Avoiding the PH game, noob

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Well-Known Member
Lol, you guys and your ideas. Forming shit out of nothing and making a big deal over it. Keep posting with quotes to what I say, it pleases me to see you guys continue on mad as all fuck.


Well-Known Member
My current full time job is a govt job, so the retirement is good (if I make it). My other union is for side-gigs, which used to be my full time thing.
I'd pick the government job any day lol, I work alot of OT. We have to get so many service hours to retire, I'm planning on 55, I gotta put my time in, yah you'll make it to retirement man.


Well-Known Member
Lol @ how hardcore workers you all are, you bitches never have been in -60 and had to pull an 18hr shift, -60 would kill a philly in seconds.


Well-Known Member
Lol, you guys and your ideas. Forming shit out of nothing and making a big deal over it. Keep posting with quotes to what I say, it pleases me to see you guys continue on mad as all fuck.
Dude just jot it down in your reactions book. "you guys and your idieas"..You need structure dude. Trust me. I was like you when I was 17, then I went to war. It'll wake you up! You and Kronjizzrag are on here basically separating yourselves from reality because of a green rep bar. Man up brotherman! ;) you're 19, and right now this thread is being occupied by hard working MEN. I got a pair of Bates that have stomped more ground than you've walked in your life. I carried a gun for your freedom. Had a guy like you in boot. Get a pull up bar. Lot of pent up energy.


Well-Known Member
By the way, you said "I'm sitting here calm as ever"..I never said you weren't calm...And I never said you were mad..Uh oh! lmao..Did you rat yourself out?


Well-Known Member
Found the post. its number 24. Only issue is when i click on them it says this

Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

Can u try reuploading them via the add image button again?

OMG I actually got flagged posting this response, Apparently somewhere in the above statement is abusive materiel Yet some people here talking about suicide ect ....


Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Same here, Sorry for missing your post Diablos, post it again and im sure everyone can have a look.

Fuck Ive only been a member on these forums for a few days and this thread is kinda bullshit, obviously some things were said, ignore that shit, suck it up and help this guy out. . . .


Well-Known Member
The hole in your leaf could be from a drop of nutrient solution, or a drop of your Ph-up/down would cause something like to happen.


Well-Known Member
The hole in your leaf could be from a drop of nutrient solution, or a drop of your Ph-up/down would cause something like to happen.
I think he stated that it was a micro hole. Thats why i thought mayby it was a small bug bite then heat got in.


Active Member
you cant run hydro without a ph meter.

you need 5.5-6
Seriously, You have never grown hydro a day in your fucking life. Screw off and quit blurting out shit you have NO IDEA about. To the op. Keep your Ph above 5 and below 6.2. GO GET PH UP!!! You are worried about playing with the PH? Maybe you shouldnt be growing if your worried about messing with the PH. Get ph up and down. If you put to much Ph up in, then add some Ph down. That simple. If you cant even take the time to do that, then stop now. Practice makes perfect. Not trying to burst your bubble, but Ph testing and adjusting is basic everyday maintenance, especially in Hydro. Get some cheap ph up and down for a pool, and that will work.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, You have never grown hydro a day in your fucking life. Screw off and quit blurting out shit you have NO IDEA about. To the op. Keep your Ph above 5 and below 6.2. GO GET PH UP!!! You are worried about playing with the PH? Maybe you shouldnt be growing if your worried about messing with the PH. Get ph up and down. If you put to much Ph up in, then add some Ph down. That simple. If you cant even take the time to do that, then stop now. Practice makes perfect. Not trying to burst your bubble, but Ph testing and adjusting is basic everyday maintenance, especially in Hydro. Get some cheap ph up and down for a pool, and that will work.
Dissenting experience: If you get well buffered nutes, ph won't be a problem. I run the GH Maxi line, and I have never had my ph swing into problem areas unless I let my rez get way too low. I check it on occasion because I'm bored, and it never moves out of the 5.5-6 range if you're doing your due diligence. I bought a bag of PH up and down about a year ago, and I have yet to need it. Not that I'm arguing for bmeat, that dude is lost in the sauce. EDIT: Not to say I don't have hope, one day he may learn.


