my plant are dying please help

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
okay my plants are drooping and the bottom leaves are turning yellow and breaking apart they're so dry. were not feeding with much nutes every other watering. ill post some pictures please help thanksPICT0034.jpgPICT0035.jpgPICT0036.jpgPICT0038.jpgPICT0039.jpg


Active Member
looks like you're over watering, it looks nitrogen deficient, And they need to be transplanted into bigger containers


Well-Known Member
it looks like nitrogen deficiency, i take it you are using fox farm? i dont see in grow big in the pics
that has the nitrogen in it. but before i make assumptions, what nutes are you using?

Mr. Hightimez

Active Member
i have all the fox farm nutes. grow big tiger bloom and big bloom. we have be feeding it half strength grow big every other watering. we water about every two days


Well-Known Member
looks like you're over watering, it looks nitrogen deficient, And they need to be transplanted into bigger containers
I second this evaluation. Nitrogen deficiency for sure the size of the pots may be making the problem worse. 1 gal of soil to each vertical foot is a good rule, give or take. The roots on a plant, from seed, are usually the same size as the vegetative portion of the plant. If this is out of proportion you can become root bound and see necrosis due the inability to support that much vegetative growth. Transplant them and gently loosen the root ball when putting in the bigger container. Hit it with water and superthrive. Hope they get better.


Well-Known Member
You're PH is off which is causing your plants to be unable to absorb the proper other words you can add nutes but if your PH is off its not gonna do a damn thing for you


Well-Known Member
6.5-6.8 is recomended for soil but as long as you keep it below 7.5 and above 5.5 you should be fine...test your run off and then test your wqter with nutes added


Active Member
what should the ph be. i have a meter
About 6.5 for best nute use, just put them in bigger pots and ease up on the nutes it is a little early. Once you have re-planted them and given a good water they will recover, however the damage is probably permanent on the lowest leafs so just focus your attention on new growth.