I thought ufc 1 was in Denver?
It did good but those were different times...no computers for the mist part..no ppv ...cell phones? They were the size of a brick...beepers were a large square that beeped like a smoke detector ...no numbers showed...just beeped lol...
dude ur a fucking idiot.... keep googeling ur info... while its all just in my head.....
I thought ufc 1 was in Denver?
It did good but those were different times...no computers for the mist part..no ppv ...cell phones? They were the size of a brick...beepers were a large square that beeped like a smoke detector ...no numbers showed...just beeped lol...
thats why your stupid ass had the reem to win.... when i knew better cuzz i have seen many many many guys push that chumps button and knock his ass out... shogun twice, lil nog, chuck liddel, badr hari, bigfoot, ect.ect. pretty much anyone who lands cleanly on him... and u use stupid ass mma math to come up with ur picks like thers something to it... styles make fights... i will agree with rogan on that... just cuzz bigfoot got fucked up by cain real fast u thought reem would kill him ??? ur a fool... on the flip side of that coin is if that fight woulda stayed on the feet cain would have got dropped hard cuzz he like da reem has no chin.. same with rashad.... and same is true for bitch ass jon jones...
it didnt do well back then because it was deemed barbaric!!!! the only place it was legal to do it in this country was vegas...
Right now Silva has one belt.......
Lets say he beats gsp ass(he will) 2 belts
Then beats Jones(very possible) three belts at three weight classes...retires as g.o.a.t. with three belts...think that is his plan.
Awwww Shiiiiit. Anthony Pettis is gonna drop down to fight Aldo. I don't understand why, he was lined up to get the title shot at LW.
I could be wrong, but I think Gilbert Melendez jumped over Pettis in line for the title shot.
I'd also like to add, once this Eddie Alvarez/Bellator lawsuit thing is settled, he might get passed up again. Depending on the time frame though, because I don't know how that shit will pan out.
I really don't see him turning down a UFC contract if Bellator matches Zuffa, because possible matches with Melendez, Josh Thompson, and Bendo are too alluring to pass up........that's if he doesn't care about a Michael Chandler rematch.