Please Ipban me or tell me what went wrong


Well-Known Member
For starters how bout we get the thread re-opened so suggestions and the topic can actually be discussed about accordingly? Give me a few hours, im gathering info to show everyone the problems at bay, and trust me theres a lot of proof of what im speaking about.


New Member
For starters how bout we get the thread re-opened so suggestions and the topic can actually be discussed about accordingly? Give me a few hours, im gathering info to show everyone the problems at bay, and trust me theres a lot of proof of what im speaking about.
Aw hell, you're not gonna throw me under the bus are you?


Well-Known Member

Theres a mini list of moderators and a little information about there activity. i had only scanned the the very first page of posts and numerous staff members have issues that go back very far in posts. Go look for yourself. Theres also quite a few moderators that barely even post twice a month, still got alot more data and alot worse shit for you more active moderators. I am not trying to make friends with these people, just showing that the staff are unqualified for staff position. Now this doesnt suggest that they arent doing there job completely in those forums but they were given the position for activity in those forums and half of them dont even post in their section often. More information about each and every staff member here to come soon.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member

Theres a mini list of moderators and a little information about there activity. i had only scanned the the very first page of posts and numerous staff members have issues that go back very far in posts. Go look for yourself. Theres also quite a few moderators that barely even post twice a month, still got alot more data and alot worse shit for you more active moderators. I am not trying to make friends with these people, just showing that the staff are unqualified for staff position. Now this doesnt suggest that they arent doing there job completely in those forums but they were given the position for activity in those forums and half of them dont even post in their section often. More information about each and every staff member here to come soon.
I'm curious as to where this info came from? did you write it or did thid come from another source?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious as to where this info came from?
im gathering it just off the profiles, its very simple to copy and paste and just by looking at posting areas and then even scanning some of these peoples post you can see that some have on and off flaming tendencies and in several areas moderators will flame in their own section. that list is not even close to being complete for those individuals, even worse information on some of our favorite mods. This is just examples of these peoples activity mostly, shall i go scan the forums for the million and 1 flame posts there are and create a giant list? or should i just find the worst users that have yet to be banned for something of a serious offense? theres alot of both.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
shall i go scan the forums for the million and 1 flame posts there are and create a giant list? or should i just find the worst users that have yet to be banned for something of a serious offense? theres alot of both.
you could, but why?

the way I play the game is, I treat members how I would wanna be treated. and if they take a jab, I take a swing back. every action has a reaction. I just react to the action. but if you went and searched my 10k plus votes, lot of it would be shit talking. that's just who I am. I have 3 infractions, 2 warnings, and a ban under my belt, before I became a mod. lol... so what? but it's the intent of what you say that matters most.... but anyway, glad my report was nothing much, lol


New Member
you could, but why?

the way I play the game is, I treat members how I would wanna be treated. and if they take a jab, I take a swing back. every action has a reaction. I just react to the action. but if you went and searched my 10k plus votes, lot of it would be shit talking. that's just who I am. but it's the intent of what you say that matters most.... but anyway, glad my report was nothing much, lol
You can do this. I can't. This is exactly why I'm "skating on thin ice" around here. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Some staff are doing what they should and have nothing against them, i am seeing many inactive staff members which is a point im argueing for to be changed, we need to drop the old and find more suited staff, there is alot of members on these forums who would do the position well, hell we dont even need to change how moderation is done per section, we just need more willingly active and more professional staff. im posting this info just to show that we dont need alot of the staff that is there, they aren't very active, some aint helpful or friendly at all.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
You can do this. I can't. This is exactly why I'm "skating on thin ice" around here. ;-)
I've been doing it since Nov. 2008. way before I was a mod. like I said, I had 3 infractions, 2 warnins and a ban during my time here.... but I put in my work also


New Member
I've been doing it since Nov. 2008. way before I was a mod. like I said, I had 3 infractions, 2 warnins and a ban during my time here.... but I put in my work also
Well played sir. Nothing further from me.

I think I'm at around 8 warnings or something like that. Sensitivity checks for the most part.


