each harvest produces less???


what would cause the plants to produce less each time? Having little experience, I am stumped. First round was awesome 140g. Second round was ok 70-120g. Third round only 35g. each??? using 2- 1000 watt dual arc on 12/12. Any suggestions??? I am so discouraged:confused:

The Growery

Active Member
if you're running cheap hps bulbs, replace them. I had this issue a while back and it was the lights. Cheap bulbs are only good for 4 months max

same for any t5s you run, their par value lowers significantly over time, replace them every 6 month whether or not they are burned out.


Well-Known Member
Did you grow from seed the first time, and cuttings from a mama plant there after? My first run with a plant from seed is often times a bigger yield because I allow my seedling to veg longer so that I can take cuts from it for successive generations.

Has your veg time, bucket size, room temp and all other variables remained the same each grow? If yes, then I would agree with the above responses that it could just be time for a new light.


I do not keep a mother plant. I should think about that instead of cloning from clones? Yes, I have actually changed a few things. I did start out with clones on my first grow. I vegged in 1 gal. containers, using 600 wat hetal halide. I cloned them to start the next round. Then transpalnted after 6 weeks into 5 gal. for flowering. I used a mixture of miracle grow potting soil, perlite, and peat moss. I use humbolt products. Humbolt Root when transplanting, and again a couple weeks. I have well water, which seems to be at almost perfect ph everytime. I was getting a lot of medicine. I wonderen what would happen if I more than doubled their growing space.

I switched to 17 gal. containers on second grow. Mixed the same. The yield wasn't any better, and I couldn't get around the room, nor was I able to move them. I was able to take a lot of cuttings. I am very enthusiastic to do this because I have been very sucessful getting roots from almost all cuttings.

Back to 5 gal. on third grow. I was in a hurry and did not veg them as long. I did not mix the soil, but instead used straight miracle grow potting soil. As you can tell, i didn't really know how to keep the system flowing on a schedule and got behind...I got less than a third of finished product this time. Thanks for the input! I think you helped me answer my question. I was scepticle to believe that I would get any help here. Thanks again :)

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I do not keep a mother plant. I should think about that instead of cloning from clones? Yes, I have actually changed a few things. I did start out with clones on my first grow. I vegged in 1 gal. containers, using 600 wat hetal halide. I cloned them to start the next round. Then transpalnted after 6 weeks into 5 gal. for flowering. I used a mixture of miracle grow potting soil, perlite, and peat moss. I use humbolt products. Humbolt Root when transplanting, and again a couple weeks. I have well water, which seems to be at almost perfect ph everytime. I was getting a lot of medicine. I wonderen what would happen if I more than doubled their growing space.

I switched to 17 gal. containers on second grow. Mixed the same. The yield wasn't any better, and I couldn't get around the room, nor was I able to move them. I was able to take a lot of cuttings. I am very enthusiastic to do this because I have been very sucessful getting roots from almost all cuttings.

Back to 5 gal. on third grow. I was in a hurry and did not veg them as long. I did not mix the soil, but instead used straight miracle grow potting soil. As you can tell, i didn't really know how to keep the system flowing on a schedule and got behind...I got less than a third of finished product this time. Thanks for the input! I think you helped me answer my question. I was scepticle to believe that I would get any help here. Thanks again :)
this would cause lower yeild


Well-Known Member
Cut out the miracle grow soil, just because its a dirty soil. 17gallon pots are far to big unless you're growing tree's inside. You also talk about lower yeilds when you vegged less than previous times, thats self explanatory.

use 5-7gallon pots, train your plants to keep a even canopy and keep them in your optimal light space, cut out the miracle grow and go with something like Pro-mix or any other good soil. Youll get the yeilds you want. Plus i would look into a new bulb like others have said.


Well-Known Member
its sounds like you're taking clones from clones, and again and again. this degrades the genetics pretty quickly from what I've seen first hand with some friends. they ran a strain that was story book worthy, and did that kind of cloning. it became a totally different plant over a few years, and the super strain was lost forever. Good bye Rudy's.

gotta make a mother and keep clones from HER only.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
its sounds like you're taking clones from clones, and again and again. this degrades the genetics pretty quickly from what I've seen first hand with some friends. they ran a strain that was story book worthy, and did that kind of cloning. it became a totally different plant over a few years, and the super strain was lost forever. Good bye Rudy's.

gotta make a mother and keep clones from HER only.
totally DISagree, I take clones of clones and they are always the same. maybe this will help

[h=2]Definition of CLONE[/h]1
a : the aggregate of genetically identical cells or organisms asexually produced by a single progenitor cell or organism
b : an individual grown from a single somatic cell or cell nucleus and genetically identical to it
c : a group of replicas of all or part of a macromolecule and especially DNA <clones of identical recombinant DNA sequences>

: one that appears to be a copy of an original form :duplicate <a clone of a personal computer>
&#8212; clon·al adjective
&#8212; clon·al·ly adverb