Anyone Else Jonesin For Spring?


Well-Known Member
Fine by me, tomorrow I'll go dig some holes and amend before it finally freezes later in the week. Then it can freeze/thaw, and when it finally thaws for good I'll dump molasses in the holes come April. Then I'll plant in early June with some Espsoma nutes!.

The ski resorts/snowplow drivers are pretty pissed though...oh well.
I used the Bio-tone last year. Going with it again this year. 2 holes with biotone, topped dressed with tomato tone, along with eb stone worm castings. And 2 holes using Jacks classic and bloom. Same strain, Same soil.(EB Stone Potting Soil). See what happens. :)


Well-Known Member
can't wait!!! Ive already started some mint, lavender, parsley and basil. I told my gardening friends I would give them a bunch of seedlings. Of course they thought I ment MJ lol...


Well-Known Member
Ah yes the cool fresh spring ,chicken shit smell,seems like you feel alive again out digging holes,putting up fences and having a go. At the end of the day it's a feeling of achievement. Its possible all things going well that a days digging etc could be worth $10000.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes the cool fresh spring ,chicken shit smell,seems like you feel alive again out digging holes,putting up fences and having a go. At the end of the day it's a feeling of achievement. Its possible all things going well that a days digging etc could be worth $10000.
Be careful digging them holes. My old ass got up early one morning last year and dug 4 holes in clay soil, full of rocks. Without stretching of course. Was so excited I forgot. Pulled a muscle in my neck. Shit is still hurting. Sore throat and all. After numerous trips to the Doctor and Ent, not knowing wtf was wrong with me, turns out it was the digging that did me in. Somehow I forgot I was over 40. Felt like I was going to die. Ill all the time. Hard to drive a car, couldnt ride my motorcle because it hurt to wear a helmet, etc... Worst thing, is I couldnt eat peanut Brittle because of the sore throat. Ha. If it wasnt for :joint:, I wouldnt of made it. :smile:. Its just now getting better. Thank goodness. Again. stretch b4 you start digging. Especially if its hard clay. Dont be a dumbass like I was.


Well-Known Member

I love Spring



Well-Known Member
Spring even sounds good like this



Well-Known Member
Be careful digging them holes. My old ass got up early one morning last year and dug 4 holes in clay soil, full of rocks. Without stretching of course. Was so excited I forgot. Pulled a muscle in my neck. Shit is still hurting. Sore throat and all. After numerous trips to the Doctor and Ent, not knowing wtf was wrong with me, turns out it was the digging that did me in. Somehow I forgot I was over 40. Felt like I was going to die. Ill all the time. Hard to drive a car, couldnt ride my motorcle because it hurt to wear a helmet, etc... Worst thing, is I couldnt eat peanut Brittle because of the sore throat. Ha. If it wasnt for :joint:, I wouldnt of made it. :smile:. Its just now getting better. Thank goodness. Again. stretch b4 you start digging. Especially if its hard clay. Dont be a dumbass like I was.

Shiiiyiitt man....that's some worrisome info right there! lol I turned 35 a few months back and DID NOT need to hear that ^^ lol jk hope u recoop to the fullest!

Spring even sounds good like this


That dude can play!!!^^^

And about spring......I know the date on the calender says the spring equinox has come, but the temps outside tell me that grounhogs a motherfuckin furry liar!!!
He can suck it!

OK, got that off my chest, c'mon on spring temps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
we've had some days in the 80s already, right now back to the mid 60-70s. i set out some crystal paradise and brasil girls which have been vegging inside for months, can't wait to see how they turn out. good luck everyone :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
sun should peak out on sunday/monday here in portland. time for new plastic on the greenhouse and a spring crop!

edit: how's it going beenthere? haven't seen you in the politics section much lately :lol:

har dee har har har!