Is rationing the answer?


Well-Known Member
Coming in the near future is the Air Car. The pistons in the engine will be powered by compressed air that will drive the pistons. The air will be contained in "fuel cells." There will be a small gas powered engine that will pump the compressed air into the cells. Once fully charged with compressed air, up to 1000 miles can be driven on the air alone. Should be seeing something like this on the market within 2 to 5 years.

In addition, Honda already has a car that runs on hydrogen. Honda also is close to perfecting a small hydrogen generator that will fit into your garage. You fill it up with water and its converted to hydrogen fuel. Here's a picture of Honda's hydrogen generator:

General Motors is getting in on the action too:

Its like I've said many times here in the forum about wealth creation ... If you help enough people get what THEY want, you will get what YOU want in return. :)

All of this kinda puts new meaning to the term, Fuck OPEC doesn't it? :mrgreen:

Oh, and here's another major benefit ... As the new technology gets closer to completion, OPEC, Mexico and Canada will be dropping the price per barrel of oil through the floor. They would do that now if they thought we were really serious about resuming oil exploration, drilling and refining in the U.S.

These cars are already in production, but I think the 1000 miles maybe 10 times more than they can go.


Well-Known Member
Good post ViRedd... I never heard about the Air Car before... Pretty wild, I would have never thought it possible.

"Honey, I'm out of air and I need to pick the kids up from school. Can you get my spare scuba tank from the garage real quick."


Coming in the near future is the Air Car. The pistons in the engine will be powered by compressed air that will drive the pistons. The air will be contained in "fuel cells." There will be a small gas powered engine that will pump the compressed air into the cells. Once fully charged with compressed air, up to 1000 miles can be driven on the air alone. Should be seeing something like this on the market within 2 to 5 years.

In addition, Honda already has a car that runs on hydrogen. Honda also is close to perfecting a small hydrogen generator that will fit into your garage. You fill it up with water and its converted to hydrogen fuel. Here's a picture of Honda's hydrogen generator:

General Motors is getting in on the action too:

Its like I've said many times here in the forum about wealth creation ... If you help enough people get what THEY want, you will get what YOU want in return. :)

All of this kinda puts new meaning to the term, Fuck OPEC doesn't it? :mrgreen:

Oh, and here's another major benefit ... As the new technology gets closer to completion, OPEC, Mexico and Canada will be dropping the price per barrel of oil through the floor. They would do that now if they thought we were really serious about resuming oil exploration, drilling and refining in the U.S.



Well-Known Member
But I just wonder how much research money from the goverment and oil companies was used by honda and other companies for the development of there system. My point is the goverment could have helped fight against this problem a long time ago. There was a carberator that could have been developed to run on any car that was getting over 50 miles per gallon. This was back in the 1980s or early 90s. This great find somehow got lost and forgotten about. All this crap about money for research is only crap. They may be giving the money to somebody, but they are in no hurry to get any solutions. They left it up to the foreign countries to come up with the technology.


Well-Known Member
But I just wonder how much research money from the goverment and oil companies was used by honda and other companies for the development of there system. My point is the goverment could have helped fight against this problem a long time ago. There was a carberator that could have been developed to run on any car that was getting over 50 miles per gallon. This was back in the 1980s or early 90s. This great find somehow got lost and forgotten about. All this crap about money for research is only crap. They may be giving the money to somebody, but they are in no hurry to get any solutions. They left it up to the foreign countries to come up with the technology.
Ya, I heard the same thing about the carburetor, I forget where I heard it, but I heard the person would almost triple their mileage.

I also agree with you on the second part too, I don't think 'they' are in any hurry either. Its funny how allegedly we can send a man to the moon but we can't get hydrogen to become the alternative fuel source.

Its REALLY bad how much our country needs fossil fuels. Our world is similar to crack heads in need of crack as the world is in need of gasoline. Maybe we are worse off than the crack heads? The oil companies know this and thats why the exorbitant prices before the we demand the hydrogen technology. They are trying to capitalize as much as they can before the the cheap alternative hydrogen fuel inevitably hits the general market. They already make kits that can turn your car into a hydrogen-gasoline hybrid. Just a quick google search for anyone that is interested, Best Hydrogen Car Kit - How To Run Your Car On Water
YouTube - â&#8211;ºâ&#8211;º Burn Water In Your Car | SAVE GAS + Fuel




New Member
Air car. Are you kidding. Do you know anything about the ICE. Lets take a small engine, say 100 cubic inches (Most are much larger) every 2 revolutions that engine uses 100 cubic inches of air, so at 2500 revolutions it uses 125,000 cubic inches of air per minute. Now this is based on the Internal combustion engine (ICE) but I'm sure you can see the problems, First, for air to move a piston with enough force to move an automobile, it would have to be extremely compressed. Second, how large of a storage container under extreme pressure would you need to move a 2500 lb car with a 100 CI engine any distance if it used 125,000 CI (cubic inches) per minute. I think this Idea may be flawed, but if you can provide more detail I may understand how it could work, but common sense says not a chance.


New Member
And the first man landed on the moon in what year? :roll:

Now here's another question for you Med: Let's suppose that an individual came up with a new, very innovative idea that would make air cars feasible and the air car took over our everyday transportation needs. Let's say that because of this man/woman's contributions, we were no longer a slave to foreign oil. Let's say this invention reduced air pollution by 50%. Let's sat that the average family started saving $4000 per year in transportation costs. Here's the question:

How much should that inventor be paid?

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New Member
And the first man landed on the moon in what year? :roll:

Vi, think about the physics of the plan, compressed air to move a 2500 lb automobile for distance. The air and fuel in an ICE is compressed to around 9.5 to1 and then exploded to give it the force necessary to move a vehicle, The amount of compressed air without an accelerant to give it power would have to be be enormous. I'm not saying compressed air couldnt run a vehicle but think about how much power it would take to compress the air and what could you safely contain this with. I have a 5 HP compressor that labors to compress 120PSI, 4500 PSI would taker a lot more HP and be extremely dangerous cargo. I'd have to see engineering drawings to believe this possible. Sounds like an investment scam to me.


New Member
Physics be damned! What should the inventor be paid? Consider that all of what you know now about the limitations of the ICE were to be overcome by this person ... Would it be fair if he/she became a multi-billionaire in the process?



Well-Known Member
Physics be damned! What should the inventor be paid? Consider that all of what you know now about the limitations of the ICE were to be overcome by this person ... Would it be fair if he/she became a multi-billionaire in the process?

What, are you the inventor ViRedd? What difference to you? ~lol~

I can tell you how much a 100 cubic feet scuba tank @ 4000 psi costs to fill, its 4 dollars. I don't know if that would help with your calculations MM.

Call me crazy guys but I'm not sure if we ever even landed on the moon...:?



New Member
What, are you the inventor ViRedd? What difference to you? ~lol~

Nope, I'm not the inventor ... I was just wondering if Med would give an estimation on what a "fair" compensation would be for a person who would revolutionize our society in such a great, positive manner. So far ... Med hasn't said. ~lol~




New Member
Physics be damned! What should the inventor be paid? Consider that all of what you know now about the limitations of the ICE were to be overcome by this person ... Would it be fair if he/she became a multi-billionaire in the process?

Totally off topic. You do this crap, bait and switch. I have no Idea what an inventor of this should be paid. under our present system he would probably end up a billionaire if the big dogs didn't rip him off first, which is more likely. I'm still working on an anti-gravity device. If that comes to fruition, how much should I be paid?? Probably a CIA heart attack would be the payoff. Now back to the topic, how do you think this energy loss device could work?