Kia was on our short list of cars to test drive. Never made it past the ford dealer though. Lol... still feels funny to say that. I'm a chevy guy.
We ain't got vauxhalls in the US.
Congrats on the potential new car West. How exciting. I know how awesome that feels. We actually just got our plates in the mail the other day and damn was I chuffed. Never thought I'd be holding license plates to a car I was going to own. Fucking cool. I don't want to put them on the car, want to hang them up or something.
And guess what guys. Took off some foliage and gave her a tiny sip of water and guess who's looking mighty chipper this morning.
Cool as hell. Thanks a lot TC for first suggesting it to deaf ears... and to TLD for mentioning it again. She's just beautiful looking. All perky and shit. Just amazing. I think they all really like the 50% humidity in there. Yay rain.
And T... you need to borrow a couple bucks to buy a new avatar or what lol