Blizzard Watch


Well-Known Member
Give those generators a pull folks, don't get caught with ur pants down.

I run a private grow group on F/B (62 RI growers), we all come together in the tough times, lots of resources within the group, we may be able to help

Highflyr, keep in touch

Best of luck to all
Give those generators a pull folks, don't get caught with ur pants down.

I run a private grow group on F/B (62 RI growers), we all come together in the tough times, lots of resources within the group, we may be able to help

Highflyr, keep in touch

Best of luck to all

Yes sir I should be good to go,Seeing I have nothing really in flower,Lets hope its not so bad BUT it looks like we're about to get slammed.
So did everyone survive the snow, gardens intact? Providence didn't have any problems, the lights flickered a couple times Friday night but that was it. I know Newport Portsmouth & Middletown were out for a full day, no power and no heat from Friday evening thru Saturday evening.
Went out here in Cumberland about 7:45 fri night, came back on about 3pm saturday. Generator carried us solid, not even a hiccup in the program.

Glad u guys had no issue B&B

I WILL say BRAVO to the city workers and to NG. They've been dealt a huge task and Im impressed with how it was triage'd and handled,.....North Providence on the other hand......poor bastards, lol
No issues for me either. Had one flicker beginning of storm an thats it... i wonder if being close to fire station helps cause im never without power at my place.
Give those generators a pull folks, don't get caught with ur pants down.

I run a private grow group on F/B (62 RI growers), we all come together in the tough times, lots of resources within the group, we may be able to help

Highflyr, keep in touch

Best of luck to all

OK! Everybody pick up your plants and walk on over to his house. The cocoa will be hot and ready. Put mittens on your younger plants please.