Active Member
Dissenting experience: If you get well buffered nutes, ph won't be a problem. I run the GH Maxi line, and I have never had my ph swing into problem areas unless I let my rez get way too low. I check it on occasion because I'm bored, and it never moves out of the 5.5-6 range if you're doing your due diligence. I bought a bag of PH up and down about a year ago, and I have yet to need it.
I now have new Nutes to try out. GH Maxi Line. I envy you now.;-)


Well-Known Member
I now have new Nutes to try out. GH Maxi Line. I envy you now.;-)
It's been great for me so far, across several strains. To be fair, I may just be lucky. I have no complaints though. For $15 a 2.2lb bag retail , it's worth a run. Look into it at least, it may be what you're looking for.


Well-Known Member
"Im using tap water because its like 40 ppm, its so clean here in Australia. And i was told tap water is better for ME BECAUSE it has calcium and magnesium in it and i dont need to use additives, sound correct?"

op yes the ec of tap water is mainly made up of cal/mag but its cal/mag carbonate these forms of cal/mag rae virtually unseablle due to the cla.mag carbonate been to large and inmoblie, so in nutshell youre roots carnt asborbed the calmag and then even if they didi its inmoblie and calcium act as say a taxi for other elements and helps absorb other nuts then taxi them to were needed,so when you think about it be even worse with fast goriwng vigorus plants,


Well-Known Member
"Im using tap water because its like 40 ppm, its so clean here in Australia. And i was told tap water is better for ME BECAUSE it has calcium and magnesium in it and i dont need to use additives, sound correct?"

op yes the ec of tap water is mainly made up of cal/mag but its cal/mag carbonate these forms of cal/mag rae virtually unseablle due to the cla.mag carbonate been to large and inmoblie, so in nutshell youre roots carnt asborbed the calmag and then even if they didi its inmoblie and calcium act as say a taxi for other elements and helps absorb other nuts then taxi them to were needed,so when you think about it be even worse with fast goriwng vigorus plants,
Not Quite True..

Firstly While Australian Water is cleaner then other countrys its not that great. ive personal witnessed inside of some of the water purification factory's in NSW and The images off that cow shit and Turd brow on top was enough to make me Filter my water from here into the future.
That Being Said there is many factors in water condition. Firstly and mainly Its Down to the pipes it has to travel in. Most houses have been there for a very long time and lots of trace elements leak out into the water. and Crud.
Also As A standard, The Hot water Pipes Contain More oxides Or Types of rust then Cold Water, Making it not the best choice.
Also All Australian water contains chlorine and Floride. While their are many different types of both(U will need to check with local council as to which type they add) I can guarantee that most of them use a Corporate manufactured by product from china, apposed to the natural form of fluride. With clorine, You should let your water sit outside in the sun for at least 10 mins.Plenty of people will tell u that It needs longer but it doesn't. 10mins is all you need for Australian concentrations to evaporate.
With the floride m, forget it. that shit will stay in the water for ever.

Also While ill admit it is possible to grow a Soil based Plant on just Tap water alone, or proberly even hydro, You Will Never Get any decent reults (At Least Not What you could be getting)

Heck If you just did water and added seasol your plants will thank you alot more. Plus Im Sure That if your growing in soil u will find that your soil will have slow release nutes already in it.

And Like i was Saying, Each Country will have different methods of water purification and Add different things into it. These are based on clilments At the dam from rainfall ect.Plus the leaking of trace metals from a houses own pipes including Council pipes.


k so we are back on track, cant type much, missus is asleep behind me, gotta push the buttons so fuckn softly.

