Well-Known Member
im not sayin ur wrong but im not guna say ur entirely right we both have good points
everyone knows whats goin on around the world but nothing we can do unless ur one of the rich elite, but what u can do is boycot isreal and smoke a joint for all the innocent ppl that died because of sept11 and everything that followed
and fuck bushh if mcaine wins theres gun be a hell lot of more problems in the midleast wich will lead to way bigger problems noone wants to deal with
so hopefully obama wins
go obama
everyone knows whats goin on around the world but nothing we can do unless ur one of the rich elite, but what u can do is boycot isreal and smoke a joint for all the innocent ppl that died because of sept11 and everything that followed
and fuck bushh if mcaine wins theres gun be a hell lot of more problems in the midleast wich will lead to way bigger problems noone wants to deal with
so hopefully obama wins
go obama