Are you a pacer?


Well-Known Member
I have to admit, when I am on the phone, I pace my ass off. Especially when it is an important call with a customer about an issue they have.

Yes, I have been scolded a time or 2 because of it. I can't help it, I think better/faster when I am moving.




Well-Known Member
I have to admit, when I am on the phone, I pace my ass off. Especially when it is an important call with a customer about an issue they have.

Yes, I have been scolded a time or 2 because of it. I can't help it, I think better/faster when I am moving.


true that man, I'll add that I think even better when moving, while also under high pressure. Like running across a paintball field in a tourney with paintballs flying all around. Must have something to do with the adrenaline but I would like to think I'm exceptional in that kind high pressure/high risk situation


Well-Known Member
I've always attributed it to the ADHD. At night Its hard to fall asleep cuz I toss and turn and my brain is racing always. I can only assume its the ADHD. Maybe some people are just restless and a label on it is Bullshit because everyone is different. I'm no doctor.
I'm the same way, I've never been able to fall right asleep. Ever.