600w HPS
canna classic vega a + b
rock wool + hydroton
ph is currently 5.5 ish,

im not scared to adjust the ph, its just i fucked it up the first time and wanted a second opinion AFTER reading DO NOT PH DOWN THEN UP or vice versa, something about the 2 chemicals screwing up the nutes or something. its now fixed and ok.

these are the pics from this morning, you wont see the hole in these, its on the other side, i only noticed it after these phtos while doing my daily inspection.


and plz dont flame me about my temps, its 28oC outside when i took it, im only really worried about photo #4, why the fuck do i have a spot midway along a leaf, it is possible i might have had a couple of droplets of liquid hit it. maybe.
this plant went in 3 days ago, yes its only 3 days old in DWC, are the tips "burnt"?, if so, is it because its going from water to nutes?


Well-Known Member
Lool, @whoever said you dont need chillers for all setups. Regardless of your setup the last thing that should never be overlooked is root zone temps, have you ever gotten pythium? Well its very fucking dangerous and can infest in less than 24hrs. Idc who the fuck you are, water temps are a serious matter and people need to make "contingency" plans for dealing with temps. Fluctuation of temps will also slow growth overall, if you can ever afford a smaller chiller then you'll only be satisfied if you pick one up.

Ph fluctuates in water due to plants absorbing either water or nutrients, you should let your buckets of water sit for like 15 minutes after ph adjusting to attempt to settle about. Ro water is not needed, nor is removing the chloramine from the water to beneficial unless your using beneficial bacteria in your setup, the chloramine will help kill the bad bacteria like pythium.
I said he doesn't need a chiller. Frozen water bottles, return lines looped for outside-the-res cooling - there are ways to cool other than a chiller costing a bunch. Now, what is going to "settle about" by leaving pH adjusted water, or any water, out for 15 minutes? A good mix and it's done. If not running organics you can forget all about beneficial bacteria and it's a good thing in most cases. The chloramine protects the plants from our ignorance.


Well-Known Member
k so we are back on track, cant type much, missus is asleep behind me, gotta push the buttons so fuckn softly.

600w HPS
canna classic vega a + b
rock wool + hydroton
ph is currently 5.5 ish,

im not scared to adjust the ph, its just i fucked it up the first time and wanted a second opinion AFTER reading DO NOT PH DOWN THEN UP or vice versa, something about the 2 chemicals screwing up the nutes or something. its now fixed and ok.

these are the pics from this morning, you wont see the hole in these, its on the other side, i only noticed it after these phtos while doing my daily inspection.

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and plz dont flame me about my temps, its 28oC outside when i took it, im only really worried about photo #4, why the fuck do i have a spot midway along a leaf, it is possible i might have had a couple of droplets of liquid hit it. maybe.
this plant went in 3 days ago, yes its only 3 days old in DWC, are the tips "burnt"?, if so, is it because its going from water to nutes?
Dude - chill. Worry not about the spot on the leaf. Concentrate on ending the pH Up/Down yo yo and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Sorry buddy , carnt tell in that photo at all. Tbh In My Exp By looking at your plant i wouldnt be worried about it at all. It looks healthy. A Few Spoty holes Shouldn't be an issue(As i carnt even spot them)

There is a reason we call mariwanna a weed, Cause it can survive alot. Tons of people believe that u need to do a million things to get the plant to harvest, but the truth of the matter is this.
She Will flower with no support from you-This is what they do in the wild. "We" Put the extra effort into training the plant and Maximizing Yields.

Also , And this is the biggest part . You Need to get that ph up sooner rather then later, Or Shes going to stay nute locked and you could Be looking at alot of wasted time. Can u tell me how old she is? Also What Type of hydro are u using? I Carnt See from the picture, Is it DWC?

This is my girl after 5 weeks, My Lighting system is no where as high as yours but these girls are still growing nicely. And My Poor little basil plant that i had outside getting abused in soil, But i moved it inside For the past week and it has some sexy new root grow and Some nice green top leaves

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