Think I need to elaborate on this a bit more, the problem volunatrist/anarcho-capitilist and I; have with anarcho-communism/left libertarianism/etc... Is that it doesn't advocate for liberty for everyone uniformely because of this property rights argument. If it weren't for the goverment only less than 5% of the land is actually occupied by private property owners, so there would be plenty of land for everyone, plenty of room to have your hippie communes, sharing experiments, etc...(Which we have absolutely no problem with, We view it as a business plan) but when you enforce this on everyone, when you say THIS IS HOW SOCIETY SHOULD BE this is clearly a violation of ethics and of the non-agression principle because you are forcing things on others by violent force.
Now something you can appreciate I am sure, your argument is that land ownership is against the non-aggression principle, I wrote why its not above but the universal principle that counters that with property ownership is that what you create is yours and anyone who trys to take that from you is stealing, for example if you build your house, farm a crop, etc...then not one person has the moral right to take this from you just as they don't have the right to take your eyeball.