Hey guys!! Just thought I would post up a few more pics I took this morning real quick! So we can keep track of "our" progress!

sound good?... well, in the pictures are Tropa Canna Orange, Lemon Skunk,Hubba Bubba Bomb,Royal Queen Critical, Northern Lights, and last but not least my 8 Ball Kush, & the baby Chemmy Jones..

y'all guys chime in & let me know what your thinking about um?... Thanks guys..
OH!! About forgot!! I've been doing some cross breeding!! I took some pollen I had from a 100% pure Sativa I had forced flower a few months back, & polinated just a single branch of one of my 8 Ball Kush's!!

Awwww!! Where going to have babies!!
I need you guys to help Dank come up with a "name" for the cross!? So its pollen from a 100% pure Sativa & an 8 Ball Kush..??
Also, the Northern Lights(auto) has decided she wabts to go ahead & flower!

hell, I'm not holding it against her 1 bit!! Lol..