Inda-gro Induction...

You're basically playing a passive-aggressive game here... doesn't sit well with me. Guess I've made my decision. Thanks for helping, Chaz.

At the risk of being called passive, you're very welcome.
Darryl probably wouldn't be too happy. I don't really care about my AA sponsor but hopefully not my NA sponsor because I still get paid in bud from him.
Just because he has tested / journaled a product for a company dosent mean he works for them?
Herbias, DrGt Attitude an many others have given me seed.
That dosent mean I work for them?

If you disclose it's a gift and you do an a accurate journal with some decent photo documentation I see no Issue.
Telling me where you sit before telling me where you stand tells me your potential biases an that's honnest as it comes.
In a heads up competition the grower is going for the best, he may spin why one failed.
But the Winner is obvious if they posted lofs of pics & documnfed it often.

People always love Their baby the most, be cause they bet it was the best with their cash.
Sometimes folks who don't purchaser a product but test them in an honest method is more accurate.....
Check this out
They were trying to sell induction lights at this website and used sock puppets
These two have been banned as it seems they are sitting on the same computer as each other.. I would take everything they have said in this thread as fabrication
Does your sponsor Darryl know you are driving people away?

Guess it's irrelevent since you already got paid.
you say you want proof, and loonquwal the wanker as you called him has been very modest in posting his pics of his first EVER grow and he went with and indagro and just look at the success he has had. You loonquwal are smart not to be fully self-convinced that you will not mess this grow up since it isn't chop time yet, but I think your in clear or should i say amber lol. You have def put me to shame on my first grow.... I just can not give you enough props on how nice that screening looks, really I am likely to believe this isn't your first time, but that is just because my first time was such a train wreck. If a first time grower can do that with a 420 and just an even canopy through a screen you might be looking at the most effective light+training method you could hope to utilize indoors, not to mention if those pontoons are worth the money, just gotta anxiously wait for results.
you say you want proof, and loonquwal the wanker as you called him has been very modest in posting his pics of his first EVER grow and he went with and indagro and just look at the success he has had. You loonquwal are smart not to be fully self-convinced that you will not mess this grow up since it isn't chop time yet, but I think your in clear or should i say amber lol. You have def put me to shame on my first grow.... I just can not give you enough props on how nice that screening looks, really I am likely to believe this isn't your first time, but that is just because my first time was such a train wreck. If a first time grower can do that with a 420 and just an even canopy through a screen you might be looking at the most effective light+training method you could hope to utilize indoors, not to mention if those pontoons are worth the money, just gotta anxiously wait for results.

Thanks for the kind words.

Im not out of the woods on this one though. The leaves are yellowing fast. Not sure if it was light bleaching from leaving the light too close, or I didn't feed her enough during veg. Live and learn. Next grow will be better. Like I said, RUI, for the most part has been very helpful.

I only need an oz a month and it will take about 4 months for this one plant, if I get 4 oz or so I will not need the pontoon. That is unless the quality of the bud is tremendous.

Mr. Rice, peace, love and happiness. Some day I hope to have a Harley, but sadly today is not that day.
Def could see a qp sitting there easy imo. And while you are not out of the woods yet I would not stress it too much. Have you started flushing yet? I ask because I have read that flushing breaks down the chlorophyll in your plant leaf and brings out its autumn/end of life colors in the leaves to let you know shes ready. I feel this statement is supported atleast by my personal experience in my last grow, I flushed for two weeks and saw the one plant turn pretty purp and the other started to yellow but not from the bottom or top really just the middle. But what do I know I have only been at this a little while, just thought I would give you my spin on what that might be.
Def could see a qp sitting there easy imo. And while you are not out of the woods yet I would not stress it too much. Have you started flushing yet? I ask because I have read that flushing breaks down the chlorophyll in your plant leaf and brings out its autumn/end of life colors in the leaves to let you know shes ready. I feel this statement is supported atleast by my personal experience in my last grow, I flushed for two weeks and saw the one plant turn pretty purp and the other started to yellow but not from the bottom or top really just the middle. But what do I know I have only been at this a little while, just thought I would give you my spin on what that might be.

I have not, nor will I (have changed my mind on this at least 3 times today.) From what I've read there is no need to flush when using organic nutes. I have one more feeding, going by what the schedule says, and then just water until she gets cut. Then I have to figure out the whole drying and curing thing.
I have heard that too but I do it too be safe since i use fox farms and tried hg top shooter this time. Like I said really saw a color change once i gave just straight water this last time. Never saw it before but i did it a lil longer this time. What did you read that made you change your mind?
Sound like I am about 30 days behind you Loon, my first time too.

Today is day 21 of 12/12.

If I can make it to the end with decent results then anyone can.
Sound like I am about 30 days behind you Loon, my first time too.

Today is day 21 of 12/12.

If I can make it to the end with decent results then anyone can.

Rooting for ya.

I have heard that too but I do it too be safe since i use fox farms and tried hg top shooter this time. Like I said really saw a color change once i gave just straight water this last time. Never saw it before but i did it a lil longer this time. What did you read that made you change your mind?

I searched for organic and flushing. Most of the threads said that it wasn't necessary. The 3LB posts that I have read just feed water for the last 2 weeks . I read something that implied that FF wasn't totally organic. I'm not using FF so I didn't pay attention to what it actually said though. Only time will tell.
fresh update of bloom in the Pontoon thread!

just a heads up, but that's where i'm going to keep running the bloom updates...

i'll still post the occasional future updates for veg in this thread tho.

What do you guys think about adding a 4' 2 bulb t-5 on each side of my 420s with some of those rosetta 650nm bulbs? Kinda of a poor mans pontoon. Is it a waste of time and money,would there be better bulbs to use?
Hey Ganjamon. The pontoons full peak @ 660 and 1/2 peak @ 650/670. The 420 phosphors full peak at 640 and 1/2 peak at 650/630. If your 650 lamp 1/2 peaks @ 660 you should get some boost in flowering but I don't believe the plants will respond as if it were a full peak 660 wavelength. Hey if you already got them I'd try them. Certainly can't hurt.