UPDATE: The other 6 plants 4x sour kong and 2x hash plant are delayed
...Its all good tho....I would rather have a healthy clone then one thats going to have stunted growth...The next set of kongs and hash will be ready in about a week give or take a few days...im lucky enough to have someone who can give me clones any time i need them...so im essentially running with a
perpetual grow....One thing i love about my local growing community is that we are all close and help each other out when we can...so i try and pay them all back by doing my homework and seeking knowledge so that i can in turn give that information back to new growers...thats how a growing community should be...with the vets teaching newcomers and when they progress and turn into vets return that given knowledge to those who come after...hope i didnt get to deep on yall lol (posted blazed
)..........happy growing erbody