Heavy Harvest by AN


Active Member
Hey has anyone had any experiences with using Advanced Nutrients line of Heavy Harvest for outdoor??
Things like dosing schedule and amount per feeding would be very helpful.
Have been looking at this product for a while now but have yet to use it.
Junk in my opinion, I did not like it the one time I used it.Easier and cheaper to just make a good organic soil mix and stick to pure water!
I was wondering about this stuff too

I used super soil last year but now I'm looking at a much bigger grow and it just won't work hauling tons of premixxed soil out to a guerilla grow.

Anyone have experience with it?
I started in a backyard years ago so I would bring organic potting soil 1 or 2 cu ft bags at a time and cultivating or breaking up the native soil and planting in the potting soil. with just super bloom, some liquid miracle grow even with too few hours of light (4 maybe) they filled a bedroom with the harvest from 5 or 6 plants
Heavy Harvest works well but there are cheaper granulated fertilizers on the market that work just as well.
The instructions it gives are to dig a circular trench 10 inches from the stalk of the plant. 1"d x 1"w fill with the HH, cover and water it in. Repeat process approximately every six weeks. You can also simply top dress and water it in or premix the spring type with the soil before planting..
P.s. all this can be found through google, I've also read at least 10 threads on here specifically asking about Heavy Harvest. I'm not trying to be "THAT GUY" but...
anyways i helped :)

Hey has anyone had any experiences with using Advanced Nutrients line of Heavy Harvest for outdoor??
Things like dosing schedule and amount per feeding would be very helpful.
Have been looking at this product for a while now but have yet to use it.
i had great results with a product exactly the same as HH, just by a diffrent name. it is a great product for guirrila growing, 1/4 cup per hole, repeat process for summer, and fall food, thats it- feed 3 times all season. DEFFANTLY pre-mix the spring in the dirt before you plant. I would prefer to grow organicly, but im not going to haul out organic dirt for every outdoor spot, heavy harvest is the easy route, and it sure works well. try it before you knock it.