do you regret growing?


Well-Known Member
im a legal card holder in Mi. I have a caregiver, who only grows utter GARBAGE!!!!!! his meds do nothing for me, absolutely nothing. ive been sourcing my meds from other caregivers. i havent bought from my CG in over a year. my Q is this, do you regret growing the best plant on earth? i have no problems ditching my CG and getting that YES (able to possess plants) on my card. I have an empty basement (unfinished) to make a grow in (albeit a small grow for my personal use). ive never grown, but have been learning alot from the growers section on here. you guys rock!!

i can throw in about 1000-1500 tops for a grow operation, or i can continue to score my meds from other cg's on the cheap. been getting 1/2 zips of pineapple express for 110.00 or 10.00 g's at farmers markets.

so what are your guys/girls thoughts?
Its incredibly rewarding and fulfilling in many ways to grow your own, plus your legal! I'd say there isn't much of a reason not to. Plus I got my tent, carbon filter, 600w hps, fans, everything needed all for under 1000 dollars so I so go for it. With a bit of practice, you'll be growing beautiful nugs in no time. You just have to take that first step and make it happen, but you won't regret it. I think the only people with regrets are the ones who get busted haha. But even if I ever did get in any trouble cause of it, I wouldn't stop.
I don't regret growing.

Not even after getting arrested.

No regrets still after I picked it back up following my caution. Lol.

My gear knocks me on my ass every time.

Cannabis cultivation is therapeutic in growing and in consumption. I was clueless on what I wanted to do with my life until I harvested my first plant. Will NEVER stop. My only regret is not doing it soooner.
How on earth could you regret growing such a beautiful plant?

Because "the man" told you it's bad ? Look how corrupt the people who made the laws are and think again

Nobody is going to tell me growing a plant is wrong for any reason.
As a MJ smoker, there is nothing I love more. I am so passionate about growing that even if I stopped smoking I would continue to grow.

I say all the time, if you are a smoker, and a responsible adult, you are a fool not to grow your own.
Not one single regret...I grow the strain I want when I want...the quality is the also learn allot too...
It sucks because I can only show my passion to my friends on here, my other friends smoke my herb but still act like i'm part of the mexican drug cartel
Agreed. Never had a shadow of regret. You'll be able to put together a really nice setup for well under a thousand. I don't think I have more than 400 in my little tent grow and it produces plenty for my needs.

There's real satisfaction in sitting back with some really excellent meds you've grown yourself.
It sucks because I can only show my passion to my friends on here, my other friends smoke my herb but still act like i'm part of the mexican drug cartel

you got a quality selection of friends :p jkkkkkk

ive been thinking about growing since i started smoking, 4+ years now.... Thanks to this ste, i've really been able to take a look inside of the process, so i became even more and more interested...

ONE big thing that held me back from growing was my ex gf at the time.. I really wanted to start off outdoor, since that seems tho be the most cheapest way to go about it.. But she even being a stoner wouldnt let me..

LIFE got better, we spit, and directly after that, without even having a space to grow, or any equipment, I swooped my first clone.... from there on, life has only been more and more rewarding.. (5 months into it now) ..

I've since moved myself to a better location, for growing, and for living. I have met sooo many more people interested in what im actually interested in..

REGRETS! hmmm.. i cant find one. sure, ive wasted plenty of money so far.. but other than that. nothing, money is paper, this is life.. whats better?
the regret i was speaking of is time and money. is it really worth it? i will grow for my personal consumption, and help other legal card holders with any overages i might have.

thank all you guys for the replies. do you reccomend buying used equipment, buying from online vendorsm or head to the local hydro store for deals.
P.S. if i think about how much money ive spent on this in the past 5 months, i would say i really havent wasted any money at all, with the rewards my garden has produced, combined with the amount of time i saved on spending my money on BS for the past 5 months..

i think an avg young adult could have easily blown 1500 in the past 5 months.. not on growing, but on cigs, alcohol, stupid things. .. SO, hell, i havent wasted any $.. and actually feel like im obtaining more than losing now :]

each harvest gets you more and more excited.. im approaching # 3! and shes looking better than ever!
the regret i was speaking of is time and money. is it really worth it? i will grow for my personal consumption, and help other legal card holders with any overages i might have.

thank all you guys for the replies. do you reccomend buying used equipment, buying from online vendorsm or head to the local hydro store for deals.

Its more than worth it. It def takes lot of time and a decent amount of money, but the reward far far outweighs all of that. Nothing like harvest week.

