An asian in my neck of the woods? haha can I do mail order?
I'm sure of it, there is a small amount of alcohol in it just so you're aware. They generally don't list it but it's in there, don't drink a whole bottle at once and becareful where ya aim that thing upon release.
So I'm really enjoying the topic of this thread but ya lol.

I know you were all begging for me to bring the mask back so due to popular demand I brought it back for my fans ;)

So in the time I was gone I just banged out 4 thesis outlines.(told ya I drank some coffee tonight) My prof is kind of a dick, so I slipped in on the 'best advice I ever recieved' outline, "Never Cook Bacon Naked." Maybe that will soften him up a bit.
So in the time I was gone I just banged out 4 thesis outlines.(told ya I drank some coffee tonight) My prof is kind of a dick, so I slipped in on the 'best advice I ever recieved' outline, "Never Cook Bacon Naked." Maybe that will soften him up a bit.
My roommate once bet me I couldn't write a paper and use the word "pussy" three times in three different ways and still get an "A", lucky for me the prof was male;)