So yesterday after posting, I took floppy out of the pot, just her and her rockwool. I soaked the rockwool and put her back in her big pot to see what would happen. 2 hours later she was fine. And this morning, even better. I'm hoping the roots take hold this time. The soil beneath her is nice and damp, but not too wet (in my noob opinion). It may be too wet, but we'll figure her out... or not.
Here she is though looking all chipper and ready for the dance
And our view of the sun in the afternoon. I've already cleared about 4 of those littler trees, but would like to do a lot more.
EDIT: Just read a federal judge tossed out the NCAA motion to dismiss the lawsuit against them in regards to athletes being able to get money from TV deals. Not paying college athletes is just one of the many ills in amatuer and professional sports. It's amazing the extent to which rich white college executives can use barely literate black players to make them huge amounts of money, while it's against the rules for those players to get taken out to dinner, or get a free pair of shoes. I ain't gonna say it, but this situation always makes me thing of one thing.