Well-Known Member
I've been doing it since Nov. 2008. way before I was a mod. like I said, I had 3 infractions, 2 warnins and a ban during my time here.... but I put in my work also
But what im trying to say is that we have many users who will sit back and hate on the staff for a long time, staff argues back and nothing get dones but threads go off course and its honestly annoying when somebody is asking for things like help. i personally have argued more than enough with staff and other users over petty shit and nobody has even cleaned up the posts yet and i have yet to recieve an infraction, im using this an a prime example and why did i flame? i have no fear of you staff doing anything whatsoever, ive been banned for such simple shit in mostly all other forums and in these other forums rules are actually followed and then we dont have 50 people fighting and nothing being discussed upon besides who has a larger e-penis.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
But what im trying to say is that we have many users who will sit back and hate on the staff for a long time, staff argues back and nothing get dones but threads go off course and its honestly annoying when somebody is asking for things like help. i personally have argued more than enough with staff and other users over petty shit and nobody has even cleaned up the posts yet and i have yet to recieve an infraction, im using this an a prime example and why did i flame? i have no fear of you staff doing anything whatsoever, ive been banned for such simple shit in mostly all other forums and in these other forums rules are actually followed and then we dont have 50 people fighting and nothing being discussed upon besides who has a larger e-penis.
every section has a different tolerance to what is allowed and what is not. take your problems to the forum mod and work it from there. that would be my advice.

ohh ya, almost forget. we don't rule with 'fear' here. so you shouldn't be 'fearing' anything anyway

respect goes a long way.... at least where I come from


Well-Known Member

Theres a mini list of moderators and a little information about there activity. i had only scanned the the very first page of posts and numerous staff members have issues that go back very far in posts. Go look for yourself. Theres also quite a few moderators that barely even post twice a month, still got alot more data and alot worse shit for you more active moderators. I am not trying to make friends with these people, just showing that the staff are unqualified for staff position. Now this doesnt suggest that they arent doing there job completely in those forums but they were given the position for activity in those forums and half of them dont even post in their section often. More information about each and every staff member here to come soon.


Well-Known Member
every section has a different tolerance to what is allowed and what is not. take your problems to the forum mod and work it from there. that would be my advice.

ohh ya, almost forget. we don't rule with 'fear' here. so you shouldn't be 'fearing' anything anyway

respect goes a long way.... at least where I come from
Hey my only intentions with this are that we can clean up the forums more efficiently and that we have a friendly community, what is wrong with this honestly? the forum mods have shown to me that they rarely and if they do it takes a long time for anything to be cleared up, i hit the report button and nothing happens, i tell a mod nothing happens? see what im saying?


Well-Known Member
besides the creepiness of the pastebin sill, just because a mod doesn't post allot doesn't mean they are not doing their job. I'm sure you know this. There's forums where you don't here or see the mods, they just come in and clean up. The activity by the mods here is something I enjoy even if I don't always agree.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hey my only intentions with this are that we can clean up the forums more efficiently and that we have a friendly community, what is wrong with this honestly? the forum mods have shown to me that they rarely and if they do it takes a long time for anything to be cleared up, i hit the report button and nothing happens, i tell a mod nothing happens? see what im saying?
nothing wrong with honestly having a grip. am I not being honest with you? I'm hearing you out and giving you suggestions.

my intentions is to help you. are you not seeing that?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
but instead you didnt see where i was coming from and you flame me in a pm. my intentions are to help YOU but instead you came off strongly and did unnecessary things, we can all provide info to help with the situation but instead you closed the thread when there was very little information given and then you flamed me in a pm, you came off as if you just blew it off and didnt give a fuck.
flame you in a pm?? what are you sm0oking bro. I dont think I ever pm'd you in my life. and I can't close any thread in this section..

I'm not rollies puppet acct.


Well-Known Member
lol fail, i missread your name. my bad for the ignorance. i thought rollie came back and said something but it was just a different thread and i thought it was posted here. as i said my mistake, and i do understand some moderators come and go but there is alot of evidence that they rarely do what they do, i can go into ALOT of these sections and still see massive amounts of flame.