Speed Curing?


Well-Known Member
As soon as I saw the thread name I thought to myself "this guy is going to get laid into hard" haha.
There are a whole lot of aggressive folks on this site for a bunch of smokers.

I would say the compromise between a fast dry and a good dry/cure is a slow but complete dry over 2 weeks, no cure other than storing in jars until use. But, you know, it won't be like nice dried and cured buds. I like a 10-14 day dry and cure. Sometimes shit happens and you don't have the time to wait... fuck it.
I'm no curing master though. Not even close.

Words like "curing" and "flushing" are so well known since the grow explosion that even your average stoner is familiar. Nothing irks me like someone who has never grown a plant in their life trying to tell me how to do my thing. I've found the cure to that problem is to tell them they can try the next batch, the rest of this one is spoken for... they know what I am getting at...I Never hear a complaint after that, haha.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
"once you quick dry, you will probably die".. thats off the top off the head, but you get the drift. I prefer a nice hang untill the stems kindof crack when you bend them. then jar and start the curing. I open twice a day and fan out jar in the first week or so. then once they start losing that green leaf smell its a once in a while thing. It really is worth doing this especially on your own stash. charge extra if selling. (time is money)


Well-Known Member
Fuck, I feel like I grow some great buds.. I can grow non cannabis plants too. Bring me a dead plant and I'll have it back to health... But curing, I cannot get it down to a point that i can say with confidence "this is a great cure". It's just different every time. Occasionally I nail it, but more often than not it is lacking.
Right now I am experimenting with getting the buds in the jars earlier. Drying them out less and leaving enough moisture that burping IS needed. I think it is a start to getting a nice cure consistently.


Active Member
Fuck, I feel like I grow some great buds.. I can grow non cannabis plants too. Bring me a dead plant and I'll have it back to health... But curing, I cannot get it down to a point that i can say with confidence "this is a great cure". It's just different every time. Occasionally I nail it, but more often than not it is lacking.
Right now I am experimenting with getting the buds in the jars earlier. Drying them out less and leaving enough moisture that burping IS needed. I think it is a start to getting a nice cure consistently.
The answer to all your problems: https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/514841-perfect-cure-every-time.html

As for OP, you can look around a thousand forums. The only people who even consider fast cure techniques are those who truly dont care about flavor, and those too desperate or misinformed to know better. To answer your questions; yes, you can cure quickly using various methods. No, it isnt recommended if you care about taste and smoothness at all. You either have your bud be turbo dried or super tasty, but not both. No person on earth will tell you otherwise. If you are gonna grow, before the seed gets germinated you should already have a place to put the plant in through all the stages of its life. Otherwise youre doomed to have mediocre bud before you have even planted your seed, assuming it makes it to harvest.