Club 600


Well-Known Member
mary jane giggles! :)

i would be concerened about her eyes. those hid lights are not good for eyes. i think. it's been awhile since i read about such things.

i spent hours today on pros and cons of cats vs dogs vs marijuana. one complaint i saw a few times was that cats love to piss in the soil of the plants. sneaky little buggers.
DID YOU SEE THE REPORT ON THE NEWS about cats? they kill BILLIONS of birds and small animals a year. wow.

i'm keeping mine indoors.
Haha I love my cat and her name! She doesn't stay in the the whole time only when I'm watering lol. and I raise the lights all the way up so it's not near as intense for her in my 4x4 or she just lays right outside it.

Your from AZ?! I was just there not to long ago lol.


Active Member
Whats goin on 6Hundo's? Got a Q for u guys. Let's say u accidently brake a timer so ur veg room is timer less. It only has a small cutting and a seedling in it. Would it matter if a couple nights it gets 24/0 lighting then back to normal Friday? Thats when new one should arrive HOPEFULLY!

EDIT: back to normal means 18/6. JIC anyone was wondering what I meant. :).


Well-Known Member
Whats goin on 6Hundo's? Got a Q for u guys. Let's say u accidently brake a timer so ur veg room is timer less. It only has a small cutting and a seedling in it. Would it matter if a couple nights it gets 24/0 lighting then back to normal Friday? Thats when new one should arrive HOPEFULLY!

EDIT: back to normal means 18/6. JIC anyone was wondering what I meant. :).
Shouldnt matter, they're both a veg cycle.


Well-Known Member
24 hours of light will be just fine for the veggers. They shouldn't miss a beat.

As for cats, we keep all ours strictly indoors, don't have to worry about them tracking anything in, or getting sick very much. I couldn't even look at that adoption page, made me want to go get them all.


Active Member
i have a list of 6 cats. all spayed females, 2 years or older.

this is the one i'm going to check out first. i'm in elove.

i went to buy a chow chow once. i ended up with 2 of them. :)
The two animals I most loved was first my late AMAZING purple tungued chow chow named Chica :). How I miss my Chica :(, gets me all chocked up thinking about her. Then i got my awesome kitty "Lawrence". What an awesome cat he was. He had to be put down and let me tell u I cried. That cat was stank as hell with all but me. I'd leave home, him too. Id stumble in at 3,4,5 AM and he would hear my bass and I'd hear him running home thru the woods lol. Id wait a few seconds and sure enough there he'd come. He slept in my room and all. Cats are great pets and companions if u can click with them. Rub them ever so softly in between their eyes and they melt! Good luck with ur soon to be new pal!


Well-Known Member
IMG849.jpgIMG848.jpg....on the left is blue widow..the right is OG they look ready to come down ?..hello all you muthasiXers


Well-Known Member
Thanks cof..I was hoping to hear something like that about the widow..second time with kush..I think I cut the first og 'bout two weeks to early..I have patience so the widow can wait..first day of 12's was 12/1/12 ..I don't usually count the first five day's...I give them transition time..


Well-Known Member
I agree with cof about timing. The look real good. Nice work. That's a lot of 12's.
Haha..thanks jig..the sample piece that happened to fall off the kush tasted great. Guess they (3 og's) will be comin down sunday morning..because I will be too drunk to trim during the super bowl..oh yeah a piece of blue widow fell off for that yeah..sorry for ramblin'..ahhhh feelin better


Well-Known Member
My desktop computron is failing.
It's almost 6 years old, so... it's getting to be time.

Currently using the wife's laptop to pop in and say "Howdy!", and research the cost of components to build a new machine.
Looking at an Asus Sabertooth motherboard, a Core i7 3770k "Ivy Bridge" processor, 32-GB of RAM (still researching whether to use 16-GB or 32-GB), a modern graphics card (my old Geforce 8800 GTS 512 is, well, old).
And a new case (current case is a mini-tower, and already cramped, and the Sabertooth motherboard is an Extended ATX form factor, so it won't fit).
Not looking forward to spending the do-re-mi, but I feel halved without my digital buddy. :-(
Will reuse everything else (monitors, keyboard, mouse, hard drives, etc).
Also will be upgrading to Windows 7 64-bit (Ableton Suite 9 is coming out in a few months, and it has been re-coded for 64-bit, and they have a decent upgrade discount for us users who have Ableton Suite 8 )
Will let you know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Going to see the okes tonight in Utrecht.
Malian music. Funky and soulful.


Well-Known Member
Very cool, D!
I like the blending of so many styles of sounds like that.
I've been playing more Eastern Mode stuff with my bass these days. More stuff with the flavors of India, but also stuff with a definite Middle Eastern sound.