Learn how to fucking spell!!!!


Well-Known Member
STATELY, PLUMP BUCK MULLIGAN CAME FROM THE STAIRHEAD, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. A yellow dressing gown, ungirdled, was sustained gently-behind him by the mild morning air. He held the bowl aloft and intoned:-- Introibo ad altare Dei.

Halted, he peered down the dark winding stairs and called up coarsely:
-- Come up, Kinch. Come up, you fearful jesuit.
Solemnly he came forward and mounted the round gunrest. He faced about and blessed gravely thrice the tower, the surrounding country and the awaking mountains. Then, catching sight of Stephen Dedalus, he bent towards him and made rapid crosses in the air, gurgling in his throat and shaking his head. Stephen Dedalus, displeased and sleepy, leaned his arms on the top of the staircase and looked coldly at the shaking gurgling face that blessed him, equine in its length, and at the light untonsured hair, grained and hued like pale oak.
People of like intellect and looks seem to just gravitate towards each other naturally. It is annoying to see the spelling challenged try to write so I generally just block it out some way. They are fucking savages.


Well-Known Member
I've never been impressed with these people that pop up and say "hey you spelled that word wrong, so I think I'm smarter then you". It just shows, (in my mind any way) that said people have some type of inferiority complex they can't let go of.

Cause everybody knows you could spell check with the computer if you want to. So it's really no big deal, is it?

Why does it have to be an "inferiority complex"? Why can't it just be someone trying to help another, by educating them; so they do not make the same mistake again?

"The trouble with most of us, is we would rather be ruined with praise, than saved by criticism" Norman Vincent Peale

match box

Well-Known Member
There is some funny stuff in this thread. It has made my night a little better. I can't spell I have never been able to spell. Some times I go to my e-mail where I have spell check and then come back and post. I wish my misspelling was as funny as you guy's.


Active Member
I loved English in high school :P
Kick my self in the ass when I make unintentional mistakes. (Yes, sometimes I mean to)


Well-Known Member
While people know that there are more than two 2's in the English language, too many people are not always sure which one to use.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i really only care that i can tell what someone is trying to say, but it really does break up the flow of the reading when the wrong spelling is used. if someone writes "loose" instead of "lose", that's how i read it and it fucks me up for a second.

a real pet peeve of mine?

When Someone Capitalizes Every First Letter In Every Word In A Sentence.

i. literally. read. it. like. this. because. i'm. trained. to. view. a. capital. letter. as. the. beginning. of. a. new. thought.


Well-Known Member
i really only care that i can tell what someone is trying to say, but it really does break up the flow of the reading when the wrong spelling is used. if someone writes "loose" instead of "lose", that's how i read it and it fucks me up for a second.

a real pet peeve of mine?

When Someone Capitalizes Every First Letter In Every Word In A Sentence.

i. literally. read. it. like. this. because. i'm. trained. to. view. a. capital. letter. as. the. beginning. of. a. new. thought.

Guilty. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i really only care that i can tell what someone is trying to say, but it really does break up the flow of the reading when the wrong spelling is used. if someone writes "loose" instead of "lose", that's how i read it and it fucks me up for a second.

a real pet peeve of mine?

When Someone Capitalizes Every First Letter In Every Word In A Sentence.

i. literally. read. it. like. this. because. i'm. trained. to. view. a. capital. letter. as. the. beginning. of. a. new. thought.
Sometimes. You must read. As if. You were. Kirk.

And you didn't capitalize your I's. That's OK, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was someone else's pet peeve. I think people with a programming (especially C, etc.) background have an easier time dealing with lower case, strange mixed case like camelCase and so on.

Pet peeves? They can be very unique, irregardless of whatever ideas are literally hanging around in your head. But arguing that would be mute.


Well-Known Member
i doant lyke it eyether becuz it mayks uz luk lyke a bunhc uf stoopid stoanerz. Esspessially whenn its reelly eezy stuf. as four slanng i jusct nevur undurstood wye it iz soo haard too tipe that won oar to eggstra letterz. lazee fuckerz.


Well-Known Member
There really is no excuse for the spelling. Come on, the fucking computer checks it for you. I screw up with punctuation all the time. At least I try!!! ;)
umm, yeh there are exuses, #1 my computer doesn`t have it without adding another tool bar and i don`t want another. then you have add and dislexia, compounded with good weed and typing to fast. i have a 140 iq and can`t spell for shit, so what? we`re all a bunch of potheads and you can`t think of something better than spelling to bitch about?


Well-Known Member
this thread is bad. i wish it were possible to cut a thread. i would cut this thread deep. i would shank that bitch.
So, last night my wife and I pull up to the front row of a red light intersection with a guy holding a cardboard sign next to us that reads, "Anything helps my son and I". I looked at my wife and asked her if she thought I should tell him to correct it to "Anything helps my son and me". She hates it when I correct people on "I and me", but it is a big pet peeve, so I go on. I told her, "remove the son and the sign sounds stupid, 'anything helps I'". I told her he could have written "my son and I appreciate any help". I threw a few more out and she began to get perturbed, even though she was laughing at my intensity and conviction. As we headed through the intersection I said, "well, perhaps if he spoke better English, he wouldn't be out here holding a sign". She got a good laugh, and so did me.
just curious did u, OOOPS you help them??


Well-Known Member
Sometimes. You must read. As if. You were. Kirk.

And you didn't capitalize your I's. That's OK, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was someone else's pet peeve. I think people with a programming (especially C, etc.) background have an easier time dealing with lower case, strange mixed case like camelCase and so on.

Pet peeves? They can be very unique, irregardless of whatever ideas are literally hanging around in your head. But arguing that would be mute.

Irregardless is not a word. The word is "regardless"
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