PM me. It never hurts to ask.
Or Michiganhow about cali?
Or Michigan
Or Colorado
Even Oregon
There are people living there that are designated caregivers and some of them even have the room to do side by sides. If you do that and it is successful. All the media outlays you put out would pale in comparison.
1 guy growing isnt enough 3 on up would seal the deal for many people including myself. And the risk on indigro would be none. This can be done and done right.
Then we would all be experienced with the benefits or lack there of, of these lights
Hey Chesus I have no problem making the introduction but ultimately it will be a decision made by Darryl @ Inda-Gro. I texted him your name. Make your pitch to him directly as it is not my call to make. But at the end of the day there are numerous grows with these lights and a facebook page devoted to Inda-Gro MMJ Gardens. It's not like those gardens can't be seen by you and those other senior RIU members. Spliff is exceptional in his detail and methods and has, like me, received no remuneration for our contributions to this and other forums. We share and ultimately it's up to the end user to make some kind of informed decision. Unfortunately for most growers they get their information from a hydro shop who just so happens to have the latest and greatest in this or that lamp technology. And to often its nothing groundbreaking, is expensive, and just another way to dovetail added products such as hoods, ducting, etc etc.
I'm just saying there is a party going on you're just a bit late getting there. or not
3Sounds like somebody wants a free pontoon,wont say any names though Has anybody seen Smart Grow Lamps? Or has this already be talked about? They are made 30 mins from me, so I call and talked to the rep and he told me that they have a new full specturm bulb with rare earth phosphors. Thier old lamps were 2700k and 5000k. Dude said that the light the new bulb puts out looks purple and you should wear sunglasses in the room. Is this thing a knock off or have they possibly came out with something worth looking at.
make a believer of me. Loan out 3 units to 3 members here. They can test them out. A successful test will be insanely good for inda gro
I really like my 420s and consistently pull good numbers with them. I just don't post pics all the time. Now you only need to find two more members for touting purposes
I can understand the risk in loan-outs being a turn off, but on the other hand I can totally sypathize with Chesus on this issue... that is a very expensive lamp and there is not enough solid proof. (Quite possibly as a direct result of the price point, really.) I don't doubt that it works, honestly. But it's STILL very hard for me to make the purchase at that price point right now.
I WANT to buy one, but I am not prepared to make that kind of investment in something without a solid proven track record. I have to agree, it would be a good move to do the loan outs.
it's a good price point. When you think about heat issues and energy savings.
But I want to see 3 grow journals that would make me abandon tried and true methods that work.
And Ganja Farmer
I believe you and if it freaks you out to post pics I can totally understand that. I wouldnt either