Question about wet manicuring????


Well-Known Member
I am a newb so this is my first manicure. I want to know of I'm doing it correctly? Please see example. Any tips or tricks are appreciated. On this one I removed all larger fan leaves by clipping right down to stem. I then gently trimmed inner sugar leaves almost flush with bud. Didn't want to cut into bud, so I trimmed sugar leaves close, there are still some small pieces of them left. Don't those dry up? Thanks.image.jpg


Looks good! Clip all the fan leaves like you did, then turn the bud upside down and try to get most sugar leaves(keep them if you like). You can see some sugar leaves stem far easier upside and clip it off nicely without hitting any buds. Then just trim the tips of the sugar leaves like you did and they'll dry up nicely. Once they dry, you can manicure them a little more, sometimes you miss some after awhile. IMO wet manicuring and hang drying is the best way to go but takes a little longer to dry. Keep them out of direct light and have some nice soft airflow in about 1-2 weeks you should be ready to start curing.


Well-Known Member
Looks good! Clip all the fan leaves like you did, then turn the bud upside down and try to get most sugar leaves(keep them if you like). You can see some sugar leaves stem far easier upside and clip it off nicely without hitting any buds. Then just trim the tips of the sugar leaves like you did and they'll dry up nicely. Once they dry, you can manicure them a little more, sometimes you miss some after awhile. IMO wet manicuring and hang drying is the best way to go but takes a little longer to dry. Keep them out of direct light and have some nice soft airflow in about 1-2 weeks you should be ready to start curing.
Interesting my technique was off. So you're saying to trim large fan leaves with flower turned right side up (Like it grows). Then work on sugar leaves while holding it upside down?


Active Member
I think it s easy to wait til its dry and crispy to remove the sugar leaves, since the trim is useless when its wet basically. I just pull the fan leaves off and trim it dry mostly, then the trim is ready for dry sift or bubble hash


You can clip the fan leaves while holding it upside down as well, if you like. I was saying, I agree on clipping fan leaves all the way to the stem, no need to leave excess...You dont have to hold the bud upside down necessarily but rather look from the bottom up verse looking down on the buds and leaves. It makes it easier to see the leaves and follow it all the way to the stem, then clip it without hitting any buds. You can't get every leaf so just trim the others without loosing too many hairs. You might clip buds but just keep that off to the side with the sugar leaves and make something =) There's different techniques, all depends on which one you prefer.


Well-Known Member
I think it s easy to wait til its dry and crispy to remove the sugar leaves, since the trim is useless when its wet basically. I just pull the fan leaves off and trim it dry mostly, then the trim is ready for dry sift or bubble hash
Pulling off the fan leaves was a great tip thanks! I notice most fan leaves pull off easily, especially the one starting to yellow.


I am a newb so this is my first manicure. I want to know of I'm doing it correctly? Please see example. Any tips or tricks are appreciated. On this one I removed all larger fan leaves by clipping right down to stem. I then gently trimmed inner sugar leaves almost flush with bud. Didn't want to cut into bud, so I trimmed sugar leaves close, there are still some small pieces of them left. Don't those dry up? Thanks.View attachment 2514908
that looks like a healthy green grow, details? u only had 1 room for 1 plant? how tall is it and are you weighing it?