What is better. Regular or female seeds?


Active Member
I wanna order some seeds. I was wanting to know is it better to buy regular seeds or female seeds? The price is about the same but you do get more regular seeds compared to female seeds. So is it worth it?
if you can get 3 regulars for the price of one feminized, id buy the regulars.

if not, just get one feminized seed.
well I have seen some seeds that I would like to try. I see you get like 3 female seeds for the same price of 10 regular seeds.
I always get more regs, I feel like I have had better luck avoiding hermies this way, plus if you get a bomb ass male you can select a portion of your crop to pollinate.
Well figure 50/50 female to male on Reg seed. Actually 60/40 according to some. Who wants to tend and grow males just to trash them.... nobody. So you pay a premium for fem seed, which is generally OK
agreed aimaim. shoot for a 60/40 male:female. even then, 4 very stable females are better than three ;)
High Times just ran a side by side with AK-47 one fem one reg. They concluded no difference, but the fem looked better in the pics. I've only run fems in my 3 years of growing, only had one herm.
agreed aimaim. shoot for a 60/40 male:female. even then, 4 very stable females are better than three ;)

Re-read my post. 60/40 was 60% female, actually if you get half of them in your favor you in the tall cotton.
I wanna order some seeds. I was wanting to know is it better to buy regular seeds or female seeds? The price is about the same but you do get more regular seeds compared to female seeds. So is it worth it?
There 1:1 ratio of males to females usually. So expect 1/2 your regular seeds to be males. Feminized seeds cost more than regulars. It all depends what you want to do. Just grow bud? Make sum seeds? I like feminized seeds personally.
I don't have any direct experience here, but I read in Cervante's that there's stuff you can do to increase your odds of a regular seed being female- stuff like more blue light and lower temps? I'll look it up if anyone is interested. A buddy of mine tried his method and only had to pull 4 males out of 16 plants, and later another 2 hermied. Still, 10 out of 16 isn't bad at all.

Then I was reading in one of the Cannabibles that the author sees a definite decrease in the quality of feminized seeds. He also objects to them on the moral grounds that doing what they have to do to the plants to get them to throw feminized seeds is just wrong, and not the way that we should be treating a plant as spectacular as this one.

I'm inclined to agree with him on the moral grounds bit.

I'm growing some feminized autos right now just to give them a whirl- I was given them, and I'm curious. I don't believe I would pay money to grow feminized seeds over regular ones based on the reading I've done.
Reg seeds are better if your gona grow a few plants at once but if you can only do like 1 or 2 at a time id get fem seeds thats what i do
Ether are fine both have hermaphrodites.

negative. land race strains wont have the feminized gene pool hermie. it MAY have a "true" hermie here and there, but this is VERY VERY rare.

feminized seeds are much more likely to go herman.
negative. land race strains wont have the feminized gene pool hermie. it MAY have a "true" hermie here and there, but this is VERY VERY rare.

feminized seeds are much more likely to go herman.

Yeah some land race strains, some places have autoflower hermis

Thai and Afghan are the best land race strains I think.
From the seed plant?

Yes. Paraphrasing from the book in front of me:

A seed has about a 50/50 chance of being female when you put it in the dirt. Environmental factors that increase the likelihood of any given seed becoming female include:
Increasing the nitrogen, low temps, more blue light, fewer hours of daylight. Stress increases males. Environmental factors start influencing sex from the moment the seedling has three sets of true leaves. That's from Cervantes Medical Growers Bible.