should i trim???? pics

you need to do a few changes to you flower room

if you have one hps light in the room, get the 2 shortes plants in the middle of the room and the 2 higher plants on each ends of the room
so it makes a v shape, lift a pot if you need to


Well-Known Member
Yes rotating the plants in said manner is a great thing to do. But that dosent answer the question. And on that note, I would say; No, do not remove any of the fan leaves. The fan leaves are the power source for the plant. It's where the plant gets its energy to grow, the essential catalyst. Literally they are the solar panels of the plant. If anything trim the insignificant little crap ander the canopy, where not much light is reaching.

In short, the fan leaves use the light more efficiently than the buds alone. I won't get into the deep science of it, you can look it up of your curious. But at the end of the day DO NOT remove any fan leaves that are recieving direct light, or even partial light. Only if it gets no light would I remove leaves.


thanks i've moved them around so the tallest are on the outside and the shortest are directly unders the lights (there are 2 600watters) is that what you meant??


Well-Known Member
Your about done so I wouldn't worry about trimming fan leaves. And nice buds.
You could harvest tops when done and trim up some fan leaves then and let bottom half go another week and they will plump up more with light hitting them. The high shouldn't be much diff from my exp. growing.
Next time try scrogging and you will manage the fan leaf cluster better when you have even growth of tops. Hard to do when you have multiple strains since they all do there own thing but it does help. And also you can tell when you grown enough when plants are gonna stretch or not.
Grow looks good man kept it up.


Yes rotating the plants in said manner is a great thing to do. But that dosent answer the question. And on that note, I would say; No, do not remove any of the fan leaves. The fan leaves are the power source for the plant. It's where the plant gets its energy to grow, the essential catalyst. Literally they are the solar panels of the plant. If anything trim the insignificant little crap ander the canopy, where not much light is reaching.
thank you mate i didn't want to say lol and nice one i'll leave them the way they are (under the canopy has been lollipoped to some extent)


Your about done so I wouldn't worry about trimming fan leaves. And nice buds.
You could harvest tops when done and trim up some fan leaves then and let bottom half go another week and they will plump up more with light hitting them. The high shouldn't be much diff from my exp. growing.
Next time try scrogging and you will manage the fan leaf cluster better when you have even growth of tops.
Grow looks good man kept it up.
thanks mate


Active Member
moving the plants around will increase yeild
there tall and short plants in the flower room

And this has what to do with removing fan leaves? Nothing.

There are a whole bunch of things you could have done to increase the bud production, but none of those are answer to the question:

It's fine, enjoy your buds.
Yes rotating the plants in said manner is a great thing to do. But that dosent answer the question. And on that note, I would say; No, do not remove any of the fan leaves. The fan leaves are the power source for the plant. It's where the plant gets its energy to grow, the essential catalyst. Literally they are the solar panels of the plant. If anything trim the insignificant little crap ander the canopy, where not much light is reaching.
I can increase my yeild loads and have complete control over my plant by removing fan leaves at diffent stages of growth,
have done this loads of times over the last couple of years and could teach any any one how to do this
I have not read a book on this, I have learnt how how plants grow and how the fan leave affect parts of the plant
can slower any part of the plant I want to get the shape and results I want


Well-Known Member
I look at leaves like solar panels if their not getting light their not doing work imo...i defoliate but depends on how much longer i have left, if your a week away from harvest it wouldn't do much, but a couple weeks i'd pluck some canopy foliage for better light coverage...defoliating is a very controversal technique
thanks i've moved them around so the tallest are on the outside and the shortest are directly unders the lights (there are 2 600watters) is that what you meant??
yes you need to get the top of the plant as close to the bulb as you can without burning the leaves, so the bulb its self holds most the light and heat the reflected light is a lot less from the hood ect

so if you have the tops say 16" from the bulb all the plant will all get the max lums they can and increase your yeild


Well-Known Member
I can increase my yeild loads and have complete control over my plant by removing fan leaves at diffent stages of growth,
have done this loads of times over the last couple of years and could teach any any one how to do this
I have not read a book on this, I have learnt how how plants grow and how the fan leave affect parts of the plant
can slower any part of the plant I want to get the shape and results I want
*any, not any any
*"how the fan leave affect parts of the plant can slower any part of the plant I want to get the shape and results I want" what the fuck does this mean?

You mean to tell me removing the part of the plant that helps fuel growth, made your plants grow better? :dunce: If I understand that gibberish right... Well if you removed your fan leave that get direct sunlight and had good results, I can factually tell you that the result would have been much better had you not removed the power source of the plant. Got any pictures of these plants without fan leaves that grew so well? Id sure love to see them. I doubt they look as good as the OPs.
I look at leaves like solar panels if their not getting light their not doing work imo...i defoliate but depends on how much longer i have left, if your a week away from harvest it wouldn't do much, but a couple weeks i'd pluck some canopy foliage for better light coverage...defoliating is a very controversal technique
yes your right the fan leaves are solar panals but for the node next to it, uses most of the light so if the node is small and cut the fan leave off the node grows very slow
but if you remove half the fan leave, the node will still grow but slower
if a node is covered with a fan leave the plant redirects most the eney to the higher nodes and so it grows slow

so you need to move cut the fan leaves to give the low nodes light to make the plant more bushy, do this and lst'ing works realy well to contral the growth
*any, not any any
*"how the fan leave affect parts of the plant can slower any part of the plant I want to get the shape and results I want" what the fuck does this mean?

You mean to tell me removing the part of the plant that helps fuel growth, made your plants grow better? :dunce: If I understand that gibberish right... Well if you removed your fan leave that get direct sunlight and had good results, I can factually tell you that the result would have been much better had you not removed the power source of the plant. Got any pictures of these plants without fan leaves that grew so well? Id sure love to see them. I doubt they look as good as the OPs.
yes will show you pic stage by stag if you want


Well-Known Member
yes your right the fan leaves are solar panals but for the node next to it, uses most of the light so if the node is small and cut the fan leave off the node grows very slow
but if you remove half the fan leave, the node will still grow but slower
if a node is covered with a fan leave the plant redirects most the eney to the higher nodes and so it grows slow

so you need to move cut the fan leaves to give the low nodes light to make the plant more bushy, do this and lst'ing works realy well to contral the growth
People, don't take growing advice from people that can't even write proper English. Just saying.

And also you are wrong, fan leaves generate more energy for the plant than the terminal itself. Get your facts right.