I bought everything off eBay, and I'm glad I did. Just make sure to get the quality stuff. It was leaps and bounds cheaper than the hydro store, and for the same equipment.
the regret i was speaking of is time and money. is it really worth it? i will grow for my personal consumption, and help other legal card holders with any overages i might have.

thank all you guys for the replies. do you reccomend buying used equipment, buying from online vendorsm or head to the local hydro store for deals.

OOOO, you just made me realize my regrets... BUYING USED, OR ONLINE EQUIPMENT IN WHICH YOU CANT EASILY RETURN.. I purchased my lights, and ballast and inline of amazon.. i thought i was getting hooked up!

well, my ballast survived 4 months. and i eventually found my light not turning on.. this pissed me off soooooo much, and you know, it was like 1 month after full return warranty.. SO, im stuck with a broken ballast, bought from who the fuck knows off amazon.. .. EVEN if i could have returned it, shipping takes weeksssssss

i dont think my ladies would look sexy after 2 weeks of dark..

SO, what i learned:
If possible, find a local hydro shop, one where you can become a good known customer,. the guys at the store are on the same team, you dont need to tell them your specifics, just what you are trying to accomplish.. The more the people at the store know you, the more you get rewarded (discounts, freebies)...

Hydro shops backup warranties (most the time).. Life is life, shit breaks, and fails, and having a local store to replace a crucial part in an emergency situation, well, thats worth paying the extra 2-3 times more for an item IMO..

As for your question.. it is well worth it to invest..

It is also wise and worth it to invest on smaller scale, dont try to shoot for how much weight can you grow right off the back, I know this is kind of the ultimate goal in your eyes right now. but trust me, its worth it to focus on a strain, and see what the hell is supposed to happen. Its worth it to find a strain that you loveeeeeeeeeeeeee. i had a pk that absolutely looks beautiful, but she is a grannnnny, takes way to long to grow. .

if you start off with just the essential basics, you'll be fine on $..

for a first timer, trying to save $ and gain buds I'd recommend the following:

D.I.Y. as much as possible to save $
400/600 HPS
tent/closet/converted cabinet
inline fan
1-2 oscillating fans
1 timer
some sort of full nutrient dirt (fox farms ocean forest seems to work well for many, but not all)
1-5 clones..

get something like that started, and you can expand from there.. most people end up with 600/1000 watt lights once they get bigger and bigger, but if you plan on staying low key and and overall just trying to save $ a 400 will be cheaper up front, and on electricity (less power, less heat, less cooling)

no regrets! I.L.G. i loveee growing
Just remember as you get started, that everything costs 3x as much money as you plan for, if not more, and takes 10x as much work to set it up and successfully operate it than you think too. Anyone can do it, but start small, and work up, and never count your chickens before they hatch, shit happens to every one of us.
Yes its worth it money wise. The start up cost is larger than buying a sack but grow gear will last far longer than the bud you buy, and as you go your cost to bud ratio goes down with every plant. Its fun to grow the plants, they are better smoke, and I enjoy the self sufficiency aspect of the process also so I'm saying go for it.

Online will be cheaper than in the store.
what id like to start off with is a small tent most of you use. i only want to grow for myself (legally), which is 6 plants iirc. i only want 1 grow room, not 2 seperate rooms. i know my yeilds will be spaced out between harvests, but im ok wiht that atm. im not worried about h2o consumption, i live in a condo. my buddy who is an electrician is coming over tomorrow to see about pulling more power from my breaker in the beasment. .

so the consensous(sp) is that its going to be between 600-1000 for a decent start up. what about after start up costs? cups, buckets, nuts, soil, filters, ect?

thanks guys for the feedback.
Hey bro! ;) what's up? Well, honestly I wouldn't trade it for nothing in the world!! And I will tell you why.

My dad was the one that taught me eveything he ever knew about growing back in the late 80's. He was part cherokee Indian, and he didn't believe in using all these nutrients & additives that we
all use today! He was 100% old school "organic" grower. :mrgreen: he would go fishing, & keep what he caught just to add it to the soil around he plants. I remember being probley 13 or 14 and
walking through these tall ass tree's & remember them stinking really bad! And remember them
being way over his head! I really didn't know what they were at that time,till a few years later. And
to regret growing, would to me, be like regreting a part/somthing that my father taught me, or a part of him. The reason I do feel this was is because I lost my dad 4 years ago, he was 45 years old!! :( I do believe that he is looking down on me & blessing my garden. ;) he was a really good man! Sorry didn't mean to clutter up your thread or anything. :) just wanted to share that..
Take care your friend, Dank...
I've been growing consistantly since 1988, 4 crops a year, and haven't regreted it one day. My wife might feel differently though. LOL