Super Bowl XLVII Conspiracy Thread


Well-Known Member
Figured I would beat everyone else to the punch and see who all thinks the power outtage was due to natural causes or intentional to offset the mementum of the Ravens?


New Member
Didn't matter if it shifted the momentum, ravens still won it.

The real conspiracy is, were the brothers in on it together so they could make some sweet cash at the bookie's? Put up a couple mil each no problem.


Well-Known Member
It's New Orleans... power outages happen often. Not just in the run down areas (like the Superdome location) but everywhere.


Active Member
looked to me like the lights were on and bmore was ready to go the delay lasted even longer bcuz SF equipment wasnt coming on they were prbly fucking with it in the dark


Well-Known Member
It's New Orleans... power outages happen often. Not just in the run down areas (like the Superdome location) but everywhere.
They just replaced almost the entire power grid after Katrina, I think an electrician fucked-up when renovating the stadium...breaker box probably blew.:o


I wouldn't know. I have an annual tradition of not watching the halftime show. Just too many years of pathetic for me to get duped in to paying attention.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever noticed that most conspiracy theories can be explained by incompetence. It's like something that happened was such a simple case of someone not doing their job that you can't even believe it. You know?