are actually doing something in the community.
Were you at the new conditions panel Friday? I was, trying to get PTSD added to the list. You are welcome to watch the testimony. I've got 5 more condition applications I'm working on, yet have to take time away from that and my practice to respond to a little band of angry people with access to the internet that think they can't be identified, which gives them the courage to attack folks with anything they care to make up.
Have a nice day little guy.
Dr. Bob
BTW, kinda cool how I forced your clinic prices to drop to $50 in Clare. Doing the same in Gaylord. Muskegon is next.
Dr. Bob
Yo doc, already did, but case remains theirs your fucking proof.
Some help tell me you want near double the price I got it over with in flint.
Take your fucking bull shit back to 3Ma, they called and said their village was missing the beloved idiot, Asked if we could kindly return him. I said he be along shortly. Now back to your corner.
BTW Doc, let me ask this, Can you justify what was said, as the truth of what I said? I dont expect an answer, nor do i expect you actually apologize for calling me a liar. even with said facts. and we havent even got to me being able show you the need 3 visits from your clinic emails from your own site.
This said Dr Boob, err puts, err Village idiot, care to call me a liar again? Or state anything I said is a lie again? Care to again get confused and think I am a god damn clinic that is hounding you?
Need me send anything said from your site to you a well Dont worry, i wont break t.os of the site and post it. I will remain professsional through out my inquiry of you, and wont jump at the chance to lower my self to standards you used, as a medical professional in front of the community either. i promise, not my style, but thanks for the look into what you really think Dr, of most patients. .............
Open wallet
Wow talk about a brick through glass Dr.
Your professionalism shows several posts back. Little guy, chick with clinic.
Then you make that statemnt, Now lets get to my records. i called asked for copies, you said fine, 5 bucks a page. Fuck it keep em, i will get em at their location thanks click.
Now lets move to your phone , Doc,
Me hey I need recert, whats it going take,
you recent dr visits
me yeah 2 this year,
you well anything related to your condition.
me No I havent had need see dr for pain pills in near 2 years since I started mmj.
You good 3 visits to my clinic, so we can evaluate, then we will discuss renewing card. Meanwhile we are working get patients off Narcs
Me no problem on narcs dont take any.
You 3 visits 125 each your pick saginaw or grayling clinic.
Wow some real fucking help doc.
lets move to your site, you linked me,
Doc recert is nearing you sent me to the site
You yeah I charge 125 in all clinics 3 visits
Ok well pricey
you- You can see my clinic in grayling for 75.
wow doc really
That refresh a memory? I know last email did.
Name calling as said came from your lame ass. I started it shortly after your intelligent banted calling me who I am not. Then topped with a statement everything said so far was a lie. As said if want will hit you with sent messages from your site as well.