CO2 - Only for big grows?


I just read in another thread, that was years old... so i didn't want to gravedig that thread

But why are you even thinking about C02? it is mostly only used in large commercial grows and is fairly exspensive to add properly
followed by

As was mentioned, It's only practical on larger grows.
Is it only the cost that would dissuade a small time grower from using it?

I understand the controllers are far from cheap, plus you need a few other bits and pieces, depending on which route you take... is it only the initial outlay that is expensive?

If i was trying to do CO2 control with a PPM meter, and i was using CO2 from a bottle... can anyone give some kind of rough estimate on the actual cost of the CO2 used per month?

What happens to me if i walk into a room with 1500 PPM of CO2?

Do i need to exhaust the CO2 from my room before entering? Gas Mask? :ojk about the mask... i think...

I will have 3 girls in a room that is 10'x15', a big room for only a few girls.

Does anyone have any rough estimates as to how much more you might harvest? If we are talking 10% gain, forget about it, i am dumping CO2 from my plans, if we are taking an extra 50%, well i would give that a go.

Does it have any hidden benefits with High Rel Humidity/molds/rotting buds etc., for instance?


Well-Known Member
60 bux a month depending on what a refill costs. a 20# tank a week.go with a generator and bring that amount down to under 10 bux a month for propane.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to use C02 for 3 girls man. Just have an intake fan from outside that brings fresh air in with them. Outdoor air has ALL the Co2 you will ever need for free! :hump:


Well-Known Member
I've been running a bottle for a few years now and just upgraded to ppm controller and generator and I won't be looking back.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to use C02 for 3 girls man. Just have an intake fan from outside that brings fresh air in with them. Outdoor air has ALL the Co2 you will ever need for free! :hump:
1500 ppm . you won't be doing that with outside air. outdoors co2 levels range from 400-600 ppm. indoors you can add a couple hundred ppm depending on things.


Well-Known Member
and no co2 is not only for big grows, it's for someone that wants to increase yield no matter what size the grow is.


I use a 20# bottle in my ten by thirteen grow room with a reg and a timer. I dont even bother with the controller for now sames I have air cooled hoods and the room is sealed. Just takes alittle bit of math and you can get it close enough. co2 isnt toxic to humans under 3500 ppm. They say 3500 ppm for old people and small children but it can go well over that for the healthy individual. But you will be talking about 100 for the tank and 75 for a good regulator. You can get a really nice reg on amazon for only 59 right now. thats the one I got from hydrofarm or something like that, comes with tubing and everything needed including washers for the tank and reg connection. I run my room at 1500 ppm and only have it turn on the first 15 min of every second hour that the lights are turning on running a flow of 5 cfh on the regulator. You will see huge improvments and will only have to flower 7 instead of 9 weeks if you do it right


I use a 20# bottle in my ten by thirteen grow room with a reg and a timer. I dont even bother with the controller for now sames I have air cooled hoods and the room is sealed. Just takes alittle bit of math and you can get it close enough. co2 isnt toxic to humans under 3500 ppm. They say 3500 ppm for old people and small children but it can go well over that for the healthy individual. But you will be talking about 100 for the tank and 75 for a good regulator. You can get a really nice reg on amazon for only 59 right now. thats the one I got from hydrofarm or something like that, comes with tubing and everything needed including washers for the tank and reg connection. I run my room at 1500 ppm and only have it turn on the first 15 min of every second hour that the lights are turning on running a flow of 5 cfh on the regulator. You will see huge improvments and will only have to flower 7 instead of 9 weeks if you do it right
I can not work out how to send a PM on this forum, i wanted to ask you for a link to that reg on Amazon.

How often do you go through a 20# bottle?




Well-Known Member
I have found that all the gimmicks like co2 tablets etc ,are a waste of time , although i have not tried that product,
There is only 2 ways to produce co2 , either a reaction of chemicals together or pre stored tank form.
Spend your bucks wisely......
which category does burning propane or natural gas come under? because it's by far the cheapest way to create co2.


Well-Known Member
Initial cost is nothing when you consider how much you're going to be spending on bottles over a period of time, I'll take my 20 dollar bottle of propane every 2-3 months as opposed to 15 dollars a week in co2 refills.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Initial cost is nothing when you consider how much you're going to be spending on bottles over a period of time, I'll take my 20 dollar bottle of propane every 2-3 months as opposed to 15 dollars a week in co2 refills.
I spend $20 every 2 months to refill my 20 lb tank. if your refilling once a week, you need to seal your room better.


Well-Known Member
I spend $20 every 2 months to refill my 20 lb tank. if your refilling once a week, you need to seal your room better.
without even considering room size you can make that assumption? hard to say really, I only recently upgraded to a ppm controller. I may have gotten a little carried away , I usually got 10 days at least from a bottle.


How tall is a 20# bottle?
About how heavy is it empty?

Can i purchase a bottle larger than 20#, and how tall would it be? Would a larger bottle be difficult for 1 man to carry up and down stairs?