Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Speaking of poop, I had to clean another poop hand print off the stall in the women's restroom again a couple weeks ago. At least it was only one partial hand print and not 4 or 5 full ones like last time.
the girls restrooms are soo nasty. I thought mens restrooms where bad

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
women's restrooms are WAY worse than men's! i swear they stand on the toilet and let it spray EVERYWHERE!
I worked in a convenience store while attending high school. I use to dread having to clean the women's restroom. Unspeakable things were found in there. I took to wearing garlic and a crucifix before entering.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
just looked up sex offenders where i live, they basically give you a map to their houses and a list of what they've done.

basically a vigilante's wet dream.
Wasn't there an incident a few years back where a man was using the information and ended up killing one or two sex offenders? I can' remember the details but it happened up your way somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Black tar, they tell me.

Just the first couple poops.
yes, but it doesn't stop there.
You may find yourself asking your husband or more telling him what he feed her or him.lol
Don't use a wipe warmer those things make babies grow up to be sissys. Stock up on baking soda as well. Good Luck with everything!

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
yes, but it doesn't stop there.
You may find yourself asking your husband or more telling him what he feed her or him.lol
Don't use a wipe warmer those things make babies grow up to be sissys. Stock up on baking soda as well. Good Luck with everything!
Breast feeding ftw.


Well-Known Member
This is the one thing I have a hard time dealing with as a Christian. It's a constant struggle for me to see the humanity in a child sex offender.
one dude in my neighborhood tag teamed a hooker in the ass in 1995, then tried to rape at knife point a lady he picked up in his car in 2007.

another dude likes to fuck mentally handicapped old women.


Well-Known Member
This is the one thing I have a hard time dealing with as a Christian. It's a constant struggle for me to see the humanity in a child sex offender.
You mean besides all the "Christians" that hate you simply for being 'you' and think levitacus is ok, except for the wearing anything but wool part, and the stoning adulters part and the working on the sabbath part etc...? Oh don't forget the not eating pork part either, that ones just about my favorite. I'm going to cook some bacon in the am.


Well-Known Member
one dude in my neighborhood tag teamed a hooker in the ass in 1995, then tried to rape at knife point a lady he picked up in his car in 2007.

another dude likes to fuck mentally handicapped old women.
Does he pick them up at the Special Olympics ?