Boiling water to water my ladies??


Active Member
Boiling my tap water (of course allowing it to cool to room temps) and watering my plants (i grow in soil) should be safe good water correct? Just came to my mind while I was just cooking lol. Figured I'd ask if anyone else did this.
I would say do it.It'll get rid of all the chorine and chemicals.I just let my water sit out for a few days though ,boiling it might be better ,but i could not be assed with that ..
just fill some buckets with water, put an airstone in there and wait a day to use it, even if you're doing hydro, boiling water could be (in the long run) more expensive than ro water from walmart
Tap water has what in it that is so bad? Chloramine (chlorine is no longer used exclusively and dissipates in atmosphere whereas chloramines do not)? Minerals? Boil away - all that escapes that is hydrogen and oxygen. They leave in 3's - 1 hydrogen and 2 oxygens. Water. Steam. The chloramines remain behind as do the minerals except now in a more concentrated form.

So we are boiling why? However don't let me stop you from this all-important task.
I fill a 33 gallon garbage can in my garage and let it sit for a day or two, I would not recommend boiling the water, waste of time.

Hope this helps, Cheers.
Chloramines are degraded in soil by high chlorine demand and acidity. If chloramines are bad for plants then why do so many grow under a dripping faucet?
I personally would leave the water alone . If your water isn't hurting your house plants , no need to fuck with it. We are growing weeds .
Don't stress guy ,some guys on here get periods.Some are trolls ,some are both.. just ignore the assholes and move on.. i didnt know about it removing dissolved oxygen.. rep for that answer.. i don't do it anyway so thats why i said "might" .I would have thought all the bubbling during boiling would have had the opposite effect

ps ..pity you can't give negative rep for the dbags.
Don't stress guy ,some guys on here get periods.Some are trolls ,some are both.. just ignore the assholes and move on.. i didnt know about it removing dissolved oxygen.. rep for that answer.. i don't do it anyway so thats why i said "might" .I would have thought all the bubbling during boiling would have had the opposite effect

ps ..pity you can't give negative rep for the dbags.

Yeah it is. I know some posting on this thread who would be rated totally negative. It's the job of those whose heads aren't up their asses to guide those whose heads are. We can't help it when an ignoramus spouts out crap they don't know.
You just have to expect condescension in any and all answers from questions considered to be "beginner" on here. However, a simple google search "boiled tap water for plants" would have either answered your question immediately or made you more aware of what happens when you boil tap water. At first I thought it was ridiculous that questions were answered that way, but then you realize how many threads cover those questions already from years ago... and you get it.
Yeah it is. I know some posting on this thread who would be rated totally negative. It's the job of those whose heads aren't up their asses to guide those whose heads are. We can't help it when an ignoramus spouts out crap they don't know.

I didn't mention any names .,so why are you responding? The truth hurts doesn't it.

The guy asked if boiling his water might make it better for his plants.I responded saying it MIGHT be better and apart from some disolved oxygen being removed (info provided from someone who doesn't need to act like a total jackoff ) the only negative thing could be that it's not needed.

I' m no noob ,but i'm also not a scientist and i would bet you aren't either.I gave my oppinion that it MIGHT be better ,and a few people have come in and i stand corrected.It's certainly not bad advice i gave.It will not harm the plant in any way.

A few guys answered the question without sounding like an egotistic condecending prick.
See if your Water Company has a website and look up your annual water report. The report tells you exactly what's been found or added. My water company even goes on to explain all the sources of water, be it from streams, and rivers, and basins or purchase from another state. A lot of people are scared of tap water but in the USA its really not that bad and in some places its actually very good.

Boiling water won't remove minerals and many chemicals, but it will kill pathogens and make it safe for drinking. But again if you live in the USA you don't have to fear your water. Living in a third world country, then definitely boil it.

Now if you want to remove minerals and such, get a water filter. Should only set you back $30 and one filter will last for months.
Thanks Vindicated and Puffdatchronic. Its nice to converse with people that act like decent human beings!